Pain after endometrial biopsy

Good morning, I had a transvaginal scan last week, and as it showed a thickened womb lining and fibroids, the consultant did an endometrial biopsy at the same time. That was 10 days ago, and although the bleeding stopped after a few days, I have a lot of pain in my vagina, sharp pains like sandpaper, and I can't sit down. I am post menopausal, not on HRT and have not been sexually active for 6 years so I am wondering if the pain may be due to vaginal atrophy? Did anyone else have pain for a week or so after a biopsy? How long did it take to subside? Thank you :)

  • Hello MsP and welcome to Cancer Chat! 

    We have information on our website on endometrial biopsies on this page which may be useful to you. The best thing to do though is to give your consultant a call and explain that you are suffering from severe pain in your vagina and that this is even preventing you from sitting down. Your specialist who performed the biopsy will be in the best position to tell you whether this is to be expected. I think it would be a good idea to get this looked at so do give your medical team a call tomorrow if you can. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for replying, Lucie, appreciate that, yes I will contact them tomorrow. 

  • Hi, I've just read your post and I am having similar issues.  I had biopsy done last week and like you, I bled lightly for a couple of days. I'm now feeling really sore and raw inside and my stomach doesn't feel right.  How did things work out for you???

  • Hello Mallie, the good news is that the pain eventually went away but it took a lot longer than I expected, 4 weeks. The information I was given said that it can be a painful procedure but recovery is just a day or so. I think mine was a lot longer as I am post menopausal and havent had children so the consultant had some difficulty getting the sample. He had to use a clamp on my cervix in order to pass the tube through into my womb so that left me raw and I had a bloated stomach for a few weeks. I'm still using a ring to take pressure off when I'm in the car but it's so, so much better. I am also using Balanc Activ Menopause Gel which is soothing. Next time I will ask if they can prescribe vaginal estrogen a week or so before my procedures as I read this helps to moisture the vagina. So I think it's best to contact your clinic and let them know whay symptoms you're having and they will advise what's best to do. I'm sure it will get better soon, take care.

  • I had the same treatment done 7 weeks ago and I am still in a lot of pain, the doctors keep giving me pain killers and on scan I now have fluid around my Fallopian tube.. but they tell me it's not caused by the biopsy,, I am not so sure as I was fine before I had it and have had pain ever since and it's agony at times, I have had two weeks of antibiotics with no improvement and all blood tests have come back normal but the pain is unbearable at times.. my mum had ovarian cancer and my sister had her ovaries removed due to pain and my Auntie had hers removed but none of the family know why and she is no longer her to tell us  

  • Hi their skyblue37 I had a endometrial biopsy on the 20/01/2021 the pain was excruciating I have never felt pain like it.

    no anaesthetic given i did take pain relief sn hour prior to  having the procedure after the procedure I also had a marina coil fitted.

    Leaflet I had prior to procedure said the procedure was simular to having a pap test a little discomfort.

    I could barely walk so glad my husband was with me I wouldn't of made it home alone.

    I arrived home went to bed its only been a day  im still very sore.

    why wasnt I given a general anaesthetic.

    I sympathise with all you ladies Im feeling worried at min apparently can tske up to 4/6 weeks before the results come back.

    fingers crossed.

  • Hi This is the 3rd time of have had this done and normally the pain goes in a few days, so hopefully you will soon be feeling better .. I am still in pain and have had another scan and more blood tests and they can't find anything wrong but they must be something they did to me that day that's not showing up.. my results were normal fingers crossed you you 

  • Hi lets hope they can sort out what the problem is your suffering with totally sympathise with you and can't believe you have had this precedure three times im left feeling traumatised snd ive to go back to the hospital in six weeks for a follow up i had marina coil fitted same time ad i was having procedure.Im hoping my redults come back  negative so worried.

    keep my fingers crossed for you.

  • Hi ive just read your post i had biopsy 20/01/2021 im really sore feel worse now than before biopsy 

    my abdomen is really sore  as as well my uterus and vaginal  wall why? Im taking pain relief  paracetamol and ibuprofen yet im still feeling pain 

  • I had exactly the same done on Tuesday. Hysteroscope, biopsy and Minera coil. It was so painful and really shook me up. Still feeling rough today with abdominal pain and several weeks of waiting for result  . I sympathise x