Worried sick - cervical cancer?

Hi All,

I am such a mess right now, I don't want to speak negatively over myself but I think something is horribly wrong.

For the past few months after my period for a few days I will have spotting, either watery blood red or red streaks for a few days at a time. I often ride a bike so was unsure whether the activity was triggering it or not. I have been having persistent cramping and achey pain in my upper left abdomen which has not shifted for weeks now which could be diet related as I have IBS but I'm not so sure anymore. I went to the sexual health clinic as I thought it could be an STI as I also noticed some weird bumps which turned out to be genital warts. I used the solution and the warts were gone so I thought that was taken care of, but the spotting and cramping pain is still here.

I recently got a smear done and my GP confirmed today that I am HPV positve and my smear was abnormal with borderline changes. That I need to get a colocospy but I am really worried that its a lot worse than this because of the persistent pain. I would appreciate any honesty, if anyone thinks this is cervical cancer or not as I am at wits end. I am going to try and change my lifestyle in the meantime but I'm going mad as I don't have anyone I can talk to about this.


Thanks so much :(

  • Hi All,


    I'm back as I have no one I can really speak to and I am genuinely quite worried about myself as I have not told anyone I know that I have HPV.


    Since I was last on here, I have tried to eat healthy, I take a strict regime of multivitamins and. yet I still have the persistent abdominal ache on my left side.


    Today I did wear high waisted jeans that are a little snug which may not have been the smartest move and I am spotting light watery pink. My period app says I am ovulating so it could be an ovulation bleed but I have had spotting here and there since I went for my colposcopy.


    I am super worried, I dont think they did a biopsy at my colposcopy so I don't know how severe my HPV is (just that I am positive for 16 and 18 and possibly 6 the low risk one as I had warts too). I am starting to think it could be another type of vaginal cancer - or definitely cervical cancer. I am feeling pretty low :( any advice/thoughts would be welcome

  • Hey are you still active on here? I'd love to chat! Please xx

  • Hey there, i'm here and happy to chat!

  • Can I asked what happened with your situation babe? You sound worried how I am. Did you go doctors about your pain and spotting or has it gone away? Just how are you generally xx

  • Hey there,

    So many things happened but not a lot at the same time.

    I went for my second smear test last year, and where my cells were borderline the smear came back as CIN1, so essentially the HPV went up. This as you can imagine sent me into a tizzy, the colposcopists looked at my cervix but did not do a biopsy because I have a titled uterus which means everything is back to front and so it was hard for them to see the top of the cervix but they were happy with what they saw. That did not reassure me at all.

    I was referred to the gynae for the spotting towards the middle of the year, he performed a pelvic US and told me that the cyst I had was small and not a concern (it went down in size from the last scan). Because my spotting was mid cycle he mentioned it could be endometriosis but he said everything besides the small cyst was okay. 

    I did end up being referred again to the gynae because my symptoms persisted and the pain kept coming and going and this time the cyst had cleared up and the doctors could not see anyting at all. They told me to go on the pill but I said no becuase I am not taking anything to mask the symptoms I want to understand the cause.

    As it stands, I still do not know what has caused the spotting which seems to come and go. I still have HPV :( but I am working hard to get rid of it but only time will tell about that one. I still get really bad cramps occassionally :(

    I hope that helps, what is happening with you?

  • Hey, 

    So on your second smear test it is still borderline cell changes, which must be good news as it shows its not changing and please remember borderline cell changes do not instantly mean cancer, alot of people with hpv proberbly have them sometimes and do not even know! Also, I was going to say it does sound like your spotting its triggered by your bike riding. There could be old blood left from your last period that just loosens up from all the movement. Can I ask why they aren't doing a biopsy if you've had cell changes? I understand you have a tilted uterus but surely they would have another way to look into it if they was worried. Please try not to worry and keep pushing for an answer to your pain! Does sound like your IBS must be flaring up with your upper abdominal pain. Hope your okay X

    My story is my partner went down on me years ago (3/4 years ago) and scatched my *** area by accident (sorry for the tmi) but it really hurt. Since then I've had a tiny skin tag on the bit if skin right next to my ***, and to be honest its never caused me bother at all. Until I come on my period this time, it got a little bit larger and I got generally itchy down there. Googled skin tags on vagina and it constantly come up with Hpv and cancer! Ive been driving myself insane and still am. I lost my daughter at 22 weeks in Nov 2020 I caught a really bad wee infection. I didnt treat it the time as I was drinking heavily day in and out cause I was hurting so bad (drinking after the loss didnt touch a drop whilst pregnant and uti test where coming up negative so I never really knew) So basically fast forward maybe about 6 months, I started to get symptoms of a uti but severe pain in my kidney area. Like really quite bad. I went to a gp and done a wee test and she had a look inside me with that plastic tube. Test was negative and my cervix looked fine. 

