Swollen lymph nodes and lump on tonsils


Im really worried, first day of lockdown I developed a 5cm lymph node in my neck, seemed to come up overnight, its hard but does move very slightly, not painful, when it first came up the surrounding skin was red but thats long gone, also had pain in my ear on same side.  On 24 April lump still there, had video call with doctor as I also had thyroid pain and a strange heavy feeling in the centre of my chest, Ive had a course of antibiotics in case it was sinus related but no other symptoms, gland is now 4 cm, on 1 May I noticed a small lump on my tonsil on this side too, which over the few days since has grown in size, I also had bloods taken on 1 May, FBCs and CRP all came back as normal. As of yesterday lymph node is 4cm, still have large lump on tonsil, feel like armpit nodes are around 1cm ish but wobble about, so could just be me stressing.  Doctor has put me on the urgent referral pathway to have an ultrsound but has said due to covid he didnt think they were doing them so didnt know how long it would be.  Ive not had any other symptoms, very slight night sweats, but I think these are more due to worrying as im not drenched just hot.

I know my GP is doing what they can but I just feel a little abandoned because of the virus, I'm a single parent of a 4 and 5 year old, I'm working from home and trying to home school on top of all this, I also have no real social network as my family live 400 miles away, so needless to say things are a little overwhelming at the moment, and as im sure everyone on here knows the waiting is awful, I swing from being really positive to im doomed! (mainly middle of the night).

Has anyone been in a similar position, thank you anyone who has taken the time to read.


  • Well they confirmed today that it was squamous cell carcinoma, however they said it is absolutely curable, if I took nothing else from the meeting, it was that.  They said it was stage 2, with 1 lymph node involved, due to be moved to a different hospital for surgery in a few weeks after my PET scan, strangely I feel more relaxed, as my biggest fear was that it had spread, he said he would be very surprised if it did and that I am a very good candidate for surgical removal, so at least I feel like I have a path now.

    On the MRI front, please dont worry, it really is ok, a little bit claustrophobic but you have the panic button, try to close your eyes and relax.  Good luck, let us know how you are.

    Becks, Im sure they will be able to see enough on the scan without contrast, if the other operator thought that it was an issue they would have given you the statistics to try to persuade you, so please dont worry.  x

  • Heya Pamela ,

    im sorry it turned out to be cancer but absolutely thrilled that they can cure you . I imagine knowing what is wrong is sort of a relief and now you know what you are dealing with you can face it head on! Wishing you every success and strength , we know you can do it . 

    stay in touch and let us know how you get on and will be thinking of you xxx

  • Hey Pamela!


    I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis however im relieved that you have your answers, a great prognosis and can finally start your journey - you are being such a brave cookie! I wish you all the best and hope it's easy as it can be for you! It's one hicccup that you are going to smash and pop it in your distant memories before you know it!!


    thank you for the reassurance, only time will tell!


    lots of love,


    becky x 

  • Hey  just reading theses now as im been sick for week  i thought i had the flu or something till then  when i checked my  mouth yesterday  to notice ive loads of lumps back of my throat and large spots on back of my tounge  and also lumps on both sides  of my tounge :( im in consent  pain  ive also buring pain on one side of my ear and i havent eat in  two days  as starting  get to painful  im just hoping if i ring up that il be seen to as each day im feeling more worse 

  • Hello, 

    came across this thread as I'm having a similar experience and just looking for answers and some reassurance. I've been going through this for about 3 months now, just started feeling like my throat was closing up (I had bad acid reflux for a while) so I had appointment with nurse which didn't offer a solution they thought it could be an infection and gave me drops which I didn't take as it didn't seem right. Weeks went by feeling panicky and like I can swallow or breath... everyone just thinking I'm crazy. Got a phone call with the doctor who prescribed acid reflux meds but I was trying to explain that I can feel lumps when I swallow etc and also can feel lumps on the side of my neck. He told me they won't do anything for that unless I'm coughing up blood... brilliant. I've had unbearable anxiety attacks to the point I had an ambulance come out as I felt like I was going to drop dead. Over a mo th later finally got a blood test, came back with high iga levels they thought it could be celiacs but that came back negative so back to no answer again. Rang doctor for emergency appointment as at my wits end, he finally gave in and booked an US for my neck but that's not till 12th of Jan.. feel so lost and scared. I can see a lump growing in the back of my throat on my tonsil just want answers and it's taken over 3 months to get them.... just terrified.

  • Hi everyone.

    I have got a small lump on my left tonsil just underneath it. to describe its position, it is barely seen just behind the tonsil sac. When I push the left tonsil with stick, it comes out. kind of a size of a small pea. I have realized it on the 17th of Feb. I was eating my dinner and I supposed something stucked to my left tonsilits. First I suppose it might have been a tonsilit stone. Since I have suffered a lot of those stones, I may say, once in a month in both of my tonsils. I spoke with my GP and been asked for FBC. My white bloodcell count was a bit lower 2.8. My GP asked again in the same week. Then I started to fear about it. It came and WBC is 3.2. Then that made me a bit worried. Once I have looked up internet I found this forum and I d like to chat with you and get some experience from you. I have got an appointment on the 1st of April. However it is really too long for me to wait for it. 


    What do you think that I need to do?