Im new here - In september i was rushed to A&E with a suspected ovarian cyst rupture, turned out the pain wasnt that - after an ultra sound they found a shadow on my bladder.
Since then i have had MRI's and cystoscopies, i have been told i have had urachal remnant which is quite uncommon. I had a biopsy taken Friday 15 November and today recieved a call from the hospial asking me to go back to urology this Friday.
I am freaking out that it is something nasty - wouldnth they just send a letter if evrything was OK? I dont know ive never been in this position before. As much as i am trying to stay positive i am starting to freak out and i am so distracted. I dont really have anyone i can talk with, my family would be freaking out even more than me if i told them as we recently lost my dad to brain and lung cancer so cant really talk to them.
I hope this is ok to post in here. has anyone had this before?