    (Can I please add i had urine tests done whilst I lost my daughter and they come back negative. During the post mortem they found bacteria that represents a wee infection, they test for all stds too but these where clear. Unfortunately due to me having a weak cervix , which I didnt know and they didn't know until I lost my daughter , the uti spread to her amniotic fluid) 

    So yeah, the gp asked me to bring in wee tests in afew days so she could send it off to the lab and do a proper look as mine where coming back negative. I didnt even get to that point, I went a&e later that day and whilst explaining to the doctor that she already done a simple wee test, he was like ohh okay, done a proper lab test or used the machine or something and he come back after a while and said yeah there is an infection in your wee. After taking the antibiotics properly this time, the spotting did stop. But basically my last period was 2 weeks early. Then I didnt have one until 4 weeks and abit later which was the period I've just come off. This period was weird. There was tissue weird peices in it that I've never seen before. So much so I was contemplating whether I was miscarrying, and that the two week early period may have been some sort of implantation bleeding? Well anyway with that along with the little tag thing and the itching, I've been worried sick. Made a doctors appointment today for a call back and I went work. Had a panic attack at work and went to a&e cause I could not wait any longer for them to call. 

    Saw a gynecologist in a&e, my wee test was okay and bloods where ok. She took a look at me with that horrible tube and had a look at my cervix and the tag thing. She said my cervix looked fine just a tiny bit of blood cause I am just coming off. She touched or pinched the tag and asked if it hurt it didnt. She said it looks like a polyp or a skin tag and it should be no worry. 

    Whilst I was in a and e I panicked while waiting cause my anxiety is just so intense and severe, and went to the sexual health clinic in the hospital. (After googling hpv linked to cervical cancer the last 2 days and seeing stories of women misdiagnosed and all of that) I had to call to make an appointment and they usually call you within 2 days. So I am still gonna answer the call and get an appointment as I would like a Hpv test but im only 21 and have already been told I cant have a screening. If that's the case I'll have to try get one privately if I can afford it, anything to try to put my mind at rest. So yeah im still gonna be pretty anxious for the next few days or until I can get a hpv test. I know the doctor said it was a polyp and true say it did get irritated after me wearing big bedtime sanitary towels all day and in the night, where as usually I wear a normal one throughout the day and big ones at night, but only had the big ones lol.

    I am really so sorry for the long *** essay and thank you so much for talking to me. Im so sorry you have hpv and I can totally understand your worry, you are not alone. But please try to let go, it is not healthy! Keep eating healthy and exercising as it can only be good, and maybe research different vitamins and there benefits and start taking ones to match you. Keep your head up x

  • Oh ive also been having weird little pains in my lower abdomen, kind of pelvis area I think. Im so worried I really am. Can't wait to go get tested and hopefully some scans as ive always had severe period pains and periods.

  • Hey there,

    First thing I want to say is I am so sorry for all that you have been through, it sounds like a lot and I truly hope that you have all the support that you need. I am always happy to respond to messages here if it helps you gain peace of mind :) 

    Thank you for your kind words, but actually my HPV cells have changed from borderline to low, so although in the lower category it has changed. They are not too worried about it even though they have not done a biopsy which makes me uncomfortable but they want to do a wait and see situation. So fingers crossed it resolves itself.

    Okay let's deal with the skin tag, have you mentioned this to your GP for a follow up at all? Have they taken a look at it? I would highly suggest they take a look at it to determine if it is benign or not, I know that A&E said it may be nothing but I would still follow up. I would then perhaps go to a STI clinic and have them take a look too, just in case it could be genital warts although I believe for it to be genital warts you need to have more than 1 so it does not sound likely that it is hpv related genital warts - but hopefully they can give you peace of mind.

    Your period sounds understable given the changes to your body and the amount of stress you have been under, but do keep an eye on it. I recommend one of those period apps on your phone so you can keep a record of the changes to your cycle, symptoms and body and find they are really helpful when speaking with doctors.

    Are you able to ask your GP about performing the smear? I know you are a little young but in your case it is worth asking if they will make an exception - although I must say (I'm not a doctor but I have read alot about HPV now lol) nothing you are saying to me is pointing all towards HPV, but I know what it is like to allow your mind to go into overdrive and when you're googling and worrying it can make things worse.

