2 week urgent referral for cervical cancer


Id just like to see if anyone else has been in the same situation as me. I had a smear a year ago and had the HPV virus. Everything else was said to be fine. Started having symptoms - bleeding after sex, bleeding when I shouldn’t be, discharge etc. Had another examination but not a smear test, and the doctor said what he has seen on my cervix requires an urgent referral to the colposcopy department. 


Ive been given my appointment it’s in a week. Has anyone else been referred on something that has just been seen in an examination. Really worried this is worse than results of a smear saying abnormal cells because it was obviously that abnormal he could see it with his eye. 


Im only 25 so really concerned because I’ve not had any kids yet and worried now I might not be able too. 



  • Hi Jane

    I went to the doctor with symptoms last year, and she referred me on the 2 week pathway after my examination. Obviously she had seen something which needed checking out. 

    The colposcopy will allow the gynaecologist to take a closer look at your cervix, and they may take a punch biopsy (not painful). Please try not to worry about worst case scenarios at this stage..it may be that you simply have abnormal cells which need removed, and this shouldn’t affect your chances of having children. There could be other reason for your referral than cancer, and the doctors re following the correct guidelines in referring you to get this checked out. I hope your appointment goes well, and please come back and let us know if you need any other support. xx

  • Hello, 


    thanks so much for your reply. Can I ask what happened to you when you went last year? 


    My appointment is on Monday, it’s been such a long wait! 

  • It could be entroption which is very common and your gynaecologist will examine your cervix.  The treatment can be given there and then - I've had it. It's not painful, just a bit of period pain like cramping. But you will have to wear sanitary pads for a few weeks afterwards as you get what I can only describe as watery discharge.

  • Hi Jane

    Unfortunately I was diagnosed with cancer and it was a tumour that they could see, but please do not assume that will be the case for you. It could well be something like ectropian that’s been seen. I’ve been successfully treated for my cancer and last scan showed no evidence of disease. I hope you got on ok at your appointment. I’m a little bit behind with seeing posts as I’m in Bali on holiday and the WiFi is pretty hit and miss! xx

  • Hi I'm in yeah same situation as you and just wondered how you got on? I'm currently waiting on an urgent referral and the wait is making me ill, can't sleep, eat or do anything. I'm a mess

  • Jane024 how did you get on?

    I've just joined this forum cos I had a smear test the day before yesterday and I have a polyp coming out of my birth canal. The nurse said I would have a bit of a wait for a referral to colposcopy but today I got a letter saying I would here from them within 2 weeks which makes me wonder if it's the 2 week wait pathway? She also made me bleed during the smear. I've been bleeding between periods too but I just thought I was peri menopausal. Now I'm really worried. Is the 2 week wait standard for gynecological issues or does my cervix not look as it should and its worse than polyps? I'm 45 and bricking it. 

  • Hello

    I just wanted to share my experience. I had pain during sex, bleeding between periods and my doctor advised I had a growth on my Cervix and referred me on a 2 week pathway. After an agonising wait, my growth was just a harmless polyp which was removed and all ok x 

  • Ah thanks Casey123, thats put my mind at rest as I do have a polyp. I was worried because the referral was so quick making it feel really urgent. Cant help but have your mind wander into the worst case scenario while waiting for the appointment! So glad to hear you are ok x

  • March 2021 I'm in this position now.  My doctor could see all of my cervix is abnormal.  I'm waiting 10 days for my appointment.  Scared that this is an aggressive cancer.  I had a clear smear test 17 months ago.  Been on an emotional roller coaster. GP just said all of it was abnormal and then apologised three times felt like she was telling me there wasnt much they could do.  So shocked I could not think analytically.

  • How dis you get on? I've had a referral. Going on Tuesday. I'm so scared