2week urgent referral- now 10 days waiting

Just want appointment with hospital, had X-rays & blood test, letter from hospital confirming referral- then nothing. Hospital say they're waiting for consultant to look at results, that was 5 days ago.

I guess it's Coronavirus delays with Nhs, which I get. Socially isolating to be safe. Not told anyone as I don't know anything concrete. 2 family have virus too. 

just needed to share, have a moan . Hope everyone safe in these weird times xx



  • Hi Mermaid, sounds so difficult, \i wonder if there might be a volunteer scheme in your area, or even a patient transport system/hospital volunteer drivers who could be asked to support you with this,  I have another disease (perhaps) on top of cancer, its had me on steroids and disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs for 17 years, one of those is used to treat leukaemia. My specilsit clinic couldnt see me for follow up in December due to my surgery, it disputes local hospital diagonosis, and as local hospital hasnt had a permanent consultant in rheumatology since my original retired 5 years ago, and has has sequence of short term locums who know *** all about Behcets disease, I lost confidence, they also filled my notes with stuff which wasnt about me, or was plain wrong, which I only discovered when I got referred to the specialist in birmingham who wanted copy of medical records.   anyway, they were brilliant, offered appt mid March, rang to ask if I am ill, if Ive had symptoms, and if I wanted to be seen. There was just me and woman from Bristol there, outnumbered by staff despite out partners.Both lots of us had gone in our own vehicles -  we all social distanced, everything including us was washed with antibac, and I got everything checked over, including detailed eye exams - if a hospital can offer you that, and treat you with kid gloves, ensure you are kept distant from other patients, and maybe help with transport, you need to decide what risk you want to take, Im not medically trained, but have heard of sarcoma. Its a hell of a choice you face, maybe if you can ring the hospital if  the local one can see you you can check what their views are.  I wish you well with this, and please let us know how it goes, all best x

  • Hello, and thank you for reply. So many going through so much. ️

    Just to let you know I finally have an appointment - for an Ultrasound - next Thursday. So 4 weeks to the day I had referred 2ww. They've made it at a hospital closer to me but still a journey. Just glad things are finally moving really.

    Watching a lot of box sets to pass time and doing hour out a day. 

    take care xx

  • pleased to hear they have offerred you an appointment, if you'd like to have a break from box sets, I can recommend the facebook silent  city site, every day you get people posting pictures of places without the usual people and traffic, makes a reminder of what a huge and varied world we live in.

  • Hello and happy Easter weekend hope all ok for you

    Went for ultrasound yesterday - finally. A 7.5 hour round trip but had the train part of journey to myself! Not sure of diagnosis he did say when I asked  he thought it was not Sarcoma but a something beginning with M? and was writing to my GP as I left room to inform them. .  I was a bit overwhelmed after being in lockdown for weeks so didn't really take it in. So now got to wait for GP and as it's Easter not expecting a call till Tuesday 

    At least the suns shining



  • and a happy easter and sunshine for you Mermaid, hoping that it will be ok when you hear back, and pleased that at least that stage of it is out of the way, all best wishes x

  • Had call from hospital today have an appointment for MRI on knee don't know why - but means another journey next week.


    GP will have ultrasound  result by Thursday as Easter delays so will maybe find out more then

    you couldn't make it up

    Hope all ok with you xx

  • well at least thats a quick turnaround, hope your journey goes smoothly and that the results are good 

  • Thanks x

    to be honest am expecting the worst now, but at least am ready mentally for that. 

  • Thank you for this, I have my scans Monday and Friday as I've two areas suspected for different cancers, I've spent days crying now, I'm glad I my not have to wait too long for answers, although as you said, no news is usally good so maybe I don't want to hear at all haha. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to healing.