Cervical ectropion and colposcopy

I was first diagnosed with a cervical ectropion last year during pregnancy due to spotting. On two separate occasions during pregnancy two different doctors told me I had an ectropion and didn't seem worried.

6 weeks after having my baby i had my first depo shot. A week after that I have had light pink spotting on and off evey since. I went back to the doctors last week and said I have got myself really worried about cc. She offered to look at my cervix which I agreed to and she said the ectropion is definitely still there and bleeds on contact, and has referred me for a colposcopy. I am now worried sick that I am going to be told I have cervical cancer, but my last smear was in 2016 and was normal so surely things can't be that bad?

I've made myself so sick with worry that I have now been prescribed diazepam and a mild anti depressant. I just sit looking at my 2 young children and feel so worried. My youngest is only 3 months old. Cc was never mentioned during pregnancy. Really need some reassurance as my anxiety is through the roof.


Thank you


  • Hi Amylou

    I'm really sorry to hear that you've been dealing with this health concern, especially at a time when you should be enjoying your new little addition to the family. 

    I found some information on the Jo's Trust website which will hopefully answer some of the questions tht you have and give you some reassurance. I've linked it for you here

    It's understandable that you feel overwhelmed by everything at the moment. I know it's easier said than done but try to just take each day as it comes. Fingers crossed that you won't have to wait too long for your hospital appointment. 

    Best wishes. 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • hello I know this was posted in Feb but I have just had the same and waiting on an urgent referral as we speak! How did you get on? X

  • In the end they did a urgent referral to gynaecology as there was such a long wait for colpscopy. The specialist looked and acouple weeks later lasered the ectropian and that was it. She didnt even mention cc and just said an ectropian is common if u have been on the pill for a long time or during pregnancy.i have just had a smear test done and nothing was said about anything looking sore etc so I assume the ectropian has gone. Just waiting the dreaded smear test results.


    Looking back I think my hormones were so high and low due to having my daughter that I just didnt deal with things rationally at all. I hadn't even had a worrying smear result but in my head I convinced myself the ectropian was something nasty. The depo didnt so me any favours either so am off of that and much happier on the pill.


    Hope you are okay? Xx

  • thank you so much for replying. I’m literally in exactly the same boat as you... I’ve had a baby last smear in 2017 was absolutely normal. I’ve been spotting now after sex my baby is 8 months old. Anyway had an examination and she says it’s this erosion but she will send me for an urgent colposcopy. I now am thinking the worst and thinking I have CC. I am literally sick with anxiety. She reassured me is wasn’t but I just thought how could you know? My hormones are all over after breast feeding aswell last breastfed around 3/4 months ago xxx thank you for replying 

  • Hi

    I'm literally in the same boat as you both with having ectropian and being referred to colposcopy.  I had the ectropian before getting pregnant too and had it treated and precautionary biopsies taken. These came back CIN 1 so I had a repeat smear a year after (after having my little boy) and that came back clear. Went to the doctor though due to spotting - which also similar to you started when I ceased breast feeding . She examined me and saw the ectropian and has referred me back to colposcopy because of my previous history. 

    I'm so scared and worried as well and not coping well with the anxiety either waiting for the appointment. Reassuring to know others are going through the same.

  • sounds like we are pretty much similar. Have you got the date? I know mines under the two week rule so should be soon. My anxiety is through the roof aswell even though the doctor reassured me it was just ectropian and thinks it will set resolve. I’m just trying to not think about it until I go in now. Let me know how everything goes on xxx

  • Thats what I couldn't rationalise in my head....they say it's an ectropian but what if it's not and why are they dealing with it so urgently if they are not worried...also when letters started mention the awful c word that was it there was no calming my anxiety down. Even though my doctor said they are putting that word in to fast track the referral otherwise il be waiting months I still wasnt convinced. 


    Looking back now I can see it differently. They are the experts, they know an ectropian when they see one and I might be wrong but surely cc cells wouldn't be visable in the short space of 3 years. It's one of the slowest developing cancers. I know its easy for me to be rational now I'm out the other side of the ordeal but I can completely understand how u both feel. Unfortunately I still havent managed to get off the anxiety tablets since but once I've had my routine smear results and fingers crossed everything is fine that's my next goal.

    Thinking of you both


  • I don't have my date yet no. I think it will come.through in the post either Monday or Tuesday. It's so hard to rationalise as it's very hard to understand the relationship (if there is one at all) between ectropians and CIN. As far as I can get my head round it, they are unrelated but can coexist along side one another so they prefer to always get you in to check so nothing is missed. CIN is not cancer , it's pre-cancerous cells which like you said grow very slowly. If you've had clear smears the doctor is simply sending you to get the ectropian treated as that's where it's done, in the colposcopy clinic. That's why they sent me before as it was becoming so bothersome. I'm trying to rationalise that if that's what it was before then that's all it will be again and is being caused by a change in hormones due to stopping breast feeding. I think they are being extra cautious with me because of having CIN one - not wanting to risk just writing it off as an ectropian and missing something. 

    It's so hard when it's all centred around the C word and that is literally the most terrifying thing for anybody. Xxxx

  • My ultrasound was abnormal , 10x12mm focal area on my uterus, my uterus appears irregular and 25mm thickness. I've had extremely heavy periods , and extreme pain for a while. I'm now taking morphine because it's so bad.

    A gyno had a look at the hospital and said my cervix is red raw and bleeding when touched. She said it looks like cervical ectropion. I'm waiting now on another gyno refferal for a second opinion and hopefully a biopsy. I'm 25 and have had to fight just to get to this point! Cervical cancer runs directly in my family. 

    I've never even heard of cervical ectropion before. But I've read it can resemble early stage cervical cancer as the two look similar so I'm panicking now! :( 

  • I was told I had cervical ectropian around 3 years ago , we had been trying for our third baby, and was probably paying more attention to my cycle. I realised I had a lot of discharge a lot where bloody. So fast forward to now I have a 11 month old , but it seems to have started again , 3 times I had to go to the loo today after feeling wet (pinky discharge) and slight back side pain. I just worry as I have the ectropian how would I know if it's something else , do I go back to the doctor. Probably working my self up as my grans ovarian cancer has come back ( tested to be not one that runs in families) xx