Ridiculous wait to even be seen, private biopsy?

My mum was told at a regular dental appointment at the end of June she has a mass in her mouth and the dentist used the words suspicion & cancer.

They said she would be referred for a scan and biopsy

After still hearing nothing for 6 weeks she chased it up herself and was told it would be around the end of September before she is even seen.

Her cheek on that side is visibly swollen and she is extremely anxious about this.

my brother and I are so concerned we are thinking should we pay to have a biopsy done privately?

What would the cost be, how would we go about arranging this and if it is our worst fear would having the biopsy affect her future Nhs treatment?

If the biopsy confirmed the worst would she still have to wait in the regular queue to be seen for diagnosis or  treatment?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi Louise1981. 

    In the first instance I would get back to the dentist and ask if it's possible to be referred to a hospital with a shorter waiting time - although I wonder if this is being treated as a non-urgent referral, since "suspicious" referrals should be seen within 2 weeks. 

    I would also see my GP and discuss this.  The GP might have a better idea about waiting times and could also make a referral. 

  • Hi sorry I should have said we are in Scotland NHS highland not England so the 2 week wait does not apply here. At a GP appt for something else she mentioned it and it was them that gave her the number to chase it up but offered no other advice and said it’s just a waiting game. 

    I keep reading it can be cured if detected early so this seems madness.

    thanks for your reply though.