Dear all,
First of all thank you for reading my story.
In june last year my right lower leg started to become very itchy, so i went to my family doctor and he advised anti histamines. Sadly they did not better my situation and about a month later my left lower leg started to become itchy as well and in september i got this prickly itchy feeling around my collarbone. Somewhere in august i noticed 3 lumps in my neck. My doctor sent me for an ultrasound and i was told there that though the lymphnodes were bigger they looked fine and there was nothing to worry about, some nodes can be just a tad bigger.
I was sent to a dermatologist who told me she couldn’t do anything regarding the itching as the skin looked fine and i has no rash. She did however advised a thorax x ray and excessive blood tests which were also good.
Somewhere in the beginning of october the itching stopped and i actually did not think of it anymore. But since april the itching is back. I don’t really know if the 3 nodes are bigger, but they feel as if they are slightly bigger (maybe it’s just my imagination) and next to this i found another node more downward in my neck (this might have been there for a long time. I’ve found it after very thorough investigation of my next and it’s not large, maybe 5mm).
Question; am i being overly worried regarding the nodes or should i have them re analyzed? Last time i was told they looked absolutely fine on the ultrasound.
Apart from the itchy legs i have no other health issues: no night sweats, fever or fatigue.
Thanks again for reading and i hope you can give me some insight in what to do.