Advice on ultrasound for lymphoma

Hi, thanks for reading. I went for a guided biopsy for lymphoma yesterday following a short stay in hospital. I have a small swollen node in my neck, which I've had for a few months, an achey pain in my chest and around my back (similar to a pulled muscle pain) elevated liver enzymes, low grade fever for 4 weeks and hot flushes at night. I've felt absolutely exhausted/extreme tiredness the best part of a year.

A doctor at the hospital has told me it is possible I have lymphoma.

During the guided ultrasound yesterday, the radiologist told me that the node looks perfectly normal and that she wouldn't do the biopsy.

I'm waiting for a call from the doctor advising me what happens next. Obviously I'm pleased she felt that node wasn't suspicious, and I'm not looking for a diagnosis with this post, however I can't shake off the feeling something is wrong.

Has anything happened to anyone similar? Did you have a prolonged fever when you were diagnosed with lymphoma, or an ultrasound that looked ok?

FYI glandular fever, which they had hoped it was has been ruled out.

Thanks for reading x

  • Hi Riverdale, 


    I know your posts are from last year and I hope you are ok! I just want to ask what did the doctors diagnose you with at the end of all this? My partner has identical symptoms to you and we are very worried, he has had an ultrasound, they said it looked fine, but he an enlarged lymph and is being referred to ENT. 


  • Hi, I've just read your post and I can completely understand how you feel, I have swollen lymph nodes in my groin on left, they have been swollen for over 8 months now I've had many ultrasounds and was told it was reactive lymph node at first, but when I asked what its reacting to they said an infection. Yet I dont have an infection!!! .... I then got referred to hematology and because the lymph node is slowly getting bigger and now more on the right side of my groin they have referred me to have a US GUIDED BIOPSY! ... went there today and basically got told it wasn't anything to worry about and they just stay swollen. I wasn't happy as its taken sooooo long to get a biopsy and the radiologist said he wont do a biopsy because he doesn't think there's anything to worry about. 

    All my bloods are fine!

    Im so upset and heart broken.


    I've been so ill, Being sick, Sweating at night. Head aches. Loosing so much weight! 


    Im so sorry no one seems to help but I do understand how you feel. 


    Sammy x

  • Hi did you ever get a diagnosis? I'm going through a frustrating time at the moment myself as I'm 28 years old and worried I have lymphoma and been back and forth to the doctors! I have a large hard lymph node in my neck, and elevated liver bilirubin level when I had my bloods done! Recently had a ultra sound and said everything looked 'normal'... but I'm suffering with tiredness and just don't feel right, pushing my dr to refer me to ENT or specialist but said as my bloods and ultrasound are normal they don't see an urgency! 

  • Hi Sammy,

    I know your post is from a couple of months ago so was wondering if you have had a diagnosis or ang answers yet?

    I started about 8 weeks ago with itching all over my head, face, neck, back & arms, a fever on and off, night sweats & pain across my collarbone & shoulders & extreme fatigue. Some days it's all I can do to drag myself out of bed. A couple of weeks later a lump appeared on the front of my neck. My GP has been brilliant & referred me to the 2 week wait. I saw a specialist in ENT and he said the lump was to do with my voice box (I have no sore throat or hoarse voice), he then referred me for an ultrasound which I had on Tuesday. That doctor said part of my thyroid is swollen but it's nothing to worry about. I spoke to my GP again yesterday & she's not convinced so has referred me urgently to the Haemotologist & I have an appointment on Monday.

    My GP also said on my last blood tests my kidney function was low & my white blood cell count abnormal.

    None of the symptoms have gone away.

    Like you I am scared & worried sick to the point I can't sleep at night, I don't think I've had a full nights sleep in 3 mths. 2 to 3 hrs a night is my average 

    Hope to hear back from you.

    Lyn xx

  • Hi Girliegirl92, hope you're doing well. I was just wondering what happened since you saw your GP the last time you posted? Did they look into your lump further or were you ignored? I'm in the same boat, 28 yr old female with a lump on my neck that has been there for over 4-5 months. GP referred me to have an ultrasound but was told there was a 8-10 week wait due to the backlog. I've decided to go get a private one tomorrow (only booked it today). I'm hoping that even if it looks normal on the ultrasound that he could still suggest I get a biopsy done to clear things out. I'm glad your ultrasound came clear though!