Hi Boymum1993,
Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read about your worries - the only thing I can suggest though I'm afraid is to keep trying with the GP. They're the only one who can really advise on this. I'm sure you'll be able to get an appointment soon if you keep trying - especially trying to call early in the morning.
Wishing you all the best and I hope you're able to find out more soon,
Cancer Chat Moderator
Hi i have a similar situation but I am afraid to go to the gp . Did you manage to get an appointment and get any more Intel on what it could be?
Hi Boymum 1993,
May I ask what has happened with your lump? Have you managed to see your GP?
Hi, I like you have a lump deep in my left buttock I believe following a heavy fall hitting my buttock hard on stone steps. That was back end of 2019, it was badly bruised. Months on into lockdown the coloured bruising went but I began getting pains in my left leg. Gradually this has got worse and I feel a dense rather than hard lump in my bum cheek which is uncomfortable to sit on. That's spread across to my anus and I now have weeping skin on my left buttock between my crease. I was nervous to go to the GP but my partner insisted. My GP referred me to the hospital both to the spinal neurologist, xray and for a skin biopsy. I've had cancer before and am now worried I may have a soft tissue sarcoma. My GP said he believes I have sciatica and a hematoma, the latter taking longer than normal to disperse, hence belt and braces to check everything out. I'll update when I know the outcome.
Meantime if you still haven't seen your GP do go and see them. Don't leave it like I have in case it gets worse. Hope all goes well. BW... MissyM
I hope you don't mind me asking but how are you getting on with your lump?
I have the same problem. I fell down the stairs in March, had a really bruised bum cheek. In October I noticed a 10p sized bump and by November it's trebled in size. I've been to the doctor. He didn't know what it was. I've had an ultrasound but they couldn't tell what it was. I'm currently waiting for the results from the MRI scan I had last week. It does worry me as it's suddenly growing so fast.
Hi crazy cat lady. Sorry to read about your fall and increasing lump. Unfortunately I haven't got any further with a diagnosis. I have had an xray which I've yet to get feedback other than a missed call from the muscular scoletal. I called them back and I was told someone would ring me for a phone consultation... I'm still waiting. I also had a colonoscopy and told I have a flat polyp across the appendix which has been referred to a team for further discussion but no one has paid any attention to my main concern regarding my buttock lump which is uncomfortable. The skin is also sore and weeps. I bought a barrier cream which soothes it. I'm no further forward with a diagnosis. I will try again after Christmas to get an MRI like you as I'm not happy with this continuing discomfort.
Do let me know how you get on with your diagnosis. I hope it's not serious and can be treated successfully. Best wishes Helen
Hi Helen,
thanks for replying, I really hope you get a diagnosis soon. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I'm still no further forward, called to see if my MRI results have arrived yet and nothing... don't really expect anything until the new year now
All the best & Merry Christmas
Hi there,
I have had this exact same thing happen, I fell down one step and I have had this lump on my left bum cheek ever since. After it happened I went to A and E a few weeks later (2019) and they said it was a heamatoma. In the november the lump was still there and I was going on holiday so I was quite paranoid incase me flying would effect this so went to the doctors. They've came back and said it's just muscular and basically I'm stuck with it however I can't sit properly do floor exercises and when it's cold I do get a pain through it almost like it's constantly got pins and needles..please if you could keep me updated on how you get on that would be fab, I really do hope you get it sorted :).
Hi there,
My GP suggested my lump was a hematoma too. I also have sciatica related issues since my fall and bruising. I've had an xray that has highlighted calcification in the lower spine which is a seperate issue but because of the sciatica nerve damage and ongoing tissue damage to my buttock I have been referred for an MRI as my mobility has become compromised and like you have pins and needkes/numbness. I still feel like I'm sitting on a hardened lump which is now across from centre to left of my left buttock. As soon as I've had my MRI and more info I will update on here. Thanks for your feedback. Hope you'll be OK too :)