I felt the need to post here to share my experience and to hopefully shed some light on my situation and hope it also helps others.
I have had heavy bleeding since the beginning of this year. I got rushed into hospital in February with a suspected miscarriage. I since then had an ultrasound in March which was apparently all clear. I am peri menopausal so they put my bleeding down to hormone disruptions.
i consequently had the coil fitted in April and the pain got worse.
since then I have been bleeding bright red fresh blood. I went to my dr recently and asked for another ultrasound scan as I feared they missed something and they found a leision in my uterus 5cm by 5cm. The drs were shocked.
Since then I have had a biopsy which I am waiting the results. I am so confused as to why my GP asked me to come in and she told me it looks Malignant. I said how can you tell without the biopsy result? She said because of the way it looks.
I have been booked for a hysteroscapy and an MRI - scared is an understatement and how could it have been missed in March? Or it’s grown since then. I am praying it’s fast growing fibroids but totally lost at the moment as I don’t have any answers yet. My biopsy should be due back next week
any comments or opinions on this will be greatly received