Rectal pain pressure

Hi all I would really appreciate your thoughts/experience. Since mid December I have been feeling a pressure like feeling in back passage area along with straining when I pass stools. There is intermittent mild pain almost like a pulsating pain. I have had streaks of bright red blood on toilet paper a couple of times but no bleeding from rectum or mixed in with poo. I Constantly feel as though I haven’t full evacuated and like something is stuck there. I have had bouts of diarrhoea in between but they usually only last for a few hours or at most a day. What is concerning me is that my stools are thinner not pencil thin or ribbon like but definitely narrower. I have suffered from bowel issues for Years especially constipation but GP always put it down to IBS and advised to drink more water and increase fiber intake. My GP doesn’t take me at seriously and puts my symptoms down to stress/anxiety So earlier this month I self referred to a colorectal surgeon whom I saw a couple of weeks ago. He said that although my symptoms are “vague” he is concerned about the pressure I’m experiencing. so I will be having MRI and scope but on NHS as I cannot afford private investigations. When I asked him if I should be worried he said at present time it’s impossible for him to say. I am stressing myself out as I work in cancer services and so am convincing myself it’s either anal or rectal cancer! I suffer from anxiety and in particular health anxiety I know google doesn’t help but only thing To explain my symptoms is the big C word...I’m due to start a new job in 2 weeks timing couldn’t be worse. All thoughts and advice welcome.

  • Hi gosh haven't been on here in a it turned out I had a small polyp which they removed during the colonoscopy, but consultant did not think it would have caused the symptoms. I think it was mainly due to anxiety and stress. I had a bad spell health wise this time last year I wasn't in a very good place mentally and I think that the stress triggered a number of health issues and as I was working for cancer services at the time (and had done 3-4 years prior) so day in day out I was surrounded by cancer and patients stories I would be made aware of who had similar symptoms to me I convinced myself I had the same. I now had left the NHS completely and am in a totally different headspace best decision I ever made. So I would say to anyone in the situation I found myself in as hard as it is try not to think of worst case scenario and important DO NOT GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS. It does you no good as any symptom you have will be linked to cancer in some way or another. 

  • Hi,

    I know this is an older post but was wondering did you get a colonoscopy and was all ok. Hiw ling before pain went away. I have similar to what you described and am extremely worried. 

  • Hi 

    How did you get on with your scope? How all was well, I have all same symptoms, feel like I'm going mad 

  • Hi.

    Just wondering how did your tests go, was all ok, going through same at moment 

  • Hi ya .. any update on yourself .. how did u discover you has internal heamorroids? I've have pressure in buttocks and red bleeding on bowel movements.  Painless though 

  • Hi .. can I ask how u got diagnosed with internal piles ?.

  • Hi.

    i didn't have internal hemhorroids. I ended up with external thrombosed hemhorroids from the pressure I experienced as it made me think I needed to either pass wind or have a bowel movement when I didn't so strained - a lot!! Never experienced so much anxiety then I am doing over my bottom - literally. 
    after the pressure then thrombosed hems I ended up with muscle pain to my anal sphincter from the prep used for my colonoscopy which lasted about a month and a half.

    been absolutely fine since mid Feb until beginning of April. Now got a constant burning sensation in my anal area :angry: 

    gp now thinks I've caused irriation and small hems from wiping too much/hard trying to get 'clean' after being left with loose skin. 
    It's been an absolute pain the ***... literally!


    have you tried anusol with hydrocortisone suppositories and/or cream?

    i never experienced any bleeding last time or this time. Haven't got the pressure in rectum this time. 


  • Thankyou for replying..I've had red blood and mucus in bowel movement.  Alot later . Thinking painless but have this dull ache in my butt aswell like a pressure.. had 2 rectal examinations and found no piles just wondering if higher.  Over got a ironing business so have ben  on my feet alot so.wonderin if that had caused the pile if it is one 

  • No worries! I know how daunting and stressful it is. If you haven't been through it it's hard to explain.

    i am assuming you've been to the gp with you having examination?