Positive FIT test

Have had a positive FIT test result, I'm so scared. I'm 62 years old

was told I have been referred to fast track cancer clinic and that they will contact me in two days. That was on Thursday, it's a bank holiday weekend so will hopefully get a call on Tuesday. That my first day back at work after 6 weeks off! So scared I have bowel cancer, lost my brother in law to it last year. Trying to be positive but I'm finding it difficult, can't sleep or eat.  Any advice to help me keep calm until I get my appointment would be so gratefully received. In really struggling.


  • Oh boy! We've all been there.  The agonising wait for the first appointment, then the agonising wait to have a test, then the even more agonising wait for the result.  I think the vast majority of the members of this forum know exactly what you're going through.  You probably know this, but not eating and not sleeping don't help your situation in any way, so at least try to keep up your strength by eating. 

    I've found this little video a useful way of keeping calm at times like this: How to meditate in a moment.

    You don't need to watch the whole thing (5 minutes) each time; on your second and subsequent go you can skip ahead to the part with the timed meditation. 

    I don't know if it's any consolation, but with a colonoscopy you usually get the result at once, although if they take any biopsies then there will be some delay before those results come through. 

    Best of luck - please tell us how you get on, both with the meditation and the colonoscopy - and any other way you might find of keeping calm. 

  • Thank you so much for reply. I know you are right not eating or sleeping is not good for me.

    will watch the video thank you.

    will try and turn my mind off until I know what I am dealing with.

    thank you again for your kindness, nice to know I'm not alone.

    take care and thanks again.

  • Good luck!  Don't hesitate to post again if you need a chat.


  • Thank you for your kindness.