Cervical ectropion and colposcopy

I was first diagnosed with a cervical ectropion last year during pregnancy due to spotting. On two separate occasions during pregnancy two different doctors told me I had an ectropion and didn't seem worried.

6 weeks after having my baby i had my first depo shot. A week after that I have had light pink spotting on and off evey since. I went back to the doctors last week and said I have got myself really worried about cc. She offered to look at my cervix which I agreed to and she said the ectropion is definitely still there and bleeds on contact, and has referred me for a colposcopy. I am now worried sick that I am going to be told I have cervical cancer, but my last smear was in 2016 and was normal so surely things can't be that bad?

I've made myself so sick with worry that I have now been prescribed diazepam and a mild anti depressant. I just sit looking at my 2 young children and feel so worried. My youngest is only 3 months old. Cc was never mentioned during pregnancy. Really need some reassurance as my anxiety is through the roof.


Thank you


  • I'm so relieved I stumbled upon this thread. I'm literally in the same boat as you all and am sick with anxiety. I can't sleep and feel like crying constantly. Went to a clinic and was told I had cervical ectropion and was meant to be referred to have a colposcopy but now have to go to my doctor to be referred. I know I shouldn't but I've looked on google and ended up scaring myself thinking I have cervical cancer or cancer cells. So glad that I can read this thread and not feel as though I'm alone in feeling this way x

  • I had my son in April 2018 and am still breastfeeding! My periods returned in March 2019 and were a bit irregular to start with and I've been spotting occasionally in between, had smear in May 2019 which was clear. I went to the dr due to the spotting and she can see an erosion and wants to send for colposcopy just to check as I've been spotting!

    Im worried out of my mind and feel desperate! 
    Does this sound like CC???

  • Hi ladies, 

    I know it's been a while since a post on this thread. I've been suffering with cervical erosion since 2017/18. I am age 27, basically I have been on pill since age 15 and age 21 I had some bleeding post sex, discomfort wearing tampons and cramps. Had a colposcopy, borderline cells and erosion/etropcion was treated was put on yasmin pill some time after that and all seemed great. A few years back (I have been with partner 6 years) bleeding after sex started again, cramps, discomfort during and wearing tampons. Periods were painful and heavy.

    I was put on a colposcopy waiting list for 4 months and was lucky to have private health care via my job. In July 2019 gyne thought it was endometriosis (they didn't even examine me) I had a laproscopy, hysteroscopy and what do you know, they found severe erosion and gave me cautery to the cervix. Fast forward to November unable to have sex periods awful, poor after care advice and it still hadn't gone away. I saw another gyne and she gave me silver nitrate and told me to change to cerazette.

    I have seen the gp 3 times since then and finally today have been told my erosion is back and worse. I've been advised to come off contreceptive pill and am now on an NHS gyne waiting list. I don't understand what's caused it but mostly I'm told it's the pill and hormones or a combo of the two. Apparently lazer or actually cutting away some of the area is the only way for people in my case who it keeps returning for. It isn't dangerous, it's very uncomfortable as we all know but not cancerous as far as I've been told by the 2 gynes I've had and Gp. I had CIN 1 cells that also went away years ago so it could all be related some how. Another big side affect for me was discharge that was a whitey light yellow colour with no odour but again misdiagnosed as BV. 

    I don't know exactly why it hasn't improved after so long but it is really starting to get me down. I hope this helps anyone reading this as I did so much research for so long and thought I was genuinely going nuts! 



  • Hi all. Had my second smear last year, showed HPV, went back this year for a follow up. Smear was so painful yesterday she mentioned ectropian and referred me to colposcopy. I'm worried sick at what this might be. What Happens at colposcopy? I'm dreading it as the pain at the smear was too much I could have cried. I'm going out of my mind. I didn't sleep last night and now I'm sat googling when I know I shouldn't be. I'm 28 and came off the pill years ago, sex is so painful I've just stopped trying. There wasn't any pain or mention of ectropian last year at my smear so now I'm so worried. 

  • From what I know ectropion can start randomly you may not of had it at last smear but it can just kind of come out of no where. Have you had any children? 
    My ectropion was the same really painful sex bleeding after intercourse painful to put a tampon in, they treated it with silver nitrate and I've had no problems since! When is your colposcopy x

  • Thank you for replying . 
    No I haven't got any children. Nothing too unusual, no bleeding after sex just painful so now I don't want to even try it, all I can think of is the pain so it's put me off completely. My colposcopy is two weeks today which I know isn't that far away but can't help but be anxious about it xx

  • Hi Megan I have the same sort of thing , I was pregnant and they found a cervical erosion , and then all fine after that had a smear test done in jan 2019 was fine but not sure if that was the testing would anyone know ? If that was for hpv ? That came back fine , but then had spotting and bleeding after Sex but I have the copper coil and I'm not sure if it's causing me more problems I had that fitted in jan 2019 periods are deffo longer now , so anyways went back to docs and she said you need to go for more tests so went to ultrasound said it's fine and she told me the doctor said she think she saw an Erison , so now I need to go back docs and demand colonoscopy, worried sick I have a 2 year old as well and I'm now 26 stressing myself right out as well ! I hope yours get sorted ! Xxx 

  • So sorry to hear you are going through this hun. So cut a long story short I've been completely removed from the pill, I'm not on any form of contreception at the moment. This is because I didn't actually have a form of erosion since they removed after surgery, it's basicslly hormones. I would definately explore this but you are on a copper coil which is hormone free.


    So basically when they treat the erosion it should just go. Mine cervix going to take some time to heal by itself then hopefully I can have a copper coil fitted myself. Maybe explore the hormonal route, I wouldn't worry though I've had erosion lazered, silver nitrate it gives you mild period pain. Erosion is nothing to do with hpv or cancer. I've had smears which were borderline CIN and they went by themselves. Anybody that said its related hasn't done much research as I've seen 5 gynos and each have said no. Good luck hun, I still bleed and spot after sex but they said this will take time to get hormones out my system and my cervix will heal x 

  • I feel glad I've found this thread. Had a clear smear and negative hpv test in October but recently had bleeding after sex. Been to the doctors tonight and she said it looks like an ectropian but wants me to have a colposcopy to be on the safe side. I lost a family member to cancer so my mind has gone into over drive and I can't stop crying. I have a 13 month old daughter and I feel worried sick! I thought that a clear smear and negative hpv would mean I was ok? I'm hoping I don't have to wait long but she said normally it takes 4 weeks to be seen.

  • Hi, your symptoms sound exactly like mine, abnormal smear last year, CIN1. 
    a lot of discharge following the smear lasting months! Misdiagnosed BV also.

    had a period beginning of this year lasting 2 and a half to 3 weeks, and bleeding after intercourse.

    GP said erosion, referred into gynae, who I saw today and has referred me for urgent ultrasound and colcoscopy! 
    It is all so worrying, hoping to god that it's just erosion which sorts itself out!!!!