Petechiae- very worried.

I am very worried due to me always linking petechiae with leukaemia 


In January, a small patch of petechiae appeared on my leg nothing more nothing less. I went to the doctors and did a blood test and they said I was fine and it was nothing to worry about. 

It went away however a month ago it appeared again but bigger, I also gave many dots on my feet and legs. 

I am very worried any advice?

  • Hiya I have these also on belly chest and arms all bloods normal been told not to worry 

  • I started notice my blood spots on lower legs nearly a year ago for about 5 months, it comes and goes. Not in crazy numbers but certainly concerning without knowing what it is. 

    I used very small dose hydrochloxy chloroquine for 5 months on a weekly bases for other issues and during these months  the spots were completely gone.

    when I stopped the medication the spots started to come back. 

    did blood test at the beginning when I noticed the spots and the results were all fine. Decided to see a dermatologist specialist next week and do some more tests. 

    Fingers crossed  

    Hope you are all well. 

  • Please let me no how you get on 

    my dr won't refer me back they called it a condition I forgot the name now but basically they said it's caused my a trauma to skin 

    mine still here some days show more than others although they've told me it nothing I hate it I'm so self conscious of it 

    I have some on upper theigh now to 


    good luck 

  • I had this about 15 years ago.

    I had a ton pop up on my feet and ankles. They would also appear on my hands. Almost always the webbed part between each finger.

    After bloods, it was found my red blood count was slightly on the high side. At one point i got told i had suspected polycythaemia (too much red blood). After a few good haematology appointments, it was found that it was secondary polycythaemia. Caused by chronic dehydration. I used to drink a lot of alcohol back then, probably bordering on becoming an alcoholic if truth be told. I never drank any water at all, so yeah, it all made sense. I stopped drinking and drank shed loads of water and it all cleared up within a month or 3. To this day, some of those spots resemble pinpoint freckles. You wouldn't be able to see them, but i can still see some of the marks left behind if i look really closely.

    My 14 year old daughter years later began to get random wee ones here and there too. She got them periodically. After about the 4th time and after my experience, we took her to the doctor. Her bloods were fine, but she did get sent to a specialist. The reason being, if it's happening on the skin, it can supposedly happen on the kidneys too. So she had to get her kidneys checked out. Everything was fine after around 5 appointments. She just stopped getting them. We have no idea what caused her to get them.

    She does have severe nut allergies, so maybe it was something to do with her immune system, but I really have no idea on that front.

    A final note to people. I see dermatologist being banded around here. My gp originally treated it as a skin issue and sent me to 2 too. They both fed me some guff about it being because i was standing in my job most the the day. They were wrong. My haematologist stated petechiae is a blood vessel/blood issue, not a skin disorder. The only reason it shows up on skin is because those tiny blood vessels are near the surface. Basically, as i said, 2 dermatologists gave me an incorrect diagnosis.

  • My daughter (18 years old) has had a small patch on her knee and a very large stretch across her neck and chest. I've read a lot about it being age related but, obviously, she is too young for that to be a consideration. All of the things I have read about it relate to age or cancer and the doctor insists that it is just an allergic reaction but she has had the patches for a year now and doesn't use any of the same cosmetics or cleaning products that she did before as an attempt to get rid of it. They refuse to test her for anything dangerous beause she's 'too young' but I'm also worried about it. 

  • (If anyone else is reading this I would appreciate a reply even if your not a doctor maybe just someone who is wise and can help!) Hey! I don't know if you will reply but worth a try! I am 16 and suffer with Heath anxiety mainly worse with cancers and heart problems but I have been on antidepressants for them recently and I have experienced petechiae just like your daughter but mine is more widespread! I have them all over my arms and a few on my legs and in my mouth. I obviously went straight to Google and started panicking that I have lukeamia! I don't know weather it is a reaction to sertraline/antidepressants or it's because I have covid curently and had Ibuprofen which your not actually meant to take with antidepressants because it apparently thins blood? I don't know I'm really not sure and still panicking. Maybe your daughter is on antidepressants too and that's why or I've heard birth control can cause it too (example the pill /minipill) hope she's well and it's not anything serious xx

  • I am on antidepressants and this is happening maybe it's that or covid? 

  • I'm the same, had low folate last year and now seem to be getting these tiny pin *** spots all over but a patch on my chest. My husband thinks I'm a hypochondriac for even noticing them. I've booked a doctors appointment but I made the mistake of googling it and now and freaking out as I've got an enlarged lymph node in my neck (I've had it 7 years with no enlargement) 



  • Hi.

    I've been getting this rash type symptom. It started about 3 months ago, I noticed it on my stomach when I was getting changed one day. Didn't really think much of it and thought I'd had a reaction to something. Then about a month later it came back. In exactly the same place. Then I noticed it on my feet (very odd!!) and then on the backs of my legs. I went to the doctors who sent me for some bloods. Everything has come back normal apart from my liver test. They haven't said what's wrong but my liver test and coagulation has come back either slightly low or high. They haven't told me. I need to come back in 2 months for a retest. This made me feel better but I have now noticed the rash looks much angrier and seems to have clustered together. Looks a mess to be honest. Getting quite concerned with it after the things you read online. I don't feel unwell in myself but I just can't seem to get to the bottom of it. I don't take any medication, don't have an immune disorder or anything like that. Also haven't hurt myself so no idea what's happening. Anyone else got a similar story? It's freaking me out to be honest