How long do ultrasound results take?

Hi all, 

Im new to the site and just wondered how long an ultrasound test result takes.

I went to the GP on Tuesday as i have severe bloating to the point i look very pregnant and indigestion with stomach ache.. i pressumed i would be told it could be IBS or something.. she then asked me other questions to which i replied:

Yes i have problems weeing, back ache and constipation. I had to go to get bloods done and on Wednesday i got phone call from the hospital to say i needed to go on Saturday for a scan..

Because everythings been done so quickly i forgot to ask how long to wait for results..

Thank you

  • Hi Justamanda72. Welcome to the forum.

    If you've never had an ultrasound scan before, they're very quick and completely painless. Normally they're done and dusted in a couple of minutes. The worst part is wiping off the gel that is put on the scanned area. This gel is pretty messy, but without it the scanner wouldn't work!  

    With ultrasound scans, the scanned images show up immediately on the device's screen. This means that often the person operating the scanner can give immediate feedback - provided they're suitably qualified to interpret the images. So, most likely you'll get a verbal summary of the results immediately.  This will be followed some days later by a written report sent (usually electronically) to the doctor who ordered the scan, which can then be filed and added to your permanent health record.

    Of course, if the person operating the scanner isn't qualified to interpret the images, you'll get little or no feedback, and the images will be saved and shown at a later date to someone who IS qualified, who will then write the report. However, this isn't common, but I know it happens. 

    Incidentally, this is why you rarely get the results of MRI and CT scans immediately. The radiographer operating the machine is more of a technician than a medic, trained to operate the complex machines to get the best quality images, but not qualified to interpret them. This means that every MRI or CT has a frustrating and worrying wait of several weeks whilst the report is written. 


  • Hi

    So i had Ultrasound done Saturday morning, the lady who did it just said the scan would be with my Dr Mon/Tues and they would say what happens next. Today i got a phone call from my Dr to say a mass had been found on the left 6.5cm x 5cm and that il receive a letter tomorrow to make an urgent referal to a gyny. I asked her if it could be sinister and she said its very likely cancer especially as i have every symptom to go with it, my CA125 is slightly above normal but she explained its not reliable for diagnosis as some women dont have raised markers at all and still jave ovarian cancer.So now its wait and see when the appointment is. I am still in shock but i have an amazing family and brilliant friends and collegues x

  • Hi Justamanda72.

    So sorry to read this - now I'm afraid it's more scans (either CT or MRI) and more tests and more waiting.

    Unfortunately, you and I have been issued with different equipment and I'm not able to offer any info on next steps.  However I suggest you start a new thread name something like:  Possible ovarian cancer after scan. That should get some posts from people who know more about it than I do.

    All the best for now.  


  • Hi I'm new here I also had a scan today I have the same symptoms you have along with irregular abnormal colour periods and bloody discharge also losing random clots now and again. I thought I would get results at the scan but she said the doctor would need to analyse the scan and contact me, I thought it can't be anything bad as they would have rushed it but by the sounds of it everything is a process and I suppose there are so many people with all sorts of life threatening conditions and everything needs to be done in steps. I am a bit worried due to having same symptoms my tummy looks about 4-5 months pregnant, at first I lost an awful amount of weight now the past two weeks my lower abdomen has just grown daily I'm definitely not pregnant obv just looking for some coping strategies if there are any I don't think I'm going to sleep until I know. I'm 30 and surely I'm so young it's less likely I don't know just trying to put as much doubt as possible to make me reassure myself it's nothing serious. I want to say I hope you are ok but who would be but I hope you get all the support you need and fingers crossed for you. Thanks 

  • Also another question did they tell you your blood results before the scan results. I had some bloods done last week I rang the secretary for results and she said all satisfactory bar one and didn't say what one but said the doctor has now requested a bone profile blood test to be completed. It's given me hope that it's good but not sure if they would explain without a full picture mad I only had the scan today?

  • Hi , I'm in a similar position, issue is I'm a bit of a chubby girl anyway and so I can't tell if my belly is always bloated or if I'm just fat. I've been bleeding since 3rd March 2021 till today, it's stopped here and there and slowed down but I recently had a ultra sound scan which I had to wait a month for and now after waiting 4 days after the scan I'm being told I have to wait 3 more days to speak to my doctor. I'm 19 and I'm scared I'm estranged from both my parents so I don't really have much of a support system. I'm a woman of faith , so all I can do is pray everything is okay. I'm worried now after reading that the doctors are taking long to give results even when it's life threatening. It scares me because i've already been waiting for a while. I really don't want to think the worse and I hope you're results come back good for you. I'm praying for you all. 

  • Hi

    Please don’t think you are on your own and you can always message me anytime. I’ve just found a lump and am going for an ultrasound and am so scared as I look about 4-5 months pregnant but I’m not! I am so worried and don’t want to tell anyone how I really feel x

  • Hi lovely,

    I completely understand your fear. I'm waiting for my referral to the gynaecologist . I'm always here to talk, I understand I'm just a stranger but I'm happy to listen . Stress will only make you feel worse, try practice self care, whether that be a nice bath, face mask , or getting your feet done. Stay active if you can and try to eat clean it will make you feel a little better while you're waiting.

    im still bleeding and have seen changes in my breast so I'm a little worried but I trust in God that I'll be fine and I'll be praying for you too.  

  • Hi sorry I've not been on, my ultrasound was ok my stool sample showed inflammation and I've been having a lot of pain lower and upper abdomen and unusual bowel and cycle habits I got sent to hospital today by my gp due to tender tummy and continuing pain and symptoms worsening, had a CT scan as they suspected Crohn's disease, but instead found fibroids and a mass outside my cervix all my bloods are normal so I am confused so are the doctors as my ultrasound was examined and reported as normal. I am told it may or may not be something as two different scans say different but organised an mri scan that will be done by Monday. Hoping I can go home tomorrow and come back for the other tests as I have 4 children. Just shows no matter what doctors say you know your body and I knew something wasn't right my scan was normal so I assumed it must be the bowel but a different type of scan has said different. I will let you know. I know it so hard waiting for results I didn't sleep for ages I really wish you the best and the results to be ok for anyone going through this. But I will say if you still honestly feel like your body is telling you something listen to it. I've been put on tablets to stop my bleeding and I have continued to bleed I'm guessing these new results explain why. Thankyou for everyone's stories it helps alot. 
    wish you all the best. Speak soon xxx