Ear pain and swollen lymph node? HELP

Hi, new here :) I'm just a bit worried, it all started about a year ago, fatigue was the main symptom. Then a few month ago I started getting stabbing pain in my left ear and started hearing a fast thumping sound. I went to docs about 3 weeks ago and he said it was probably an ear infection so gave me a spray and told me to get bloods taken to get my thyroid checked. During this time my ear pain hasn't went away and has spread to my other ear with the same thumping noise and now high pitched ringing which changes in frequency ( I hear it change) also I have found a lump just to the left side at the front on my neck which moves up and down from under my chin down to middle of neck (size of a large pea which moves) (havnt mentioned this to doctor yet because found it after my appointment)  got my blood results back today by telephone and it shows I have a high white blood count and doc wants me to get more bloods taken , any ideas on what could be causing all of this because when I Google it I see lymphoma  ? Thanks 

  • Hi. Was the sound in your ear the sound of a heartbeat. I contracted an ear infection on holiday 3 months ago and first noticed 2 swolen lymph nodes ( less than 1cm in diamer) 2 months ago  as well as a heartbeat sensation in my ear. I have been back to the gp several times for rounds of antibiotics but nothing has seemed to work , and he says the ear is still red inside. Ive been refered to the ENT but i am curunley waiting for my appointment. Im only 16. Is this concerning or do the symptoms sound like a long term ear infection ?