Rectal pain pressure

Hi all I would really appreciate your thoughts/experience. Since mid December I have been feeling a pressure like feeling in back passage area along with straining when I pass stools. There is intermittent mild pain almost like a pulsating pain. I have had streaks of bright red blood on toilet paper a couple of times but no bleeding from rectum or mixed in with poo. I Constantly feel as though I haven’t full evacuated and like something is stuck there. I have had bouts of diarrhoea in between but they usually only last for a few hours or at most a day. What is concerning me is that my stools are thinner not pencil thin or ribbon like but definitely narrower. I have suffered from bowel issues for Years especially constipation but GP always put it down to IBS and advised to drink more water and increase fiber intake. My GP doesn’t take me at seriously and puts my symptoms down to stress/anxiety So earlier this month I self referred to a colorectal surgeon whom I saw a couple of weeks ago. He said that although my symptoms are “vague” he is concerned about the pressure I’m experiencing. so I will be having MRI and scope but on NHS as I cannot afford private investigations. When I asked him if I should be worried he said at present time it’s impossible for him to say. I am stressing myself out as I work in cancer services and so am convincing myself it’s either anal or rectal cancer! I suffer from anxiety and in particular health anxiety I know google doesn’t help but only thing To explain my symptoms is the big C word...I’m due to start a new job in 2 weeks timing couldn’t be worse. All thoughts and advice welcome.

  • Hi,


    I have been having the same issues for around 3 weeks. Going to the toilet multiple times per day, pain and awful cramps lower down in the abdomen and constant pressure and pain in my rectum and always feel like I need to bare down. I have been in my lower back also. I'm scared it's something serious. 

    how are you feeling?

  • Hi All


    ive had this pressure feeling for the last 3 weeks. I also had a UTI at the start of this feeling. Antibiotics sorted out the UTI but I still have this pressure feeling. It starts from the very top of my legs, through my buttocks and my lower back. Can be quite intense and difficult to pinpoint where it's coming from. 


    I can't say for sure if it's related but a week before all this, my GP ran some blood tests (for unexplained B12 deficiency) and it turns out I have coeliac disease. 


    I have a feeling my coeliac disease has gone undiagnosed for some time so I'm wondering if this is some sort of flare up. I'm waiting to see a Gastroenterologist and Dietitian but will mention it to my GP next week to see what she thinks. 


    I also have problems with low folic acid and tiredness and my GP thinks that the coeliac disease is the cause for all this. 


    Hope this helps anyone who has similar symptoms. 



  • Evening all. Well enlightening read as I have suffered from most of these for a while and more than physical it has caused great psychological stress hence 3:30am chat. I have had this pressure on and of for a few years. I recently was 'diagnosed' with possible but not confirmed haemorrhoids prior to that prostatitis. Also reflux and possible hyatis hernia many years ago. The last 18 months this pressure has been on and off lasting for up to a few weeks. Relief is by splitting cheeks and passing wind even inserting a finger to redress. I have been booked for a sigmoidoscopy in 10 days time. Last week the pressure returned and occasional sharp pain and I found a pea sized lump on the opening to my sphincter initially painful which I put down to overzealous wiping one night and it had appeared by the morning and followed by the familiar pressure. 

    as mentioned although finding this chat google is never a friend as you find all the worst things and this adds to the worry. In addition at the back of my Mind is that my dad passed away from colon cancer in his 70's and although I am 30 years younger, I find myself saying some of the complaints he used to say which adds to my worry. Even now a notification popped up informing me that the black panther actor just died from colon cancer at my age adding further worry to my cause. 

    I await the bank holiday for my go for this lump and then a further week for the sigmoidoscopy. It's been relieving and enlightening to read this thread and is why I joined and contributed.

  • My husband has been suffering for the last 5 1/2 months with excruciating stabbing pain, so bad he hasn't been able to work. He has been examined by 3 doctors and a consultant who all said it was piles. He is now incontinent and has to wear pads as he's constantly leaking. Last week he saw a specialist after keeping on for an appointment, she was disgusted he has been left this long in so much pain. She took one look and said  that it is not piles, they don't last that long. She ordered a MRI and colonoscopy which he has next week. He had a sigmoidoscopy a few weeks ago which showed he had a cluster of large polyps. My dad had bowel cancer 10 years ago which was caused by a 5cm polyp, he was lucky he had 9" of bowel removed and a temporary stoma, thankfully he made a full recovery and had the stoma reversed. The specialist my husband saw last week was the same one my dad had, she's brilliant so we're feeling very positive.

  • Jumping on this as some of my symptoms are very similar :(


    A few days ago I felt some discomfort in the left buttock, felt pretty horrid and now I have a horribly uncomfortable pressure beneath my tail bone/in the rectum area. I can barely sit down and medications aren't helping. Four weeks ago I developed cramps in my stomach which became constant pain/discomfort in my right side, which then became pressure and a UTI sensation around my bladder with period like cramps (but no infection was found), and now the pain is around the tail bone. I had a fecal sample sent away 2 weeks ago (results came back a week ago and they only looked at the results yesterday and gave me an appointment to discuss what they have found on Monday), but this pain has started while I've been waiting. It's like a something has been inserted and has been inflated inside. It's so painful to sit on, and I'm going to call the doctors about it tomorrow as its a symptom they are unaware of. Bowel movements have varied for over a year and I had severe stomach pains last year I just shrugged off as stress due to finishing uni last year. Recently I have felt quite constipated, but haven't had any bleeding. Feeling gasser than normal, the pain goes for a few seconds when I pass gass but then comes back almost immediately.


    Just wish I knew what it was, feeling pretty frightened now :/



  • Jumping in this old thread, but reading your comments I think this is exactly my problem

  • Hi I hope you don't mind me asking how you got on. I've had the same symptoms. However culture sample, fit test were both negative. I did test positive for h pylori though which I'm now on a cocktail of abx. I have still got the "lump" which I'm sure is a haemorrhoid that won't go away because I'm tense all the time! Diazepam takes the pressure feeling.l away. Hope your ok. 

  • It's all to do with stress .my story this year is I was getting so stressed with work then it makes your immune system very week then the flu comes mixed with anxiety then pains in the body then then I was having Sharp pains in my bum when I opened my bowels .. I'm hoping next year would be better .. I have changed my diet and started excised


  • Hi, 

    just reading your post and wondered what other symptoms you have had please? I have been experiencing looser stools most mornings and I am passed myself with worry at what it can be. I have had bleeding a couple of times this year and doctor has said piles. 
    I have a rash that will not go away I had some blood tests done and they have found low B12. 
    I have been feeling pressure in bottom for last few days and last night it woke me. 
    I am constantly googling my symptoms and it's taking over my life.

    Thanks in advance x

  • Hi all,


    for the last three weeks I've had lower stomach cramps constantly. Not noticed any blood in stool or had loose movements. I am making myself sick with worry spending hours on google. I have had bloods done and rectal examination. Bloods were all fine except inflammatory markers slightly raised but GP didn't seem concerned. I'm also having pain in the rectum like shooting pains and hurts to sit for a long time. I am so anxious it's taking over. I am barely eating due to the stress. 

    any advice appreciated x