Day one - found lump, referred to breast clinic

This morning has been a roller coaster. Couple of days ago I found a lump.... was it real  ? Maybe not...maybe it wont be there tomorrow ( monday) crack on..keep your mind occupied..dont think about it. Monday...still there.... and now looking in the mirror theres a crease in the skin...ish... This isnt going to go away is it...  Tuesday...... right Stop being a might not be the big C.... but do you honestly think a) it's going to go away on it's own? b) you can carry on knowing it's there? ...

Wednesday: 9am emailed the surgery on their askmygp app.

Typed in " I've found a lump in my breast " ..cue tears...

Couple of hours pass while I try and concentrate on nothing much.

Call from clinician at the surgery..lots of questions about where it is, how big it is, does it move, is it attached, any redness, any discharge. 

Referred to breast clinic. Usually two weeks but because of COVID...they are a bit behind ..could be 3 weeks.... . Be prepared they will probably do an ultra sound scan and a biopsy there and then. 

Im not concerned about what they do ...liar... but the

.sooner the better. I just need to know what this is!! And hope it isnt what I think it is. No family history of BC..... everything crossed.

  • Not too bad a day. Bit frustrating I cant get stuck into the covid clear out or do some gardening. Still sore from the biopsy...bruise still coming out.Not allowed to lift anything too heavy at the mo.  Only hurts if I forget its there when I reach for something.

    ASDA delivery tomorrow!! Woohoooo. Living life on the edge.


    #allinittogether xxxx

  • Hey,


    I hope you don't mind me joining in on your post.


    I have been reading all of your posts WhatNext from your first one and I just wanted to say that I am sending you my warmest wishes. 

    I have my clinic appointment on Wednesday afternoon, for the past few days I haven't really been worried too much but now that it is approaching I feel myself worrying abit more! I am only 27years old and a mum of 2 young children, so it has been a rollercoaster already! 

    I just thought maybe speaking to people that are going through very similar things to me that it mighy have helped!


    Best wishes,



    Hi HateNot Knowing,

    A very warm welcome to our forum, although I'm sorry to hear the reason you've joined us. It is always a worrying time when you are waiting for a diagnosis. I am glad to hear that your appointment  is for Wednesday afternoon, so not too long to wait now.

    We all find that our emotions are all over the place at this stage, as there are so many unknowns. You will find the staff at the hospital very helpful and understanding. They will run a few simple tests, such as ultrasound and possibly a biopsy to test for cancer. It normally takes 1-2 weeks for the biopsy results to come back, so you may have more waiting still.

    Cancer is more prevalent in older women, although it does occasionally target younger people too. It is a fact that only 1 person in every 8 referred to the breast clinic will be diagnosed with cancer. There are a number of other reasons for breast lumps. 

    As soon as we know that there is the slightest possibility of a cancer diagnosis, our minds go to our children. Even if the worst should happen, treatments have advanced significantly in the past few years. My Mum had breast cancer 21 years before I was diagnosed and, there was just no comparison between the diagnosis, treatment and after care which we both recieved. I have had 2 bouts in the past 11 years and am still living a busy life.

    I sincerely hope that  nothing untoward is found .
    Do please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi just wanted to say I will be thinking about you tomorrow xxx

  • Hi sorry to jump on the post, I've been looking for a recent open post to interact with.


    so about 5 years ago I had my nipple pierced and it began to grow out like it was going to split my nipple in 2 so took it out and thought no more....since jan this year I have been dieting like a mad woman and lost 3 stone. A few months ago the nipple I had pierced started to turn down and the area around sunk in. I just presumed it was down to weight  loss and a scarred nipple. However, Breast cancer awareness month came around and highlighted this is one of the symptoms. Therefore decided to make an appointment with my GP.


    my appointment was Friday just gone, explained all the above and she examined me. She said she was concerned and my breast is lumpy and the change in my nipple.


    ive been reffered in a 2 week refferal to the breast clinic. My letter say 4a 4b 4c 4d cancer suspected. 
    she scared me as she said, 'I'm not saying it is cancer, but I'm not saying it isn't' she seemed really concerned and obviously I am. Even more now, I expected to walk off with some cream for my unhappy nipple but apparently not.

    the waiting game is awful....any similar to me out there ️

  • Hi Jolamine,

    Thank you so much for replying to me. I am sorry to hear you have suffered breast cancer but glad to hear your life is still very busy! :)

    My Nan was diagnosed around 5 years ago,

    when she was 78, and sadly her's was servere (excuse my lack in terminology) I was with her but I was not told grades etc just told it was really bad. . It did spread also and she had numerous operations and is now on medication. Thankfully she is still here and still battling on My Mum has been refered before now with cysts, so I am abit familiar with both types. 

    I am hoping mine is just a cyst. Hope to hear that good news on wednesday! Xx

  • Hi RachyB87,


    You are more than welcome to join this chat. 

    I am sorry to hear you are awaiting a  diagnoses, I am too. I know how worrying it can be when we don't know what is going on or what may happen, but try your best not to worry! They are always so lovely and welcoming at these clinics and I remember how caring they were towards my Nan. 

    I hope your results come back as  clear. 

    I went to see my GP due to an open wound that formed from nowhere on my breast and was bleeding, sorry for the tmi. She then found 2 lumps - one on the outer side of my left breast and one in my armpit. She did say to me she was concerned as my symptoms weren't normal - so that was a shock to me. She did say she didn't know whether it could be cancer, due to some other symotoms too, or what could be going on... that's why she wanted me to be seem. 

  • Thanks for the welcoming reply


    I was very emotional on Friday, completely wrote myself stronger over the weekend but my mind wonders especially at night and 1st thing.


    ive looked on google (which I know you shouldn't) however it could be 101 things.....I'm 32 non smoker. 

    I just feel the waiting is the worst. I hope you come back clear, be nice to keep each other updated if you like? 

    look after yourself x

  • Thanx Sally


    #allinittogether xxxx

  • Hi jolamine


    Welcome to the thread 


    #allinittogether xxx