Positive FIT Test, Very scared

Hi everyone,

Just posting because I'm scared really, I've had an on and off dull abdominal ache on my left side for some time, probably over a year now, I've been putting off getting it checked for a while (stupid I know) because I'm scared of doctors and hospitals. I've had quite mushy stools too with some stickyness and mucus but nothing too uncomfortable and nothing extremely weird. No obvious visible signs of blood that I can see.

I ordered an online FIT test which came back abnormal with a high blood level detected. Normal range is 0-10 ug but mine is showing 36ug. It seems quite far over the normal ratio.

I'm absolutely terrified at the prospect of cancer as I've put it off for so long so its scary to think I've left it too long.

I have a doctors appointment booked for about 2 weeks time...Fingers crossed I guess.

  • Hi healthanxious25

    Welcome to the forum.

    I am not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications.

    The FIT test is relatively new so I don't think we know quite as much about the implications of a positive result. Although it's advertised as "colon cancer" test - it isn't.  It only detects blood in the lower GI tract, and cancer is just one possibility.  The younger you are, the less likely it is.  

    Pain on the left is sometimes indicative of diverticulitis which isn't cancer but can cause blood in the stool.

    You're doing the right thing seeing the doctor.  The doctor may decide you need a colonoscopy, but this is pretty routine and being referred doesn't mean you have cancer.  Plenty of people (including both my wife and I) have had colonoscopies and they're turned out to be clear. 

  • hi l am having my test done tomorrow and is worried to l no l got to have it done just worried about the coloscapy and the camera down my throat to