Cervical Ultrasound


I felt the need to post here to share my experience and to hopefully shed some light on my situation and hope it also helps others. 

I have had heavy bleeding since the beginning of this year.  I got rushed into hospital in February with a suspected miscarriage.  I since then had an ultrasound in March which was apparently all clear.  I am peri menopausal so they put my bleeding down to hormone disruptions.

i consequently had the coil fitted in April and the pain got worse. 

since then I have been bleeding bright red fresh blood.  I went to my dr recently and asked for another ultrasound scan as I feared they missed something and they found a leision in my uterus 5cm by 5cm. The drs were shocked.

Since then I have had a biopsy which I am waiting the results.  I am so confused as to why my GP asked me to come in and she told me it looks Malignant.  I said how can you tell without the biopsy result? She said because of the way it looks. 

I have been booked for a hysteroscapy and an MRI - scared is an understatement and how could it have been missed in March? Or it’s grown since then.  I am praying it’s fast growing fibroids but totally lost at the moment as I don’t have any answers yet.  My biopsy should be due back next week 

any comments or opinions on this will be greatly received 



  • Aww Becky, that's very sweet of you to say but when I read your original post I was just horrified that you have been treated this way - it is so unfair on you. 

    Oh that's a complete pain that you have a wait a little longer for results. I had my biopsies taken 6 September and my MRI on 13 September. I am yet to hear anything but everytime the letterbox or my mobile goes I totally freak out.  

    Fingers crossed for us both lovely! xx

  • Hello

    thank you yes it’s been a bit frightening..but will soon find out.

    I have everything crossed for you and wish you all the best with your results. Did they let you know when you expect to hear back?  It’s only natural to get jumpy I’m exactly the same.  It’s good you are on to it and getting things sorted.  Where abouts did you have biopsy’s from? Was it the cervix too? Bless you I just read your posts and I hope your getting support while you wait x

    Yes fingers crossed for us both xx



  • Hey there Becky, hope you are okay (all things considering).  Well, I am getting such mixed information from people as I have seen numerous consultants etc.  The lady that did my hysteroscopy and she spoke to me afterwards said she got biopsies and I think these are from endometrium? But I am not totally certain and she removed two tiny polyps too.  But the doctor on the ward when I stayed in overnight said the polyps hadn't been removed. Then top gynae consultant came round to do confirm I could go home and I asked him and he was just lovely and sat on the bed and showed me the notes that the polyps had been removed. "cervix clear".  He said I should have results in 2-3 weeks.  MRI guys said 2 weeks.  It will be 2 weeks this Friday since MRI - I hope they give me all the results together. I don't want to be coming in for one lot then saying "oh but we will have to look at the MRI to confirm blah blah".  I want to know everything in one go.  I am absolutely bricking it! Take care sweetie xx

  • Hi Becky,

    Just been reading your thread and appreciate it was a few months back and wondering how you got on? In a similar sistuation.

