Would an MRI neck detect head/neck cancer?


ive recently had an MRI of neck with contrast which picked up mucousal thickening of sinuses which the consultant wasn’t worried about but nothing else. 

I’ve had lots of concerning symptoms including spitting blood, ear pain, tinnitus, weight loss, night sweats, numb face on one side, bleeding ulcer at back of nose (reason for mri)

If there was something sinister going on would the MRI definitely detect it? 

Thank you in advance xx

  • Hello Young_mum,

    Thank you for posting again.  Unfortunately, this is not something that we can help you with on Cancer Chat.  The best thing to do would be to talk to your doctor about your worries.

    I hope you are able to get the help you are looking for elsewhere. 

    Take care, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi young mum, I hope you are doing okay and have asked your doctor about your concerns. I too have been experiencing similar symptoms as you and I am only 19 and feel very scared and have been crying almost every day. 

    I hope you are doing well and it is nothing serious or concerning xx

  • Hi Rani,

    So sorry to hear that you are experiencing the same anxiety , it’s awful isn’t it. I’m no further to finding out no. I have a head mri in a few weeks and I’m going to see my gp again tomorrow as i feel like they’ve done some tests now so think their job is done even though I’m still spitting up blood every day and having a whole host of other scary symptoms. 

    Do you have any tests planned? Xx

  • I am not a doctor. 

    I had a head/neck MRI with gadolinium contrast for suspected cancer last year.  It was clear. 

    The contrast material used (gadolinium) has a particular affinity for tumours, and hence by comparing the scans before and after the material is injected, it highlights ususual areas very effectively. If nothing showed up on the MRI then I think you can be reassured that neck cancer isn't the problem. 


  • Hi telemando, 

    Thank you for your response, that’s good to hear.

    I am trying to remain positive as of course a clear scan is positive news however my symptoms remain and when I’m continuing to spit blood every day it’s a visual reminder of how something isn’t quite right (as well as everything else going on)

    The consultant has sent me for a head MRI in a few weeks, hoping that will be okay too. 

    Thanks again for replying 


  • Today I have a raised hard lymph node under my ear as well as all of my other ongoing symptoms :-( I’m so confused, I was starting to feel a bit more positive and accept the clear mri but now this. Does anyone know if the mri would detect anything sinister even if the lymph node wasn’t raised at the time of the scan?