HPV positive but normal cell result

Hi all

I had my first smear in December 2018 since turning 25. Results came back as no abnormal cells but HPV positive. This was a shock as I didn’t even know what it was and the letter didn’t mention risk type or strain just said for me to go back for a smear in 12 months. 

I phoned my gp and she said they only test for high risk so it is a high risk strain but she didn’t have info on what one... she told me not to worry but I can’t help it  

I had the HPV jab in secondary school so I’m hoping that worked at preventing the 2 strains it is meant to! 

Im concerned at how long I may have had HPV considering it’s my first smear and I’ve been sexually active for some time. I don’t have the best immune system and was recently on antibiotics for 2 months for strep throat which I think made my immune system even weaker during the winter months. I have also had a partner of 4 years and was worried about infidelaity but have been assured HPV can lay dormant for years. 

My main worry is that a year is too long to wait but appreciate it takes the body a while to fight off. I suppose if it was serious I would have been called back for further tests but the internets information is extremely conflicting :( 

The fact it’s sexually transmitted makes me feel so dirty. I have always been extremely careful. 

  • It could be a urine infection especially if you are weeing a lot. To be honest I was so upset when I first found out last year, I felt dirty and ashamed but then I was trying to look on the positive side and think at least it was being monitored and there were no abnormal cells. It is so common. I just tried not to worry and didn't really change anything. I've still got it a year later I'm just hoping this time next year it's gone as I read it can take a couple of years to clear itself. Have you changed anything? X

  • Fingers crossed it is but I can't help thinking the worse and giggling my symptoms which I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I feel so upset aswell. Its so hard to try and relax and carry on. I'm glad we can talk about the same things. I hope it clears for u. I read it can take up to two years to clear aswell. I haven't changed anything apart from taking vitamins xx 

  • Yeah I know I was like that last year as I think it's easier to think the worst than it is to thing of the positives. It's so common and they didn't even used to test for HPV so we wouldn't even know we had it at the moment as our cells are still normal so I guess it's good they now test for it. I hope it clears for you too I'm Gona start taking vitamins or probiotics too xx

  • Yeah I know how u feel. Its so scary but hopefully we can all make each other feel better.

  • Thank you for this post. Its reassuring as its so scary

  • Thank you . It does help knowing other people are going through the same thing. I am not very good at sharing info with family members because everyone looks to me to sort their problems out. 

  • Hi all

    I'm 25 and was diagnosed HPV positive with no abnormal cells 3 days ago. Ever since I have been spending the majority of my time researching as had no idea what it was. Me and my boyfriend broke up two months ago and I'm in two minds about telling him / future partners. My doctor said I didn't need to but I think I'd feel deceptive if I didn't. I'm oversharing, but not having him in my life has made this feel so much worse and I just feel like no one else will want me now. 

    One minute I feel fine about it as it is so common, the next I feel so anxious and fearful for what is potentially to come. 

    It would be great to hear how other people have dealt with their diagnosis.




  • Hi everyone, 

    I had this same result yesterday and have been so anxious, I feel so disgusting even though it is so common, this forum has definitely helped reassure me. 

    I can completely relate, one minute I'm fine and the next I freak out. It's the prospect of what could potentially happen and the fact that you just have to wait a year. 

    I think it's a case of looking after ourselves, trying not to stress as it can compromise the immune system ( easier said than done) and talking to others that have been through the same. 

    It is nice to see that I'm not alone in how I feel! 



  • I'm in such a similar situation to you.

    My and my boyfriend of 5 years broke up a couple months ago.

    Was wondering how you then dealt with your diagnosis? 

  • Hi ladies

    So it's been just over a week since my diagnosis and I’m feeling much better. It’s a shock to begin with of course but honestly it gets better and you adjust to the news. I’ve done a hell of a lot of reading up about HPV and it’s not as bad as that dreaded diagnosis feels. I'm no longer obsessively reading up about it - thank God! 

    I’m actually feeling very positive about life - taking vitamins (women's probiotics and women's Centrum), am exercising regularly and haven’t had a cigarette since I got my results (this is a feat for me haha). I've even booked a trek to Everest base camp - something I've been meaning to do for a long time! This super common virus has given me the kick up my *** I need to really start living.

    Easier said than done but there’s really no point in stressing over it for a year. If the next smear shows irregular cells then I’ve accepted that this may lead to unpleasant procedures, BUT it’s not got to that point yet. It’s great that we’re being monitored and the chances of us getting cancer are so slim because abnormalities will be removed before this can happen. This is the beauty of regular smears!

    In terms of my ex, I haven’t told him. I might tell future partners but I’m not going to stress about it right now and will cross that bridge when it comes to it. I’ve only told my sister and best friend because people don’t need to know. It’s a hugely common virus and our bodies will very likely get rid of it before it can harm us.

    Hope this helps! Look after yourselves and your body will hopefully kick that unwanted guest out xx