2 week urgent referral for cervical cancer


Id just like to see if anyone else has been in the same situation as me. I had a smear a year ago and had the HPV virus. Everything else was said to be fine. Started having symptoms - bleeding after sex, bleeding when I shouldn’t be, discharge etc. Had another examination but not a smear test, and the doctor said what he has seen on my cervix requires an urgent referral to the colposcopy department. 


Ive been given my appointment it’s in a week. Has anyone else been referred on something that has just been seen in an examination. Really worried this is worse than results of a smear saying abnormal cells because it was obviously that abnormal he could see it with his eye. 


Im only 25 so really concerned because I’ve not had any kids yet and worried now I might not be able too. 



  • Hi, 

    I got told that I had HPV in May 2021. I've not had anything untoward and had my annual smear yesterday, the Nurse saw what she described as a Polyp, she got the GP to give her a second opinion.  The GP immediately said that she would get me a referral to a Gynocologist. I received a phone call this morning (Friday 20th) to say it's on Monday, its a good thing but I'm extremely nervous about what they will find. The Nurse didn't do the smear in the end as I think she is going to wait for the Gynocologist to do it. Just looking for advice to see if anyone else has had anything similar?



  •  so the Gynaecologist did an examination and confirmed a Polyp, she couldn't remove it as she can't see the end of it so I've been referred for a Colposcopy to remove. She said my Cervix looked healthy and because I've got HPV they will be doing an ultrasound sound to see if there's any other polyp's and to just check everything really. Not sure if it's stress or overstretch but my hips have been hurting this week! I've suffered with Sciatica in the past but this seems to be within the hips. I feel a little more relaxed about it all but hopeful my appointment will come through soon. 


    hope you're ok?