Swollen hard lump under right rib cage

Hi I'm worried about a swollen hard lump under my right rib cage I only noticed it on the off chance as there is no pain ect 


I've been to see my gp who is sending me for a ultrasound but its 3 weeks away  


Is it possible to be something harmless as I've done the usual and Googled it and everything is leading to liver cancer im 35 years old


It feels like its right on the last rib on the bottom and goes around slightly to the side 


I did ask my gp if he had any ideas he seemed to think it could be cartridge 


Anymore information needed just ask


  • Hello, I have the same exact problems 


    Literally word for word except I have dull

    aching pain occasionally as someone else mentioned. 

    I am 27 

    I had a x ray, ultrasound, blood work, MRI, CT scan. Consulted with surgeons. Nothing remarkable came up anywhere on any of my scans.  No one is concerned at all, but yet I am very worried still. It has been over a year. Keep me posted 

  • Its good they are not concerned Nd have done loads of tests! If its been a while maybe ask them to check it again? 

    I am 26 and found a lump in my right upper abdomen. I had an ultrasound scan 1 month after finding it. GP called with results next day which were inconclusive and not the Hernia they were expecting. It is irregular in shape, has vascularities and hurts a bit when pressed and I can always feel the ache. Doesnt look like a hemanota on the scan and the sonographer didnt tell me anything apart from that it looked unusual and its within w muscle and she doesnt know what it is exactly.

    I have now been referred as urgent for minor surgery department but I dont know why surgical specialists and not another department... (Day after scan) so now I am just left waiting for an appointment.

  • Hi thanks for sharing.

    I'm 34 and have multiple hard round lumps across my abdomen which hurt to touch and cause the ache as mentioned above. I had ultrasound 2 ish years ago they told me they're fatty lumps which would only need removing if causing severe pain. I fit and work out every day still but they catch or rub on the ribs sometimes which can be sore.

    I disregarded it as age / old cells but curious still seems random they're all on my abs around my ribs 



  • Morning, I have the same. I had an ultrasound back in January 21 and chest X-ray but all came back fine. However, the pains in my right side and back (particularly in the morning) are worse now than they were. 
    I have another ultrasound this morning, in 90 minutes. 

  • Hi Oceanveiw

    I have the exact same issue and find it extremely painful when I go to sleep and then wake up with the site where the lump is hurting, hence the reason I am up so early. It does not hurt during the day always on a night when I am asleep and also i can get pains in my chest and back


  • I have had a full ache on my right rib under my boob sometimes going round to the side like a dull ache on and off for more than 2 years. Originally saw a gp who said it was muscular, I thought nothing of it until I googled what organs sit under where the pain is. It frightened the life out of me. I went back to my GP had bloods, chest X-ray and ultra sound to check my liver and gallbladder. Everything came back ok and GP said it's a repetitive strain injury where I've got two small children who I carry around. The pain definitely reduced once I got my good news in February however I've now found a lump in the area I've got the pain. I'm so frightened but trying to reassure myself that it could be fatty tissue as I'm sure I'd have other symptoms by now with a problem extending this long. I will hopefully see my GP tomorrow. Xx 

  • Hi Mummy12 did you ever get to the bottom of this?  My symptoms sound very similar! Hope you are well xx

  • Hi there ,

    I know it's been a while but just wondered how you got on ? I'm same with same symptoms and getting worse over time.

  • Hi I just wondered what the outcome was? Everything you say you have and the symptoms tests down are identical to mine... I am due to have an USS next week and am worried sick

  • Hi there! I also have a lump under my rib cage, but mine is on my left side, is your attatched to your rib too?