it started about a year or 2 ago with drenching night sweats that have increased in frequency and intensity. GP's thought it could be hormonal or a virus so did bloods which were normal.
Fast forward to now and I am still having the night sweats along with constant infections and different doses of antibiotics each time along with random rashes and itching.The past month I notice a small swelling sticking out near my groin which has grown bigger in size (it's not huge but visible? It feels hard, non tender and almost rubbery. The GP thought it could be a virus so bloods done which were all okay apart from showing I had previously had EBV. I can't go in to see GP because of Coronavirus and am driving myself mad. She doesn't think it's anything to worry about but I'm not so sure, she then just said she would write to a specialist and get their opinion on what if anything should be done. Anyone any experience with anything like this?