Pain after endometrial biopsy

Good morning, I had a transvaginal scan last week, and as it showed a thickened womb lining and fibroids, the consultant did an endometrial biopsy at the same time. That was 10 days ago, and although the bleeding stopped after a few days, I have a lot of pain in my vagina, sharp pains like sandpaper, and I can't sit down. I am post menopausal, not on HRT and have not been sexually active for 6 years so I am wondering if the pain may be due to vaginal atrophy? Did anyone else have pain for a week or so after a biopsy? How long did it take to subside? Thank you :)

  • hard being a girl isn't it ! 

  • I can really understand what you are going through. I had my hysteroscopy and removal of fibroids plus biopsys last week and still feel very uncomfortable. My thickness is 11.3 postmenopausal. I'm 53. Like yourself worried but can't talk with family. Hope you feel better soon. Here to talk if needed.

  • A huge thank you to everyone who have shared their experience.  It means alot to know you're not alone and to learn from others.  I wouldn't have known what to expect...or what to question or find out about if it wasn't for these posts. I was told I need to have annual biopsies after already undergoing monthly, then quarterly and half yearly biopsies over the last 3 years. Also had a mirena coil/IUD fitted 3 years ago.  


    Regular biopsies can be quite an experience of pain and cramps. And waiting for the results difficult too. 

    To everyone reading these posts in the future....Don't be afraid to call 111 for advice...don't suffer in silence.  Heartfelt prayers for you all. We will get through this. 

  • Offline in reply to Gl

    Hi all

    So interesting reading your stories. Like many of you,I had weird changes to my period. January 22 was normal. Then no period in Feb. Then bled most of March and half of April. May was just as bad. Had a TV scan in April and I knew it was fibroids. But GO range following dya stating that my womb lining was 19mm and I needed a biopsy. This freaked me out but was made worse by the fact that an urgent referal could take anything from 4 months plus (trying to book an app online you're looking at 62 week wait). Kept ringing and ringing and told the doctor to fast track it. So I had my biopsy beg of June and doc inserted coil to control bleeding but also gave tranasemic acid. I was fine till 5 days later, I had intense pelvic pain and back pain. This has occurred 3 times, I went back in and got coil removed. It was such a nasty feeling. Anyway still waiting for results. They received them today but I have to wait till they write to me as nurse said she could give results over phone. Such a worry!

  • Offline in reply to Gl

    This thread has been so helpful, it's been so hard otherwise finding consistent advice. Some sites say to expect 'light spotting for a couple of days', and some say you may bleed for weeks, until it turns to end of period brown blood. I'm menopausal but had an unexpected big bleed a couple of months ago, then another, shorter bleed of dark blood a few weeks ago. I got on the fest track for an ultrasound, and they found a very mildly thickened endometrium, but it was within the criteria for further checks so I was referred for a biopsy this Monday gone. Everything was fine and pretty painless, apart from the manual internal check. No one like someone who goes in too aggressively before you're ready! My goof may have been through a lot of wear and tear, but it's still a delicate flower at heart...

    Anyway, the spotting, or 'some minor bleeding' has gone from a little red oval on the hospital sanitary towel/marshmallow, to me going through Always size fives that I've doubled up to give me enough coverage and absorbency. They are getting soaked through, and I'm not sure at what point I should tell someone - so obviously I wait until everywhere is closed on a Friday to look this up

  • Hello Esjay

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with some health problems recently. It sounds as if you're feeling worried about the increase in bleeding since your procedure on Monday so why not give NHS 111 a call to ask for some advice? If you need to be seen by a health professional they will be able to help with this. 

    I do hope that things settle soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Really interested in all these posts. Today I had a hysteroscopy, biopsy and mineracoul inserted. Bloody agony I drove myself, I did think should I get husband to come but I had scan and biopsies last November with local anaesthetic and managed it. I started bleeding again within 6 months so back today, also after a right hip replacement 12 weeks ago. I went back on HRT in 20 was 62 it transformed my life again transdermal and micronised progesterone. The gynaecologist informed me I had 5mm lining and it was probably the HRT causing bleeding. This time I cried, been inagony lower abdominal pain feel like my ovaries ache but at 63 this has to work. Praying pain will subside interesting reading everyone's comments because it sucks! I had a friend who died of ovarian cancer last November.

    Anyway keep the advice coming as these posts are a year ago. It's useful hearing other womens experience x

  • I am 28 but I had one last week and feel similar not with sandpaper but when they did it I almost asked them to stop it was so painful such a sharp pain like being stabbed it was nothing like periods cramps and when trying to sleep I now have a lot of pain bit I can't find any info to see if thos is normal so I also pain too it's just not the same kind of pain 

  • I am in this exact same position, can't find any information about it online at all except for here. 

    To cut a long story short i am in the process of being diagnosed for PCOS when they spotted on my transvaginal ultrasound scan that my endometrium lining was 22mm (i'm 32 for reference) went to my first gynae appointment on saturday and she did two biopsies i am still in pain now, lower back ache, bleeding but not heavy (yet) and generally feel sick like nausea in my stomach. I am starting to get concerned whether this is normal. also i had no idea this was being done so wasn't acutally aware of what i was getting myself into. had no painkillers beforehand not even a leaflet to walk out with. the pain was excruciating. i was sent home being put on the surgery list for novasure ablation. how long does it generally take for this pain to subside and when should it become an issue to raise with the GP is what i am wondering? 


    I hope everyones biopsies went ok i really don't know what to expect from hear on in . 

  • I agree it said on my letter utora sound so my bladder was full and I didn't wee I think that's why it was so painful it was not an ultra sound having a piece of my womb taken is a completely different procedure, I'm getting worried as they've taken bloods dome an ultra sound the one thar is in and out, then I went for thar womb sample this week had an mri no one has said it's ok it's not serious yet. I think waiting is the worst part at least if I know I know I'd rather know yes or no than be waiting I would talk to your gynogolist ask them for an mri, mine is due to a cyst they found but they took the sample to check for endometriosis I'm 28 so I think they've rushed I through incase it is cancer luckily