Testicular Ultrasound

Lump found in boyfriends testicle. He went to the doctors and they sent him for an ultrasound.

The results of the ultrasound was a thickening of the epididymis causing the lump.

Can I trust the ultrasound results that he doesn't have cancer? I have severe medical anxiety and need reassurance.

  • Then be reassured. When it comes to testicular problems, ultrasound is the ideal scanner. The operator will have seen many previous examples of healthy and unhealthy, er, parts, and you should trust the evaluation. 

  • Thanks.

    I only worry because I've read that 25% of testicular cancer cases are initially misdiagnosed. Although I wonder if they're misdiagnosed before ultrasound, meaning that they never get a chance to have imaging done. Could they make a mistake and misread the ultrasound results? Or miss it somehow? I know it's silly to overthink it but the only thing that will stop me worrying all the time is cold hard facts. Google is a bit hit and miss. 

  • I guess you mean this article from 2012 in the Clinical Advisor.  It's talking about American practice not British practice, and testicular cancer is still a rare disease. 25% of a rare disease is an even rarer misdiagnosis, and the article goes on to say "US (= ultrasound) evaluation is essential...".  Possibly in 2012 American doctors were less keen to send men for ultrasounds?

    This is why Google is not a good way to research. It's too easy to find out of date, and/or inappropriate information, take it out of its proper context, and end up frightening yourself silly. The proper context for the 25% misdiagnosis claim is American practice in 2012, before an ultrasound is performed.  None of this applies in your boyfriend's case.

  • Thanks for explaining that to me. Because of my reffered medical anxiety I often invent things in my head- and things tend to get out of proportion in my mind. It helps to have someon explain the logic to me. Thanks :) 

  • Hi fr23.  You can't help your health anxiety, but you came to the right place and asked some very sensible questions. I'm pleased that my answers are useful;  it's why I hang around here.  Don't hesitate to come back - we're always pleased to help and offer support.