HPV positive but normal cell result

Hi all

I had my first smear in December 2018 since turning 25. Results came back as no abnormal cells but HPV positive. This was a shock as I didn’t even know what it was and the letter didn’t mention risk type or strain just said for me to go back for a smear in 12 months. 

I phoned my gp and she said they only test for high risk so it is a high risk strain but she didn’t have info on what one... she told me not to worry but I can’t help it  

I had the HPV jab in secondary school so I’m hoping that worked at preventing the 2 strains it is meant to! 

Im concerned at how long I may have had HPV considering it’s my first smear and I’ve been sexually active for some time. I don’t have the best immune system and was recently on antibiotics for 2 months for strep throat which I think made my immune system even weaker during the winter months. I have also had a partner of 4 years and was worried about infidelaity but have been assured HPV can lay dormant for years. 

My main worry is that a year is too long to wait but appreciate it takes the body a while to fight off. I suppose if it was serious I would have been called back for further tests but the internets information is extremely conflicting :( 

The fact it’s sexually transmitted makes me feel so dirty. I have always been extremely careful. 

  • P.S. Don't waste your time feeling disgusting because you're not, AT ALL. I got over that feeling pretty quickly and now I just feel like regular me again. Sending lots of love x

  • Hi I'm new to this chat but I keep reading through and find it helps knowing people are in the same boat so I recently got my results back and I have hpv but normal cells I honestly cried so much because I didn't understand it as my first ever smear was normal 3 years later this and I have had the same partner I feel disgusting and so scared please can someone relate also I haven't had this vaccine as I left school after they started introducing it and I never heard of it to even follow it up to get it

  • Hi kirst, don't worry I felt the exact same. So discusted, same as you been with my partner for 4 years. So you'll be invited back for a smear in a years time, and it's probably cleared up by itself, they'll give you another one earlier if you have any kind of symptoms. Ive had mine a year after testing positive and mines all cleared up So nothing to worry about. Ps... We were the first year to get the vaccine, so obviously didn't work for me xxx

  • Hi thank you for replying I'm so glad your all clear that gives me a little hope I was just literally crying like I felt so dirty and can't help thinking it's going to make me pooorly I no they say don't stress but it's so hard.. so the vaccine is supposed to help you I so wish I would of had it xx

  • Hi 

    I feel the same as you like you said one minute you feel ok the next I'm breaking down! It me just such a hard thing to deal with because chances are we will get rid of this and carry on as normal but then you look on google and completely scare yourself 

    staying focused is so important but I totally agree with you this chat helps knowning other woman are in the same boat and it's not as unnormal as u think 


  • Hi everyone,

    I got also this scary results letter from the smear test I had back in March stating that I am high risk HPV positive but no changes in the cells. I have to make an appointment in a years time as well. No idea about the strains though NHS probably thought that a few words only and an utterly useless booklet would do the job I guess. 

    I'm extremely scared I didn't know what hpv was really even though I had the vaccine for it when I was like 12 years old (I knew it as cervix cancer vaccine) . I called my mum terrified and she wasn't sure what it was either, only that it is an STD.

    I'm in a relationship 3 years now and we stay together. We think that we might know where I got it from because before covid we had a bit of you know "sinful adventure" (I'm so so unlucky cause it was the first time I did something similar even though we were protected and asked for negative STDs test before. But I just found out that hpv cannot be tested in men anyway.) I developed a pain during sex 4 months after and on until today. Even though the last couple of weeks I feel a bit better, I have some bleeding after sex as well as green-yellow discharge.

    I went for vagina check last week cause of the above issues before I knew about the hpv and the doctor told me that everything is close to perfect down there, no wounds no scratches or warts. Can it be faulty positive at all? I have been wondering while crossing fingers. 

    My immune system is also rubbish since last May as I had to be hospitalised a couple of times (and shield for covid because of that). I am absolutely terrified and on top of that I got the astra vaccine before it was banned for under 30s and my anxiety makes me worry now for 2 things as one wasn't enough I am literally going mad.

