Day one - found lump, referred to breast clinic

This morning has been a roller coaster. Couple of days ago I found a lump.... was it real  ? Maybe not...maybe it wont be there tomorrow ( monday) crack on..keep your mind occupied..dont think about it. Monday...still there.... and now looking in the mirror theres a crease in the skin...ish... This isnt going to go away is it...  Tuesday...... right Stop being a might not be the big C.... but do you honestly think a) it's going to go away on it's own? b) you can carry on knowing it's there? ...

Wednesday: 9am emailed the surgery on their askmygp app.

Typed in " I've found a lump in my breast " ..cue tears...

Couple of hours pass while I try and concentrate on nothing much.

Call from clinician at the surgery..lots of questions about where it is, how big it is, does it move, is it attached, any redness, any discharge. 

Referred to breast clinic. Usually two weeks but because of COVID...they are a bit behind ..could be 3 weeks.... . Be prepared they will probably do an ultra sound scan and a biopsy there and then. 

Im not concerned about what they do ...liar... but the

.sooner the better. I just need to know what this is!! And hope it isnt what I think it is. No family history of BC..... everything crossed.

  • So sorry ladies, I've just read all the past messages properly ️ I was at work and just skimmed over them, I was so shocked at all the messages.


    I am sorry you ladies are all suffering this terrible journey after reading your comments I almost feel as if I can't contribute to your comments as I couldn't possibly understand what your going through.  The first 3 weeks was enough! 


    We are all strong women, we get back up when we're knocked down, nothing can keep us down! We don't give ourselves credit. You can do this!!



  • Better than I did.

    Am now getting my head around let's get in get it done and get home.

    Breaking it down into little boxes. 

    Tuesday: nuclear medicine and home

    Tuesday...sleep. if that's possible

    Wednesday up early....30 min ....home. 

    More positive than I was a week ago ...she says



    #allinittogether xxxx

  • Tashag86


    Biopsy site is a bit sore for a few days after. Just dont lift anything. Be kind to yourself. Take the day off


    #allinittogether xxx

  • Hi Traciej


    Still here...still rocking


    #allinittogether xxx

  • Welshiemw

    My lovely you are more than welcome to join this thread. Your worries arent frivolous at all. We've all had what we thought were over active imaginations and daft worries. Youd be surprised just how many turned out to be all the same. We are all at various stages on this journey. And having seen all the posts the timing seems to vary in length of time from seeing your GP to getting to see a specialist. 

    I am so grateful here in Lincolnshire that things are moving at a fair rate of knots. 6 weeks from finding the lump to getting it gone... not bad considering the current covid situation


    That was another palace .... told at clinic last week to report to carpark this morning.  Told by phone call friday to be in the car park 10.30 sunday. 

    You guessed it. Got to the car park....I'm not on the list...... after they had double checked my details twice...asked me if I knew what procedure I was having.....was I having a general anaesthetic? Another phone call. Turns out cabin 1 was just doing covid swabs for out patients.  Cabin 2....all locked up was doing general anesthetics swabs. 

    So a lovely little nurse came out if the main building and swab done.  Never felt a thing. Let's just hope its negative.


    Strange thing is...I now have to self isolate until surgery.....apart from my appt on Tuesday??


    Answers on a postcard


    P.S. mine is puckered too


    #allinittogether xxxxx

  • Hi again!

    Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply! I’m in Wales-seems a long time till my appointment on 23rd but hoping things will move quickly whatever the outcome! Funny thing is the breast specialist I’m seeing is the same guy who sorted my breast abscess out 17 years ago! Lovely bloke!!

     Hope your test is negative Whatnext and everything goes well with your surgery!! Xxx

  • I will be thinking of you on Tuesday and particularly Wednesday my lovely

    Yes it seems different areas have different time scales. I was seen within 3 weeks from first seeing my doctor to my appointment at the breast clinic and had all relevant tests there and then

    Good luck to all the ladies with upcoming appointments and results 

    You got this!!



  • I'm right with you too, we both share similar type of cancer and treatment. I hope you feel strong, we are tough and we can deal with this. Sending so much love  

  • Hi gingergirl..Traciej....welshieMW, and tashag 76..and gang.


    Well....the best laid they say.......went *** up...( scuse the pun) at 12 30 today.

    Got a phone call from the breast clinic...ALL surgery now cancelled due to the increase in covid cases. 

    So we wait..... see whatsnext as they say. 

    Silver lining? Get this bloody toe sorted out. Ringing the surgery in the morning as its still no better. 

    Sat with it on a pkt of frozen peas.  Its purple!! And painful.  I'm sure it's broken.we shall see.


    #allinittogether xxxx