Have a lump but have no one I can tell

A couple of months ago I found a lump... I left it as a) I already have enough wrong with me and b) sometimes lumps come and go. 

I got checked out 3 weeks ago and the doctor couldn't feel anything but said she would refer me for an untrasound. I then got a call later than day to day she didn't know she wasn't allowed to refer me directly and to make another appointment in two weeks to get checked again. I've just got home from that appointment and the doctor could feel a lump and has started the referral process.


The thing is, I can't tell my other half as he gets so stressed out and would make things worse as I'd be worrying about him all the time, my friends have their own problems, my brother and sister have their own problems and my mum's mum (my grandmother) died of breast cancer so I definitely can't tell my mum.


I just don't have anyone I can talk to and need some support from somewhere so thought I'd post on here.

  • Hello, you will have support here love...finding a lump is as scary as it gets, until we know for sure what it is our minds will be in overdrive...I've been there and literally got the T shirt! 

    There is a lovely thread on here called the good and the bad, a lovely lady called Sandra started it when she was first diagnosed, pop in and have a look, there are loads of us breast lasses on there....

    in the meantime try and keep busy.....the lump isn't something until it is something....I know your in limbo and that's the worse part of this whole thing.....let us know how the clinic goes? Xx

  • Hi there ..

    Just wanted to add to Marlyn great advice .. I can quite understand keeping it to your self and not worry others ,. But as a mum ... my son was tested for cancer with the colon scope .. he told me, and yes I cryed .. I panicked as I couldn't bear the thought of him going through this journey .. but no matter how bad I felt.. if he'd done it and it was positive the shock would have been overwhelming if he'd not prepaired me ..... it's great he got a good result .. but looking at it from a mum's point of view ... think about letting her in .. she can give you a high 5 if o.k .. and a mummy hug if not .. but it's up to you .. but like Marlyn said wer always here if you want to go it alone... the good news is 8.5 out of ten lumps are fine .. my first four call backs from mamorgrams over the years were fine... 

    Fingers crossed for you too .. but let us know how you go ... Chrissie xx

  • Hi chriss! Thanks for popping by....your a complete star!! Xxxx

  • Thanks guys, I know what you're saying about mum, I know she'll be annoyed that I haven't told her but with my nan dying (and this was over 35 years ago and I know things have come along in leaps and strides since then!) I just don't want her to worry until I know for sure.

    I'm usually the one who is strong for everyone else so I really am not sure who I can talk to without them falling apart lol!

  • Hi WorriedbutCantTalk 


    I visited the doctors yesterday as I’ve been having shooting pains through my breast for a week. She found a solid lump by my nipple which I hadn’t even been able to feel, the only time I can feel it is in the shower and it’s about 2cm. 

    My referrel at the breast clinic is on the 15th. I don’t even know how I will cope until then but just going to have to, it’s the waiting to know I think which is hard. I’m between positivity and negativity constantly.

    I’ve told my partner and his Mum, they are both total worriers so I do get where you’re coming from. But what I would say is that you’re not dumping any baggage on them and you may need some real support because your worry will show. These things are sometimes better out in the open with your nearest and dearest. 

    We also don’t yet know what is going on with our lumps so it is best to take a deep breath and focus on doing some relaxing things for yourself for the next couple of days, any time you can get to just chill out and unwind.

    I know my advice is probably not helpful but I hope it helps to know that there is someone going through exactly the same thing at the same time as you. Some times the best feeling is to know that you’re not alone.

    Keep is updated on how you’re doing. It’s important to keep talking. Hope that you can find some peace and chill time today, I’m trying to.


    Nicola x



  • Ive finally got.my appointment through and its next Wednesday at 9am.


    Can someone tell me what to expect at the appointment please? 

  • Your reply is helpful thanks, its good to know im not alone x

  • I have a lump in my breast, bout 3cm by 1.5cm. I can move it and it tender when I touch it. It's Easter weekend. I will ring GP in the morning. Bit worried. I've had malignant skin & soft tissue cancer before. I had an operation and chemo. And well to be honest I'm *** myself. 

  • Hello,

    Try not to assume the worse ( although we all do)! I'm really sorry to read you've had cancer in the past, try not to link it up.

    Do you have family around you? Do you work? Distraction is the key, although it's always in the back of your mind the busier you can keep yourself the better. Just deal with what's in front of you, first step call to the GP, and don't be fobbed off ( I was told there were no appointments when later I was told the receptionist was wrong to tell me that as I had a lump and all lumps are taken seriously) Don't think about the next step until your appointment comes through...take it in small steps.....


    let me know how you get on? ️

  • Hi I found a lump 2 days ago in my left breast it's ####### huge about the size of a small satsuma. I have breast cancer in family so was straight to doctor. Immediately referred and awaiting ultrasound appointment. Terrified doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling. I can't tell partner as not getting on I am just snapping his head off every time he comes near. I also can't tell my mum or my sister as they will make a meal of it and no one needs that. My anxiety is through the roof as I'm also peri menopausal. Please help me x