Abnormal stool sample

Hi everyone,

I have ad a phone call of the doctors saying my stool sample is abnormal. And that I after do another one to confirm it. That's all the reception said to me im going out of my mind that it's something serious. I have ad abdominal pain now for 18months ad ultra sounds and bloods last Christmas they was clear. Still been having pain and done a stool sample this time and abnormal. Anyone ad anything similar? I'm a 28 year old male


  • Hi Dyas,

    First of all, try not to worry too much. Yes, I know it is easier to say. But I have to tell you that being under stress can affect your stomach even more and you'll probably see more "symptoms" that are just caused by your mind.

    Did they tell you just to repeat your stool sample? No new appointment with the doctor? Since you have to go back to the lab, you can ask for the results and they should give it to you so you can know what's the "abnormality". Although I would wait for a doctor to explain them since an abnormal result alone could be different things and Google will tell you for sure it is cancer. But don't worry, Google even says fever is cancer or HIV. 

    So, try to contact your doctor so he can give you more information and get that new sample done.

    Best of luck!

    Btw: I had awwwful pain and it ended being lactose intolerance, no cancer at all.

  • Yea I just had the same message from my doctor my stool sample came back abnormal they want me to repeat it I've got pain to and blood when going to toilet now I'm panicking hopefully for nothing of course 

  • I think a lot of us have had abnormal stool samples, and most of the time it turns out to be nothing serious. 

    I had an abnormal sample when I did my first bowel screening at 60 (nearly 6 years ago).  I had to do two more full sets, and both of those were clear.  A year later, after repeated symptoms of diverticulitis my GP sent me for a colonoscopy. That confirmed diverituclar disease, but no trace of cancer. 

    The stool sample is a good screening tool, but on its own it's insufficient to prove cancer.  In fact, most people with blood in their stool do turn out not to have cancer in the digestive tract.  I should also add that at age 28, digestive tract cancer is highly unlikely.  I'm not a doctor, but at your age I was suffering from quite severe IBS symptoms.