mole on shoulder advise please

Hi, i was wondering if someone could give me advise on a mole on my shoulder. I have an appointment but is over a week away. Thank you

  • Hi Kabash - welcome to the forum x

    I think one of the moderators may remove your photo soon as pics aren’t allowed on the site for this purpose x 

    Having had a mole scare myself recently, I know it is concerning and difficult to wait for an appointment. 

    It’s can be a challenge to confirm an opinion on a mole by a picture. Also, my GP couldn’t give me an answer for sure as to whether my mole was dodgy by examining it in person (she didn’t have a dermascope available for a super close look). I was then referred to dermatology urgently and it turned out to be nothing (even though I thought it was highly likely to be something sinister by the look of it....two different colours, central black spot, blurred edges). So don’t be alarmed if your GP does the same.

    Good on your for getting an appointment - be great to hear how you get on x x

  • Thank you very much for your reply. will let you know how i get on : )