Day one - found lump, referred to breast clinic

This morning has been a roller coaster. Couple of days ago I found a lump.... was it real  ? Maybe not...maybe it wont be there tomorrow ( monday) crack on..keep your mind occupied..dont think about it. Monday...still there.... and now looking in the mirror theres a crease in the skin...ish... This isnt going to go away is it...  Tuesday...... right Stop being a might not be the big C.... but do you honestly think a) it's going to go away on it's own? b) you can carry on knowing it's there? ...

Wednesday: 9am emailed the surgery on their askmygp app.

Typed in " I've found a lump in my breast " ..cue tears...

Couple of hours pass while I try and concentrate on nothing much.

Call from clinician at the surgery..lots of questions about where it is, how big it is, does it move, is it attached, any redness, any discharge. 

Referred to breast clinic. Usually two weeks but because of COVID...they are a bit behind ..could be 3 weeks.... . Be prepared they will probably do an ultra sound scan and a biopsy there and then. 

Im not concerned about what they do ...liar... but the

.sooner the better. I just need to know what this is!! And hope it isnt what I think it is. No family history of BC..... everything crossed.

  • Thanks tashag86


    Been awake since 5am. Pre op appt not until 10.15. I'll be nodding by then.

    I'm going to mention this toe. No point in going through all the rigmarole to fall at the last...... hopefully it's not going to be a problem....she says.famous last words!!




    #allinittogether xxxx  



  • Good morning lady's I've come on here for support and be able to talk to you all as I can see by all your post that you are all supporting and helping each other through all situations and I think you are all amazing and strong so firstly thank you for all sharing and being here! ️ I don't even know where to start so I'll just jump in I've noticed under my right breast where I originally had a cyst that could not be removed (the needle could not pierce it 2 people tried) probably around 5 years ago it was a small ball like pea size cyst, over the past few months I've not been able to wear bras and been wearing comfort sport like ones and put it of as been so busy (sadly I think most of us women put ourselves and health last) I moved in September and been decorating plus going through a lot since last year as my middle child is severely mentally disabled and had to move into full time residential. So my mind and heart have been elsewhere if I'm honest. Anyway 2 nights ago Monday night I lay in bed and my right breast was so tender and sore I started to feel and where the cyst once was there's a big thickened type lump it's not smooth and feels like it's going into my rib bone it hurts so much plus my breast in that spot over it does. I've looked in the mirror with my arms raised and I was so shocked to see my breast indints in that are with a few dimples in the skin. I rang my drs Tuesday morning and they had no appointments so she said to ring 111 which I did and he referred me to get in my drs so they got me in yesterday and the dr examined me and she felt it straight away with me sat up not lay down and if I'm honest when I saw her face when I did the arm raise I could see she looked concerned she told me she'd do a urgent referral and to await a call to confirm my appointment she also got the nurse to do bloods which they never did in the past (I've been twice since I was 28) I suppose I'm on here just to be able to talk as I have only told my boyfriend as don't want anyone especially my 20 year old daughter to have the worry for the next 2 weeks but feel I need to talk to someone about how I'm feeling as if I'm deeply honest I think it is breast cancer and I know I shouldn't of but putting in my symptoms it could be inflammation breast cancer I don't even know how to feel I'm almost numb not like the other times of feeling worry I think I'm in shock. I'm so sorry for such long post just need to get it all out and I'm hoping I can get some support and strength from you strong inspirational women. Massive love and positivity to each and everyone of you! ️

  • Morning tash, oh I'm glad you've managed to bring your appointment forward, it's amazing what perseverance can do!  Better than 2 weeks! Fingers crossed you get some definitive answers tomorrow eh


    #inittogether xxxx

  • Hi Lisa, 

    Your very welcome, anytime you want to just vent, cry, winge or offer advice or support yourself, your most welcome. It lovely when we got family offering support but sometimes you don't want to burden them with your worries and fears as they're going through the same themselves. 

    Your right, women are worse for looking after ourselves. Always putting others first and we never take our own advice either! Maybe we should once in a while!

    Keep us updated xxxx

  • Thank you traciej for welcoming me Your right about not wanting to burden others I think it's also not wanting to make it not feel real too! ️ Next few weeks are going to drag as I'm sure you and everyone else knows and with the new lockdown today it's sort of more worrying to not know if I can take my boyfriend with me to the appointment for support, may I ask did you go alone or did you have someone with you also good luck for results tomorrow ️Xxxx

  • I went alone but I wanted it that way. Besides I'm on my own, I got the kids but didn't want them with me. The girls don't know, not going to tell them now, my son knew but he was ar work. They did ask me if I had someone with me though. I'm sure they'd allow him, he's there to support you.

    My consultant said he'd ring me if the results came back today. He noted when I finished work so hopefully he will ring, if not, I'll have to go to the hospital tomorrow to get them xxxx

  • Thank you and I can understand why you'd want to go alone that's still something I'm debating with myself I'd probably be stronger alone as he's so supportive and if it's not the news I want to receive I might just break down so still undecided but we will see when I find out if it's still allowed with these new rules. I won't be telling anyone else unless I have to after the appointment. I really hope you get your call today so your not waiting even longer sending you a big cuddle and lots of positive energy ️please do let us know the outcome when your ready to xxxx

  • Lisha82


    You are more than welcome on our thread. 

    We laugh,, we cry , we shout, we scream.theres some tough live here too. Please feel free to spill your worries any time. We are here for you too.


    #allinittogether xxxx

  • Seem to have lost another 2 hours on the sofa.


    Pre op took three and a half hours!! ECG....bloods.  meeting my alternative surgeon. Learning quite a bit more about where what and why. First time I had been told that I will be under their care for the next 5 years ..... all if a sudden it starts to sink in. 


    Unfortunately didnt catch a lot of what the surgeon said. I have found talking to someone wearing a mask has shown up the fact I must have been lip reading for some considerable time. Hes very softly spoken too.

  we are Thursday absolutely cream crackered. Sunday I'm off to the hospital carpark at 10.30am for my covid swab....oh had MRSA swabs done today too.......

    And then on Tuesday I have to find the dept of nuclear medicine for the first injection in my nipple.  I bet that is gonna sting... then theres another under anaesthetic on Wednesday. ... apparently. Today I also saw the breast care co-ordinator. And three other nurses. 

    Is there any wonder , I hear you say, that you're shattered. So much to take in. So much of not knowing until after the OP. Well no one knows until a couple or maybe 3 weeks before the lymph node tests. 

    Would be nice now not to have to think about it ....for at least one day......


    We started this journey Sept 29th...and here we are preparing for an op on Nov 11th. First time I wont have done the 2 minute silence....conscious. Not bad for fast tracking eh




    Night night ladies 


    God Bless xxxxxxxx

  • Good morning whatsnext64 and everyone ️
    Thank you for welcoming me I hope you managed some sleep last night after your draining day, hopefully today you can get some not thinking about it today That was my thoughts this morning after yesterday spending it in my pjs going through every scenario in my head and had completely forgot it was bonfire night until picking my little boy up from school ‍♀️Luckily my boyfriend brought home some fireworks and we did a few but today I'm going to keep busy get the fire pit out go get some food shopping done and put it all together so tonight we can have a family night together and enjoy so try fill yourself with fill positive thoughts and do something to get your mind elsewhere even if just for a few hours, you deserve to have some inner peace after your long day yesterday and the past few months. Sending big cuddles and positive energy to you all today and like you say we're all in this together ️