Multiple lymph nodes in neck


just wondering if anyone has been through or is currently going through this, I have about 4 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck that I know of , from what I can feel the one on the left side of my neck Beneath my ear is around 2cm firm but not rock hard and not moveable , I have 2 pea sized moveable ones and one grape size moveable one . I have had them that I know of around about 2 years with no change is size, I went to the doctors a couple of months ago and she said it was because of my acne (which I have had untreated for 5 years) so she changed my pill and that has really cleared up my acne but the lymph nodes still persist with no change? I am going back to the doctors tomorrow as they are worrying and if you couldn't already tell I have severe health anxiety , is it true that lymph nodes can just stay permanently enlarged after infection ps. I have had no weight loss, night sweats or anything just a little tiredness as I have been iron deficient , overalls feel fine apart from this anxiety taking over my life

I would really appreciate and comments thank you xx


  • How did you get on at the doctors the other day Marie? I hope you were able to get your questions answered and the doctor was able to help you feel less anxious about your lymph nodes.

    I know you've spoken to other members about this on other discussions already but fingers crossed some of them will pop on to this discussion to chat about this with you as well.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello,


    Sorry that you’re going through this worry at the moment. I am currently going through the exact same. I have 8 lymph nodes that I can feel, 3 on the base of the back of my neck have defiantly been there for about 2 years. Recently found more above my collar bone and sides of neck and behind ear. All pea sized, soft and very moveable. I haven’t been ill recently which sparked my worry.


    I went to the doctors on Wednesday who felt them all, had to point him to some as he couldn’t feel them but found them eventually. Said it was unlikely anything sinister but referred me to have an ultrasound so I’m waiting for an appointment to come through. He didn’t tell me if it was going through as urgent.


    my anxiety is also through the roof I have no other symptoms apart from being tired but I have a one and half year old and I am also 10 weeks pregnant. I feel so worried about all of this and can only think the worse all information I can find points to cancer. 


    how did you get on at the doctors?

    I went ant to the 

  • Hello

    i hope you both can find answers for your swollen lymph nodes, I am in somewhat a similar situation, one enlarged submandibular and one cervical lymph node that is rock hard ( both on right side of neck)not sure if it moves or is the muscle that moved when I press it? I’ve had them for ten months now and my anxiety is also through the roof it actually takes over my life right now as I’m so scared something is very wrong! I also have developed a strange bony lump on my foot and recently hip pain..I do have a chronic swollen right eye with eyelash loss and fear it’s something from my eye????I have another appointment with my eye dr this week.Goodluck with your ultrasound appointment I hope you can find some answers.

    best of luck


  • Hi

    I am new to this site, I have a large firm lymph node in my submandibular gland, I am waiting for a urgent 2 week referral to ENT, the doctor felt it and said it was 2cm,  What bothers me is that I have for the last 2 years been suffering with what I was told was oral lichen planus, which was diagnosed privately through Bupa, the consultant just looked in my mouth and said you have OLP, originally this was constant stinging and burning sensation, I have had no biopsy done, I am now getting paranoid that I have been misdiagnosed and that I have actually got oral cancer,  I have made numerous visits to the dentist in this time but he has admitted that he does not know much about OLP.  Since I found the lump a week ago I have been going online and researchig large nodes in submandibular glands and it has stated that it is most likely a spread from oral cancer of either tongue floor of mouth or buccal mucosa, these are the areas where I was supposed to have OLP, I have not been able to go to work and I can not sleep at nights through the wworry my family are fed up with listening to my concerns.  I have pain in my neck and throat along with ear pain, and my mouth is very dry and sore.  

    I would appreciate some feed back many thanks

  • Hi sorry so late at posting again I didn't think anyone would've text me on this lol , the doctor that day said she couldn't feel the one which I think is around 2cm , she kept trying but couldn't feel it which was very frustrating because I know it's deffinatley there and but the other ones she could feel she said felt normal, I also discussed with her my health anxiety and she referred me for CBT which I haven't had yet I just hope when I do it's going to help with this horrendous anxiety, still got all the same nodes now , haven't changed in size I don't think but still worry me daily

  • Hi Marie.1234

    i really understand your anxiety I am exactly the same everyday!my lymph nodes have been swollen since March last year and the biggest one u der my jaw is now 2cm so it has slowly gotten bigger since March last year  where it was as measured at 1.2cm on ultrasound, In September I had an MRI and this one was 1.5cm but the report said not suspicious just slightly enlarged???I also have a rock hard one just down from my ear,my GP and ENT keep telling me they are reactive but I still have this fear it’s a cancer that’s spread there....especially as I have a small growth on my bottom eyelid same side as lymph nodes in my neck!I don’t understand if they are reactive they have never gone down?? I hope you can get some answers as to why yours are swollen, keep us updated and I wish you all the best! Xxx

  • Hi Miks77 


    sorry to to hear about your lymph nodes and anxiety , we seem to be in the same boat , I went back to the doctors a few weeks ago and they finally referred me for a scan and ent appointment but it’s not until the 5th June the waiting is driving me mad! 

    Have you told your doctors that one of your lymph nodes have grown? If nothing suspicious has shown up on neither your mri or ultra sound then that is quite reassuring but I know exactly how your feel because I never believe my doctors even though I know I should it’s a vicious circle , I will update when I’ve had my app , try not to worry too much ( easier said than done) 

    take care x

  • Hi Marie.1234

    Thanks for your reply! I did go back to my ENT dr as it’s really bothering me, i have a strange feeling in my neck under my jaw where the biggest node is almost like a throbbing definitely has not gone down and if anything feels even bigger! I have yet another appointment for an ultrasound on Thursday.... certainly is hard not to worry I’m still worried it’s related to my eye as I’ve had ongoing problem with my right eye and this is the same side as the biggest lymph node.... I hope you manage to keep busy over the next month before your appointment I totally agree it’s very hard not to think about it and waiting for appointments doesn’t help the anxiety that’s for sure,for me it’s a constant worry and I just have a bad feeling that something has been missed! I will let you know how the ultrasound goes on Thursday and I wish you all the very best. My MRI was last year in September which did show the lymph node was enlarged 1.5cm then but not suspicious apparently but this node has now been in my neck along with other smaller ones for more then a year and now it’s growing.... So far they keep telling me it’s reactive... I just would like to know what it’s “ constantly “ reacting to! Have a great evening and will chat soon!

    take care of you too! Xx

  • Hi Marie.1234

    so I had my ultrasound yesterday and the lymph node under my jaw has grown again it is now 2.5cm, the other ones are still smaller, he said it looks benign on US but it’s too big so Ent has put me on antibiotics  then a follow up ultrasound in two weeks, if it has not gone down then they will take the lymph node out and biopsy. So I’m obviously terrified as I can’t think of anything that would cause it to keep growing other then cancer. I will keep you updated, now I’m trying to focus on my three little children but it’s very hard to put this out of my mind. I hope you are feeling ok!


    take care 


  • Hi Miks,

    I am having very similar symtons to you and just wondered how you got on? I have a lesion on my left eye that I am waiting for a biopsy for. The glands on the left side of my neck have swollen up (submanibular and others) and there are several small pea sized glands on the right side of my neck. I'm terrified that my eyelid lesion is cancer (had it for 6 months now) and that it has spread to my nodes. I saw the doc this week who did blood tests that came back normal which was less reassuring in a way as I don't feel ill so was hoping there was a reason for my glands swelling and the bloods would indicate this. I hope everything is going well for you and the results were what you'd hoped for.