Multiple lymph nodes in neck


just wondering if anyone has been through or is currently going through this, I have about 4 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck that I know of , from what I can feel the one on the left side of my neck Beneath my ear is around 2cm firm but not rock hard and not moveable , I have 2 pea sized moveable ones and one grape size moveable one . I have had them that I know of around about 2 years with no change is size, I went to the doctors a couple of months ago and she said it was because of my acne (which I have had untreated for 5 years) so she changed my pill and that has really cleared up my acne but the lymph nodes still persist with no change? I am going back to the doctors tomorrow as they are worrying and if you couldn't already tell I have severe health anxiety , is it true that lymph nodes can just stay permanently enlarged after infection ps. I have had no weight loss, night sweats or anything just a little tiredness as I have been iron deficient , overalls feel fine apart from this anxiety taking over my life

I would really appreciate and comments thank you xx


  • hello, I have just been reading through. I am going through similar and worried I have lymph nodes I can feel very well 2 on my right side and 1 on the left side of neck. How did your checks go?

  • I don’t know if reading this post helps or not. I have a one swollen mode for 4 months and 2 that keep coming and going am getting scared now because I’ve been having night sweats and chest pains

  • Hi, how are you now? Hope you are well.

  • Hello

    i have the same problem. I am only 21 years old but can feel what feels like a large lump either side of my neck under my jaw, and also smaller pea sized lumps underneath my jaw at the front under my chin. Both my back wisdom teeth have been coming through sideways, and have now stopped coming through so I'm not sure if maybe it is something to do with them? I also have acne on the sides of my face/neck were I can feeling the swollen lymph nodes but I don't know if that makes a difference. This worries me everyday, it's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about at night. They sometimes cause pain but nothing too serious. I am so scared I am going to die from this I really don't know what to do and im so scared of upsetting my family if there is something seriously wrong with my health. I also sometimes have pains in my chest behind breast bone, and sometimes my arm hurts. I have no one to talk to about this so I'm really scared and have everything bottled up. I really don't know what to do and I'm so terrifyed of something bad happening or passing away :(

  • Hi alm12345

    i had a swollen nodes in my neck for over two years and at the start of 2019 I was worried to death about them I couldn't eat sleep or think about anything else I went to a few doctors who said they were fine but finally got an ultra sound and they said it was just a normal salivary gland and the others were normal too. I had bad acne at the time as well and had done for about 5 years and one of the doctors said i had swollen nodes because of this, so yours could deffo be down to your wisdom teeth or acne but I'm not a doctor. I would deffo visit a doctor for peace of mind because I totally get how you must be feeling, and the internet really doesn't help. Something that helped me ( I know this might sound strange) but so many people have swollen nodes I used to feel around my husbands neck and guess what I found more a less the same nodes as what I had , and this helped me a lot. But a would see a doctor about them and talk to someone and get it off your chest, don't go through this stress alone. 
    best wishes 

  • Hi Everyone, I know this is an old post, but came across it while google my symptoms, I have had about 5 lymph nodes I can feel down my left side of neck, I also feel there is one hard unmoveable on a size of a pea but can't always find it, it seems deep next to the side of my wind pipe, I've been to the doctors and the didn't seem too concerned but they have been here since dec 19; I've had blood test done which came back clear, I have been diagnosed with cds which is a hole in a bone in my inner ear, which makes me hear internal sounds, with that I can hear something pop in my throat/neck when I turn my head to the left. As it took over 2 years to have that diagnosis my doctor put me on sertaline for health anxiety. I do believe i have anxiety but the reason I feel it came in because of the not knowing what was wrong with me for so long, and the doctors telling me it's normal to hear internal sounds like my eyes balls moving. 

    im rambling now so going back to my neck I also feel pressure around my neck, especially when I sit back on the sofa, has anyone else experience these symptoms? 

  • Offline in reply to 3d

    Hi 3d,

    I'm not sure if this is helpful but I have 4 enlarged lymph nodes (you might have seen my comments earlier). I've realised that they get bigger when I'm ill with a cold/sore throat etc and the return to their 'normal size' after. 3 of them are about 1cm and 1 is slightly larger about 1.3cm. It is coming up to a year since I first noticed them and have had an ultrasound on them twice. During my last ultrasound, the sonographer said they are part of me now and won't go down completely. I needed to hear that as they are aways in the back of my mind! I also have ear issues, I have eustachian tube dysfunction in my left ear (same side as the lymph nodes) so I don't know if that is the reason they are like this. I have had an MRI on my ear and they couldn't anything more than that. 

    How large are your lymph nodes? I would ask for an ultrasound for peace of mind :)

  • Offline in reply to EWar

    Thank you so much for quick response, sorry to hear you've gone through a similar thing, they are all about the same size which is the size of a pea, all of them move apart from the one I can only find if my neck sometimes, it doesn't move and feels really hard but again only a size of a pea. I have also lost 1/2 stone since Xmas but agin that could be down to my anxiety, I have now become a member at Bupa as feel I have a red flag against my name when I ring the gp, as have stressed my concerns about the nodes and weight loss, I've also have a small handful of sweats in the night, not where the bed is drenched but my body feels clammy. The more I write my symptoms down the more worries I get, I have two young children and feel tired all the time

  • I'm in a similar boat, I noticed a pea sized tender bump on right side of neck ( around same time as my wisdom teeth coming through on that side) then a year down the line that had enlarged to a grape sized bump and more had appeared on the left side that were pea sized, then I checked my groin for more and low and behold found 2 more bumps that have the shape of a chewed up olive , they cause me enough discomfort and unexplainable achey/ sharp pains to notice it and become increasingly worried , I had a ct scan and the guy said he sticks needles in lymph nodes for a living and he could put his life on it that they are not cancerous , it's not been another year since I've been told that and if anything the left side ones have grown to a grape size aswell and hurt but this seems to be in correlation with teeth moving , I just can't explain the groin bumps and I have had a couple skin tag sorta things on the roof of my mouth and tongue that came and went , if anyone has had these same problems could you maybe clear a few things up for me as I have severe generalised anxiety and this worries me on a day to day basis 

  • Hi 3d,


    I have had exactly this. Although I can also hear a popping sound when I turn suddenly to the left. It's probably nothing but I would push your gp to send you for an ultrasound for peace of mind. I noticed mine in December, had a scan Feb and have an armpit scan Monday. I could feel my nodes yet my report says no lymphdapthy detected, as they are supposed to be there but most people can't feel them. My mum and fiancé managed to dig a few out to show me lol, although I have a few tender ones I'm in need of a filling so it may be due to that but I don't know. My 15 month old is stuck to my hip so I worry about him if anything was wrong!! Keep pushing them I'm sure it will be okay I've seen so many posts with same symptoms the majority turn out to be nothing.

    Also my health anxiety is insane from a misdiagnosis that left me with sepsis, pneumonia and ARDS. Intubated and partially deaf so I really empathise with you! It gets easier.

    becky x