Day one - found lump, referred to breast clinic

This morning has been a roller coaster. Couple of days ago I found a lump.... was it real  ? Maybe not...maybe it wont be there tomorrow ( monday) crack on..keep your mind occupied..dont think about it. Monday...still there.... and now looking in the mirror theres a crease in the skin...ish... This isnt going to go away is it...  Tuesday...... right Stop being a might not be the big C.... but do you honestly think a) it's going to go away on it's own? b) you can carry on knowing it's there? ...

Wednesday: 9am emailed the surgery on their askmygp app.

Typed in " I've found a lump in my breast " ..cue tears...

Couple of hours pass while I try and concentrate on nothing much.

Call from clinician at the surgery..lots of questions about where it is, how big it is, does it move, is it attached, any redness, any discharge. 

Referred to breast clinic. Usually two weeks but because of COVID...they are a bit behind ..could be 3 weeks.... . Be prepared they will probably do an ultra sound scan and a biopsy there and then. 

Im not concerned about what they do ...liar... but the

.sooner the better. I just need to know what this is!! And hope it isnt what I think it is. No family history of BC..... everything crossed.

  • girls im so sorry your all having such bad results at the moment. Hopefully things will start moving more quickly for you and hoping your treatments  and ops all go ahead soon! im still waiting to be seen. havent heard anything from the mp since i first spoke to him almost 2 weeks ago. I did manage to get hold of my PALS team though and the lady said she was going to try and chase things up. i am starting to worry now though. i have lost a lot of family members to cancer. my uncle was 42 when he died of lung cancer. my cousin was 11 having kidney cancer. 3 of my grandparents had lung cancer. 1 had brain cancer. its just so annoying that its almost been 9 months since i was referred 

  • Hello lovely,


    I honestly think your sad plight is a case for local TV coverage it is just so dreadful you have been practically abandoned. Huge luck with an answer soon

  • Hi ladies

    Thought I'd check in and see how your all doing 

    Sending much love xxxxxx

  • Hi

    Not been in a good place. Been to more appts than you can shake a stick at.  Foot clinic... docs....referred to diabetic clinic....referred to here there and everywhere.

    Complete meltdown on Friday....... no word re cancer surgery.

    Cant make plans for xmas....because I dint know what's happening next. Got 3 appts dec 2nd, be cutting it fine if I manage to get from 1 to looks like wurzel gummage... I feel like ***!!

    Since starting diabetic meds never felt so bloody crap..... appetite..... getting up at night x 3 to pee. Flaming knackered. 

    Oh...and my own mobile vampire to test my blood 3 times a day. My glucose has dropped from 18 last week to averaging 9....9.5 ish. 

    They did say once it was stabilised then surgery would happen....... really? Is this stabilised? Cos I feel about as stable as a half rotted lettuce leaf....


    Stat safe


    #allinittogether xxxxx

  • Whatnext-I'm so sorry you're still going through such a hard time! I only had gestational diabetes and that was bad enough so what it must be like for you on top of everything else..well I just can't imagine!

    i finally had my appointment today-mammogram, ultrasound then core biopsy. Consultant then told me its definitely breast cancer albeit hopefully a small one caught early. He said he should have it all wrapped up by christmas (not sure if he meant it as a pun!) as long as the biopsy result doesn't throw out any nasty surprises!

    My boob is sore, I have a headache and I can't get over the shock and as many people say on here-telling people is horrible! 
    Anyway I'm thinking of you Whatnext and really hope you get sorted soon!!! Xxxx

  • Hi ladies,

    just discovered this thread and am so impressed by all your positivity and support, far more helpful than googling!!! It’s so good to have somewhere to come to chat with people who are going through exactly the same feelings/emotions 

    I discovered quite a large lump on the upper part of my left breast, on my chest muscle i think - I was about 8 weeks pregnant at the time so just put it down to that. I went on to have a miscarriage a few weeks later and the lump is still there. I asked my gynaecologist on my last visit and he has referred me for a mammogram but didn’t really comment on whether he could feel it or not  :( I have my appointment on the 10th December which feels such a long wait and I am now stressing and thinking why I didn’t go earlier. We are currently living in France so the language barrier is difficult. 

  • Hi Yellow76,

     so sorry to hear about your miscarriage-that must have been really tough. 
     It is nerve-wracking waiting for your appointment but you have to remember that 9 times out of 10 these lumps are cysts or other benign pests! Also the appointments can be different for different people. You might get sent home straight after the mammogram and ultrasound if they can see its nothing sinister or you may have a biopsy. Strangely a friend of mine in Rennes is going through exactly the same as me and the French health care does seem very good.

    No point telling you not to worry as thats natural but you are taking action which is the important thing.

    Hope all goes well for you.

    Much love xx

  • Thank you for your kind reply, I am trying not to worry and stay positive, my OH just thinks it is a bruise but I think it would have gone by now. I am just trying to keep busy.

    The healthcare in France when I had my miscarriage was excellent but I just worry things will get lost in translation!! 

    I hope everything goes well for your friend too. 



  • Hi everyone. 

    Iv just read through is thread and honestly how inspiring are you. 

    First of all I'd like to say sorry your going through all this and I hope things start moving in regards to treatments soon. 

    I'm here because I'm 30 and found a breast lump last week. I have been reffered for a urgent appointment at the breast clinic which is a 2-4 week wait.

    Dr who examined me wasn't my usual Dr but she seemed concerned which has scared the hell out of me.

    My mum had bc when she was 34. 

    This waiting time is torture. 

    I have a 4 year old and all I keep thinking is, oh my god she needs her mum. 

    Anyway. Just wanted go introduce myself and say we're all in this together.

    Take care everyone. Xx

  • Hey laurenky,


    How did the follow-up call with the nurse go?  Thanks for posting - it's nice just reading about someone else in a similar situation.  I'm 28 and have my breast clinic appointment tomorrow after finding a lump in my left breast.  Ashamed to say I started wondering if I had a lump about 6 months ago but work was incredibly busy and I took this long to follow it up... I thoroughly regret that now!


    My mum offered to drive me to/from the hospital - I was umming and ahhing about whether to agree as she's a busy lady and I can drive myself!  (I'm living with my parents at the moment.)  But after reading all your posts I've accepted her kind offer, as much as I hope it will be nothing.  I think like you the biggest question (if I have it) is whether I'll be able to have kids.. but just trying to distract myself til they can take a proper look tomorrow.


    Hope it's been good news for you, got my fingers crossed. xx