     I also really want kids in the future and just the thought of being infertile because of hpv, cold sweat just covers me. I keep on thinking how can I be so stupid and do such stupid mistakes. I know i might overreact but I don't know what else to do it seems like I'm going from one illness to the next. Untill yesterday I have been stressed about the vaccine now i'm also stressed about the hpv, I feel like I'm gonna burst.

    I have been suffering with anxiety for years now and this situation doesn't make It easier at all. I also got a huge meltdown last May followed by some extremly stressful events which probably caused the problem that I had to be hospitalised for. Can't stop but thinking that maybe that was the moment the virus got active. 

    It was good to read this thread though, it did make me feel better and I thought I might write my story as well and get some answers or even comfort (which is quite hard to find these days).

    Finishing my long drama, does anybody know what my boyfriend has to do about hpv? He probably has it because I have it but there is no test that can detect it (or so I am reading) on him so how can he be cleared from it as well and not keep on infecting each other? I am going to ask the GP on Monday as well but it seems like there is very little information (and empathy) from gps about gynecological issues which makes me so so frustrated. Thank you for reading this though I needed to tell someone about all this cause I have been searching the Web for answers like mad. 


    Stay safe!


  • Hi 

    I'm also feeling really rubbish and anxious I have also had my results and it's positive for HPV I feel so disgusting even though we shouldn't so u need to put that bit to the back of your mind.. I didn't no much about this virus and to be honest I still don't I have spent the last 2 nights scrolling through googling crying myself to sleep.. it's not good as we need to keep focused and remember this could clear up and if you have a read through the chats girls have had this and had the all clear a year or so later.. I have a partner who I have been with for many years and I felt so disgusting he even rang his doctors but like you said there is no test for men it's just a case of there immune system to clear it.. it's a hard one because u hear one thing then other things contradict it like I'm so worried to but I have to wait a year and I can't go a year feeling like this also I haven't had the hpv vaccine either so I'm more scared now xxx

  • Hi 

    I'm in the same boat I have a normal smear 3 years ago and now this time it's positive hpv but normal cells which again I'm happy about the cells being normal but so worried about this hpv as I'm just seeming to read scarry things which I no isn't helping but I can't help but panic. Myself and my partner are also trying for a baby have been for a while and this has just thrown me back and I don't no what to do which really upsets me as it's all I want  

    I hope you get the answeres your looking for a good luck

  • Hi, 

    I'm in a similar situation right now. I received my results, which stated that I am HPV positive but have no abnormal changes, making me a low-risk patient who will need to return in 12 months' time.

    I'm 24 years old (I had my smear test 6 months before my 25th birthday) and I'm feeling very alone because I don't have many friends or family members who have had this result.  As I've been sexually active since the age of 20, it makes me wonder who and when I contracted it. With the exception of two individuals, I've always used protection.

    I keep looking for ways to improve my immune system, reduce stress, and eat a healthier diet on the internet. My main concern is whether or not I should share this information with any future partners or previous intimate partners. I've heard that in smear tests, they didn't test for HPV until 2019, which is why it's hardly mentioned.  I kind of wish I hadn't found out I had HPV, but it has definitely influenced my decision to abstain for a year or two until the virus has cleared up.

    Also, it's painful that I have to wait a year, so I'm thinking of buying an HPV kit in 6-8 months to see if I've gotten rid of it, which will hopefully put my mind at ease. But, for the time being, I believe I will have to concentrate on strengthening my immune system, as I am not the healthiest person and only eat one meal per day. 

    We've got this girl xx

  • Hi everyone, I am also in the same boat! I received my results 2 weeks ago (high risk hpv with no abnormal cells) and I have been feeling very up and down. There seems to be lot of conflicting info out there. My dr was reassuring but I'm stressing so much about what next years results will be. My next screening is also a month before I'm getting married, so not a great time to be super anxious!!

    I had my first smear in 2018, but I read that they only started testing for this in 2019 so nothing would have come up. Very stressful!! Sending love to all x