Ear pain and swollen lymph node? HELP

Hi, new here :) I'm just a bit worried, it all started about a year ago, fatigue was the main symptom. Then a few month ago I started getting stabbing pain in my left ear and started hearing a fast thumping sound. I went to docs about 3 weeks ago and he said it was probably an ear infection so gave me a spray and told me to get bloods taken to get my thyroid checked. During this time my ear pain hasn't went away and has spread to my other ear with the same thumping noise and now high pitched ringing which changes in frequency ( I hear it change) also I have found a lump just to the left side at the front on my neck which moves up and down from under my chin down to middle of neck (size of a large pea which moves) (havnt mentioned this to doctor yet because found it after my appointment)  got my blood results back today by telephone and it shows I have a high white blood count and doc wants me to get more bloods taken , any ideas on what could be causing all of this because when I Google it I see lymphoma  ? Thanks 

  • hi there,if you had a infection in both ears.this would likely elevate your white blood cell count and also enlarge localized lymph nodes[neck].which could explain your symptoms apart from the fatique.lyphoma from memory has symtoms of fatique ,weight loss, night sweats, itching and bone pain if it had spread,so you dont seem to tick that box ,however .the constant fatique is the part that makes me think you are right to keep going back to the bottom of it.glandular fever is also something that may fit.what you must remember lyphomas are far more rare than more innoccent reasons that could have cause this.i wish you all the luck in the world

  • Hi My husband is currently having his neck lump investigated. The most likely cause is a reactive lymph node, reacting in your case to an ear infection. Any serious infection can make you feel tired as your body puts energy into trying to fight it off. My husband hasnt had an infection so no obvious cause for his. 

    My daughter had a lot of ear infections, I get sinus infections and I'd recommend chewing gum with 100% xylitol. The easiest way to get this is to buy some in Waitrose but there are more brands available online. Chew 2 pieces a day after each meal, maximum of 4 pieces a day. There is a very good chance this will deal with the infection. Or go back to the doctor and ask for antibiotics. A high white blood count can just mean an infection, I'm surprised the havent got you on antibiotics already. 

  • Hi how did this work out for you? 

  • Hello, thought I would come back to the post, recently had a head & neck mri with contrast and just received a letter today for a telephone consultation,  I've had my symptoms for years and finally being seen 

  • Hi, recently had a head and neck mri with contrast and just received a letter for my results by telephone consultation in 3 weeks time , it's been so long :(

  • Hey,


    how did you get on? I hope it was good news?

    I have similar symptoms and as waiting an ultrasound to look at my lump which is in the same place 


    take care x



  • Hi all,

    Similar situation here - have had a large swollen gland for over a year, thought nothing of it but mentioned it at a gp appointment (where i was suffering from vertigo- turned out to be labyrinthitis) had bloods done, gp referred me to ent, this was in march. No sign of an appointment yet and i have had more glands come up since.


    Out of interest- how long has everyone had to wait for ent referrals? 


    I go back and forth with worry. Sometimes i forget about it then sometimes I feel it and dr.google gets me all worried. A friend recently died from cancer 3 days after diagnosis and i think it's made me more paranoid.


    Sorry for the ramble!


  • I started getting pain in the left ear about 10 days ago.  Doctor gave me penciliun but I had many side efffects put on another antibotic cannot rember name I am on the antibotic six days and no change.  The infection has now spread to other ear.   Doctor has given me now ear drops.  I do have some mild pain around the bottom of the face. Unfortuantely GPs do not want to see, but GP says if ear drops do not work he will seee me.   I have found no lumps.  Has anyone had similar experience.   Ears can be warm at times. 

  • Hi, sorry it been a while, my first head mri  came back with swollen artery in my head, had a yearly check up and it hasn't gotten bigger so they are leaving me for the time being, buy if any changes let them know :)