    I think if you are able to do a smear and HPV test privately then that may be a good thing to consider but I really do think you have been through a lot, your body is just as stressed as you are and perhaps this is what is happening to you. Try not to worry yourself too much, please speak with your doctor, don't check google anymore and please do let me know how you got on! x



  • Hi Betty

    Just to note-you cannot get a smear outside the screening programme on the nhs, which means you need to be 25. Genital warts are caused by HPV, but are caused by low risk strains of the virus, whereas cervical cancer caused by HPV is caused by high risk strains. 

    Normally with borderline/mild cell changes, the approach is wait and see, as these can regress and wouldn’t need any intervention. x


  • Hi all, sorry to just on this post, but I'm desperate for some reassurance!!

    This is going to be a long one, so bare with me!!

    So I've always had clear smears. My last was 9 months ago. All been fine until now. Before the smear, in 2019, I went for a pelvic ultrasound as I always get pain in my left ovary area. I've has it on and off for years, it's not continuous, it comes and goes, and is usually more painful after ovulation and just before my period. Anyway. The scan was fine, but they found Adenomyosis. Which is similar to endometriosis, but it's in the inside of the uterus. No more was really said about it and I've had to research the condition for myself! So anyway the pains come and go, as the Adenomyosis comes away with my period, so I guess that's why it's changeable. 
    I get a lot of sciatic type pain on my left side too, which I guess could be connected. But I've been to the chiro a few times, I'm well overdue to go again! And my pelvis is always wonky! I have 6 children and still carry the 4 year old around a lot! So that probably doesn't help!! 

    Anyway! The reason I'm freaking out is:

    I bled after sex for the first time ever, (other than just before my period which the Dr said was normal). When I got up in the morning and went to the toilet and saw the blood. I immediately freaked out! It's wasn't a great deal, and it stopped later that day. Then I had some brown ish bloody discharge 3 days later, followed by some pink and yellow. That carried in for 5 days. So I called the drs and had an examination. She said that the nurse had noted cervical ectropion at my smear. 
    It hurt when she examined me, but maybe she was just a bit rough! 
    She said I had a small bruise type patch on my cervix, and obvious ectropion. She draw my a picture, and said usually cancer would look like this, a draw a bumpy line, but said "yours is like this" and draw a darker patch. I asked if she thought it looked like cancer, she said no, and to feel reassured that I'd always had clear smears. But it has not put my mind at rest at all, it's made it worse! 
    She said she would refer me for a colposcopy, and that it was an 8 week wait! To which I cried an said I can't wait that long. She said she could see it was really worrying me, so she would send me for a 2 week referral, but it would mean going down the cancer route. She asked if I would prefer that, and commented that the team would probably be cross with her for rushing me through!! I went with that option  

    I suffer with major health anxiety, and have in the past, manifested aches and pains when I've thought there was something wrong with me! So since then, I've felt lower back aches, on the left, increased pain in the left pelvic area, and general aches and pains in my lady parts! But I am due on any day now! 
    So here's my theory, and I'm trying to focus on this being the case!! 
    Sorry is TMI!!

    My husband immediately thought he had done it during foreplay, as he had just cut his nails and they were sharp! He was quite rough with me, (I asked him to be!) he made me come with his fingers, which is why I'm thinking I didn't feel any pain. Then we had sex after. I fell asleep and didn't notice the blood until I got up to go to the toilet. I saw some in my underwear, and on the tissue. 
    Then the pink, brown and yellow discharge in the following days was just when I wiped. So I don't know if I was just being a bit rough with myself as I was worried!! No actually blood. 
    So I'm thinking, maybe my husband injured me during the foreplay, given that it was right around ovulation time, and I have the ectropion and my cervix was sensitive?! And what the dr saw was the wound still healing? I didn't tell her about the foreplay bit as I was too embarrassed!! But I did ask if it could have happened in intercourse. She said it could have, and she also said she may have done it with the specula. 

    I'm just totally panicked and probably manifesting symptoms! Maybe some are there because of my Adenomyosis, and I'm focusing on them. It's my birthday today and I'm going away with some friends tomorrow, jsut to London for the weekend. But I can't eat, can't sleep and am just so worried!! All I can think about is that I might have to leave my babies and husband! I always think the worst, even though I try not too. I lost my mother to breast cancer, and my fear is I will leave my kids feeling how I do. 
    Please help calm me down!

    Just to add the dr wasn't my usual dr, I have an appointment with him on Monday to ask his opinion! As I really trust him! He saved my sons life! And I think the de I saw is fairly new. 

    Thanks for any replies!!