Worried. Bloody poo.

I've been in a worried state since the end of July. I went a toilet and there was loads of blood. Then to make things worse, I went a toilet about twenty times after also. For a week I felt very sore. Two weeks later I had problems again. I then used anulsole and that took symptoms away but as soon as I stopped I had the trouble again. Just a slight pinch I'd feel and I'd wipe and see red on the toilet paper. Well I've bee to doctors twice. First he examined me with a finger and said he though it was piles.

Gave me some stuff. Couldn't get it and used anulsole again and no troubkes while using it.  Then I had a little blood for two days again. I went to doctors again and he made sure they had something for me. But he didn't examine me. Just said I might need more then creams. 

Well today I went a toielt and when I got up the toilet water was all red with blood. Not pink, red.

Well I'm scared now. Not so much as cancer although it has crossed my mind several times but I'm also worried that I may do myself so bad damage. 

I read piles bleed but don't give you any pain. Well I get the sharp stab pain when this happens. 

Getting scared and worried and feel slightly alone. Can't find anything when I go looking online at all. 

  • I am not a doctor and I'm not qualified to give medical advice.  This is all from personal family experience.

    Piles don't cause pain?  Whoever told you that is badly mistaken.  And I speak from personal experience. That's why Germoloids cream and suppositories both have a very effective local anaesthetic.

    Piles can be very painful.

    What ointment have you received from your doctor?  Is it Scheriproct?  Are you using it according to the recommended dosage?  And how old are you?

  • I'm 33.

    I was given something to begin with and couldn't get it. A month later I was back around the doctors and the rang my local pharmacy to find what they did have. 

    He gave me xyloproct ointment. 

    Feels weird when to put in. It doesn't really give me a quantity to put in.  I used sparingly. I was given two tubes and still on the first. It seemed to take the pressure off but makes me feel like I constantly need a toilet.

    I'm use to seeing blood on tissue but the amount I saw today was so alarming I boom straight in with the doctors. I'm worried about another stool passing even though I can feel movemwnt at times. 

    Seeing doctor in about an hour. 

  • Seeing the doc is the right thing to do.  Let us know how you get on.

  • Well I didn't have another examination which considering how sore I am is a good thing. 

    I have been told to use that cream and my other germinoids one together. 

    I have been refurred to a specialist where I will talk t them about banding. Injection or other options and they will look to see what one they think best. 

    I will keep this thread up as most I've read seem to stop and I've been worried for so long. 

    Four months of this constant dread of going a toilet. Hopefully hear from them soon. 

  • You might the germoloids suppositories worth trying last thing at night.  

  • I'll try it. 

    I won't lie after doctor said it was OK with my other one I got home me and gave myself an extra shot straight away.

    I'll try it at night also. May be better then the  other one for the comfort.