Jabbing/tickle in neck

Is a jabbing tickle in the neck anything to worry about?

  • Hi StrayingDog

    Maybe you could ask your GP for help and support to manage your mental health challenges. With health anxiety, reassurance is the worst thing anyone can do for you. It’ll make things a lot worse in the long run (at the minute you get a physical symptom (tickle in the neck), you then consider it something sinister, you’ll then seek reassurance which will bring you temporary relief, only for the cycle to start off over again the next time you get a physical symptom). Unless you get help, this cycle will likely continue and build and will really start to cause a disruption (including visits to A&E (reassurance seeking) and paying privately for very expensive tests (reassurance seeking) that aren’t needed). 

    Although this is a lovely place to be and anyone’s welcome...ask yourself if it is beneficial for you to be constantly looking up your symptoms online (reassurance seeking) and also visiting a cancer forum for every physical symptom you have (...reassurance seeking). I’m sure you’ve got a lot more interesting things you can be doing...!

    In the meantime, you could try to focus on evidence to support you not being seriously ill including the clear test results and findings. I know others have helped with this in another post. 

    Health anxiety can be treated. You’re only young and don’t want that hanging over you in your adult years. Reassurance is not working out for you (see above....it’s spiralling out of control...and is making you worse....so perhaps a different approach is now needed to help you cope with your anxiety).