White spot centre of nipple

Hey all x


So I'm freaking out. I'm finding it so hard to be positive and not think the absolute worse, so I thought this would be a supportive place where others know how I'm feeling?! 


I have an appointment at the breast clinic next Thursday. I found a white spot in the centre of my Nipple a few weeks ago (not sure how long it's been there) . Had telephone appointment with my gp and she thought it maybe fungal? So prescribed cream. I called up again as it wasn't going and she saw me immediately and has transferred me. She said my nipple has a pearl like spot right in the center and said the breast is a little lumpy too. 


My recent background is, my baby died during my labour due to massive failings in my care. So after giving birth to her I received a pill to dry up my milk.


I'm wondering if this spot is down to old milk? but my doctor seems to think not possible after so many months? 


As you can imagien my life since my baby died a few months ago (nearly 9 months) has been utter hell, I've been trying to pull myself together but things keep happening. A few weeks ago I lost my best friend (my dog) who was helping me soooo much though all of this hell. So I'm struggling alot mentally. And this stress has tipped me over slightly. I'm trying so hard to keep myself together. But bad things keep happening. 


I'm not sure what the white spot is or could be. But I'm freaking out!



  • Hello Carrie87, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your baby - what a traumatic experience it must have been and nothing really prepares any mum for that. The last nine months are bound to have been so difficult for you and it's normal to feel like it's just one thing after another and that it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is very sad too that you also recently lost your 4-legged best friend. I think it would be a good idea considering everything you have been through recently to talk to your GP about it and see whether there is anything that could help, counselling for example or simply talking to someone at a time when you need it the most. I am sure that things will look brighter again even though it must be hard for you to see that at the moment. 

    Try not to worry too much about the white spot - it's really good that they are being thorough and that you will be seen at the breast clinic next Thursday. Hopefully you will have some definite answers soon. I hope that it all goes well for you and I am keeping everything crossed for you that it turns out to be nothing to worry about. 

    Thinking of you during this challenging time. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks for the reply Lucie.


    Yes... You get it. 


    I feel like I was just finding the new... Albeit broken, new me. I was getting into a routine, walking with ollie, exercising and eating well, he was helping me so much. He gave me a purpose still. I've gave up so much to become a mum... I feel like I've got nothing now and maybe now not even my health? My little Ray of sunshine ollie, who made me smile and laugh when there was nothing really to smile about. Doesn't help he was so fit and healthy and it was something very rare, which could have been treated, but he'd literally just had a major operation to see what was going on, but couldn't see anything immediately off. Then tests proved what it was... But he was too weak for the operation.


    If this does turn out to be anything I do worry about my mental health and how ill manage to cope. 


    I just think the worst all the time now. Im trying so hard to be positive, but it's impossible after what I've been going through and I'm still going through with investigations and proceedings. I just feel absolutely drained. 


    God I sound like a right barrel of laughs to speak to don't I? Sorry. This so isnt me, how I used to be anyway. I don't recognise myself. 


    I feel like I can't speak to my GP. She made things worse once with how insensitive she was during any appointment "whys all this paperwork got stuff about stillbirths on, you've not had one of those"... I just crumbled. I feel like I'm hiding away to keep myself (emotions) 'safe'. 


    I've learnt a lot about people through all of this... I think we all do through different experiences in life don't we? 


    I've had some councilling before covid kicked off and it was good. I'm worried about my hubby, people are just disappearing around us, he lost his nan through all this too who we were both very close too. He's been so strong, but I've noticed even he's not the positive man he once was. If next Thursday goes OK (and I have my fingers crossed) I'll be able to scrape myself up off the floor again. But if not I really don't know what I'll do. 

  • Hi, 

    Thank you for your post, I feel for you and hope that things are a little better now. I've noticed a similar Pearl like dot on the centre of my nipple too recently. Not sure if I'm better of double checking with GP, but just wanted to ask you if you've had any update since? X


    Hope you're alright 


  • Hi Kirans

    I, too, have a white pearl on the tip of my nipple. I noticed it after it was a bit itchy one morning. It's been there now for about a month. Did you speak to a doctor? I thought it might be hormonal with me as I'm in my mid-50s. 

  • Hi there! 
    first thing- don't panic
    a few weeks ago I tried lightly popping it with clean hands, as an article suggested it may be a blockage in the nipple duct. I as soon as I did it, it started to go down, and finally after a while of lightly pressing / squeezing, it has now gone completely. 
    now, I wouldn't recommend doing that, because I don't want you to have an infection, but I'd suggest maybe lightly pressing it with a warm compress, and with clean hands see if you can gently squeeze  it. If best, then maybe reach out ur to your gp fora proper diagnosis just in case. If it is a blockage, then they would also be able to release it with a sterilised needle - hope this helps xxx  

  • [@Carrie87][@kirans][@JHCH]‍ Hi all, I've also noticed a white dot on the end of my nipple. It happened a while back and I was able to rub the white dot off but I've noticed it's come back again and feels a little tender. Going to contact the GP but would be great to hear what happened with you guys? Everything mentions pregnancy but I'm not pregnant. Thanks. 

  • I to have the same pearl like white spot on my nipple doctor has given me antibiotics and cresm for the itch but nothing took it away so refereed and I've received my appointment in for next Thursday can't wait to get it seen to x

  • Hi Bettie

    i too have had a small yellow/white spot come up in the centre of my nipple out of no-where and I have also felt tingling pain with constant throbbing fir the last few weeks aswell. I went to my gp a few days ago and I have now been given fusidic acid cream to treat what they think is a pustule but I'm not convinced it is. It looks like a milk bleb but I am 42 and never had children or breast fed and this is what is worrying me now. 3 days on the cream today and 19 days in and it is still there and won't go down. I've been told that if the cream doesn't work then I will probably be referred to so please let me know how you got on. I am really scared and I have tried warm salt baths and everything and I am dreading that it might be cancer.

  • Hi Amya and Bettie,

    I have been reffered on the 2w cancer pathway because of the white spot in the centre of my nipple. The refferal states 'unilateral nipple changes.'.

    The appointment at the Cancer Clinic is next week.

    The white staff drained in the meantime (didn't noticed when, it has just dissaperead after I had it for over a month). It looked to my like lymph captured in the centtre of my breast.

    Has anyone with the same problem been seen at a breast clinic, and what was the diagnosis?

    I am 37 and have a family history of breast cancer,



  • Hi Jovana

    I am waiting to be seen on an urgent referal by the breast clinic as my white pimple of the nipple still hasn't gone down after 25 days now so I am guessing they will ring me soon with a date. Mine is only noticeable when my nipple goes hard and erect and is about 2mm in size on the tip of my nipple. I've waited to see if it would pop or go back down but nothing. I'm not pregnant or breast feeding and never have children. Please let me know how you get on as I understand what it's like to wait to be seen and it's a very emotional rollercoaster for all women. I'm scared they will do a nipple punch biopsy there and then.x