Glands still swollen after tonsillitis

Hello! New member here. I’ll leave the introduction for the right place :P

So, I had GF two years ago now. The illness resulted in a lump on my neck that seemed to appear overnight. It was large at first, but it went down as the virus got better. I pointed it out to a GP who didn’t say anything of it. In fact, he told me he couldn’t feel it. 

The lump hasn’t gone. But jump to present day. I had Tonsillitis a week ago now, strep throat three weeks before that. Despite taking antibiotics as instructed, I’m still swollen. 

My right tonsil is more swollen than the left, and I’ve also developed another lump under my armpit. It doesn’t feel big, about the same size as the one in my neck. I still don’t feel well in myself, and pretty tired no matter how much I sleep. 

I’m just wondering if it’s worth getting it checked out, even if it’s nothing. I don’t want to sound like a hupochrondriac or waste a doctor’s time.

  • Hi Becca yes it is worth getting checked out. Could be nothing but then you won't have to worry about thinking it might be something. Also if it is something and they catch it early they can treat it. So stop worrying and get your self checked out as soon as possible !!

  • Hi Becca201.

    I am not a doctor and I'm not qualified to give medical advice.

    Swollen lymph nodes are a common symptom and you're not the first person who has asked questions about them.  Nodes swell up normally to help the body fight off an infection.  Once the infection is over, it can take up to 6 weeks for a node to return to normal - but some of them never do.  On rare occasions, a node never returns to normal, but stays permanently swollen.  This may be what has happened with the node on your neck that never returned to normal after two years. 

    Right now you're fighting an infection. It may take a few days after you've finished the course for the antibiotics to completely kill off the bacteria, and then a few weeks after that for the nodes to subside.  

    In your shoes I would wait a couple of weeks just to see if everything settles down.  If I were still worried in month's time then I would make an appointment. 

    Of course, if you're worried now or things take a turn for the worse, don't hesitate to see your doctor.  

    And once again, I remind you that I'm not a doctor. 

  • Hi Becca 

    how did you get on? Are there any updates?