Cervical Ultrasound


I felt the need to post here to share my experience and to hopefully shed some light on my situation and hope it also helps others. 

I have had heavy bleeding since the beginning of this year.  I got rushed into hospital in February with a suspected miscarriage.  I since then had an ultrasound in March which was apparently all clear.  I am peri menopausal so they put my bleeding down to hormone disruptions.

i consequently had the coil fitted in April and the pain got worse. 

since then I have been bleeding bright red fresh blood.  I went to my dr recently and asked for another ultrasound scan as I feared they missed something and they found a leision in my uterus 5cm by 5cm. The drs were shocked.

Since then I have had a biopsy which I am waiting the results.  I am so confused as to why my GP asked me to come in and she told me it looks Malignant.  I said how can you tell without the biopsy result? She said because of the way it looks. 

I have been booked for a hysteroscapy and an MRI - scared is an understatement and how could it have been missed in March? Or it’s grown since then.  I am praying it’s fast growing fibroids but totally lost at the moment as I don’t have any answers yet.  My biopsy should be due back next week 

any comments or opinions on this will be greatly received 



  • Hi there ...

    So sorry , it sounds like you have a G P , who's talking before thinking ... even my surgeon when I had some calsification lumps taken out,  wouldn't comment till they had been taken for biopsy's... and my cancer one, after biopsy's were taken, wouldn't comment either till after they had been to the lab ..

    So yea she may be right, but l wouldn't take that as gospel untill you get the official results back ..  no wonder your scared ... but don't think much of that Dr either .. I'd ask for a different Dr next time ...

    Fingers crossed for a good result ... Chrissie x

  • Hello Chrissie

    thank you so much for your kind words it means a lot. 

    My close family think the same and are perplexed as to why they told me this before my biopsy results.  I have heard that ultrasounds are not 100% reliable so to be told it’s highly likely it’s malignant has been devastating.  

    Your right about changing doctors as I really don’t want to see her again as her delivery of the news wasn’t nice. She may as you say be right so I will now have to wait and see. 

    Im wondering if the coil has caused this if my scan in March was clear.  

    The biopsy result will be the definitive answer im sure. 

    Thank you you again for your reassurance it’s lovely to hear


  • Dear me, talk about going in feet first. That’s terribly bad of your doctor to say such a thing. They cannot give a diagnosis until a sample taken and tested at lab. When do you have your hysteroscopy and MRI? I’ve recently had both - just the dreaded waiting for results now, take care x

  • Hello

    thank you thats so kind of you to comment.

    yes it was very frightening when she said it was highly likely.  I have my MRI on Oct 3rd and and appointment next Wednesday for results and not heard back about hysteroscapy yet.  

    She may be right but I wish she hadn’t said it as I am now worried sick waiting for my results 

    thanks again 


  • Of course Becky, you're bound to feel frightened by what your doctor has mentioned to you. But I really feel that is terribly bad of them to say this and scare you before you have been diagnosed. Imagine if every doctor did this to their patients? I am so sorry this has happened to you but I want to try and reassure you that you cannot be diagnosed from "looking".  This is why we all have biopsies and MRI / CT scans.

    I am finding I am coping okay and trying to keep busy.  Try not to dwell on the "what ifs". 

    All the best for Wednesday, please keep in touch and let us know how you get on - we're like a little family on here - all in it together xx

  • Hello there

    yes your right,  thank you so much for your thoughts on this - it’s helped to calm my nerves. 

    What this Dr did is not good practice and may well need to feed this back to the surgery.  

    I suppose if it’s bad news I’m kind of prepared for it at least. Wednesday can’t come round soon enough.

    Thank you again it’s great to be part of the support network here. It’s very comforting 

    much love 


  • Yes, I would definitely feed this information back to the surgery.  Are you UK based? x

  • Yes your right I will definitely be feeding this back to them as even if it’s bad news, the not knowing for sure and worry has been terrible. I think it would have been best if they told me they don’t know what it is until they get the biopsy. 

    And yes I’m in the uk 

    I get my results on Wednesday and trying to keep calm




  • Yes, contact the Practice Manager (unless it is HER that is the Practice Manager of course!) ;) - it may be they will want to see you for a chat about this or may call you for your input. 

    I really hope your results on Wednesday are good news.  Do you have an appointment time already? xx

  • Very good idea x. Let’s hope she isn’t the manager! I don’t think she is and they definitely need to know about this. 

    I’ve just had a call from the hospital  to say my appointment has been moved back to the 2nd October due to the biopsy result not being back yet.  So my results are delayed...I’m hoping this is a good sign but from what I’ve read it can be either way. 

    Thank you so much for your kindness 

    we need more people like you in the world 

