Should I go back to my doctor?


Dear all,

First of all thank you for reading my story.

In june last year my right lower leg started to become very itchy, so i went to my family doctor and he advised anti histamines. Sadly they did not better my situation and about a month later my left lower leg started to become itchy as well and in september i got this prickly itchy feeling around my collarbone. Somewhere in august i noticed 3 lumps in my neck. My doctor sent me for an ultrasound and i was told there that though the lymphnodes were bigger they looked fine and there was nothing to worry about, some nodes can be just a tad bigger.

I was sent to a dermatologist who told me she couldn’t do anything regarding the itching as the skin looked fine and i has no rash. She did however advised a thorax x ray and excessive blood tests which were also good.

Somewhere in the beginning of october the itching stopped and i actually did not think of it anymore. But since april the itching is back. I don’t really know if the 3 nodes are bigger, but they feel as if they are slightly bigger (maybe it’s just my imagination) and next to this i found another node more downward in my neck (this might have been there for a long time. I’ve found it after very thorough investigation of my next and it’s not large, maybe 5mm).
Question; am i being overly worried regarding the nodes or should i have them re analyzed? Last time i was told they looked absolutely fine on the ultrasound.

Apart from the itchy legs i have no other health issues: no night sweats, fever or fatigue.

Thanks again for reading and i hope you can give me some insight in what to do.


  • Hi dutchie get the nodes checked out to be on the safe side they can swell for no reason at all or a bit of infection, about your legs do you wear anything different sometimes it can be an allergy even what you wash with your self or your clothes, I'm OK but my wife only let's me us certain wash liquids or she is like you, she can only wear cotton underwear as well. Good luck finding what's going on. 


  • Hi Billy,


    Thanks for you advice!

    These nodes have been checked by ultrasound in october last year, been given the all clear (no biopsy neccessary) and haven't subsided since. 

    So other than my doubt if they might have grown a tiny bit (talking millimeters) not much has changed.

    You are totally right regarding the wash liquids. My gp advised me last july to switch over to anti allergen liquids which haven't changed anything.

    I have been to a specialist for internal diseases last october after the ultrasound and she said the bloodwork and lymphnodes looked normal, no reason to worry and the itch? Well, she didn't have an answer for it.

    So I am still in the dark and trying to find out where this darn itch is coming from, how it can go away for 5 months and come back and why i have 3 swollen lymphnodes without being seen as a worried hypochondriac ;)




  • What about clothing some materials vary what's in them, do you do anything different with your legs cream or anything. 


  • No difference what so ever I'm afraid.

    Even with shorts on they itch.

    Some days worse then others, but not to the extend that I scratch till I bleed. 

    I try to scratch as little as possible to avoid the skin from getting irritated.