Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Hi there. Sorry for the delayed response, but your post caught my eye. Do you happen to know if your gf had a fecal calprotectin test before she was referred for her colonoscopy? Thanks!

  • First time posting, I have had some anxiety for some time concerning potential bowel cancer as I have had ongoing symptoms in the bowels for some time (blood, mucus, discomfort and more recently fatigue), as someone who also has a long term and quite pronounced anxiety disorder, to worry like that is not unusual for me , however I have a colonoscopy coming up in the next 8 days and, as I expected, I am particularly nervous. My doctor turned me away several times last year saying diversicolis or ibs, only when I mentioned mucus this year did he refer me, I wonder if there are certain conditions that have to be met before they are allowed to forward you on?

    im very sorry for anyone here who has gone through their ordeals, but also heartened to see that most people were found to be mostly well in the end, at least with non life threatening outcomes. I am also very happy to see such a friendly community and such supportive individuals.

    Coming on here is actually a breath of fresh air, instead of going to google or YouTube and finding every response to be late stage cancer, to see people with similar symptoms actually for the most part having less dramatic conditions does help strike a much needed balance, regardless of the eventual outcome, I know that I immediately felt calmer just reading through some of these posts.

    It is sad to see that this terrible illness is on the rise in younger people, I feel that regardless of what the outcome will be of my own investigations, it has opened my eyes to the importance of early detection and diagnosis, and I will most certainly be looking to support charities like this one in the future that aim to get the word out there to educate people on the importance of this. I completely agree with many here that screening should begin at a younger age (although I appreciate the cost to the nhs), I myself never realised how important it was until my own recent scare or that it could be such a silent menace until often it is too late.

    All the very best.

  • How did your colonoscopy go?

    I have had rectal bleeding intermittent for 10months now. I have seen several doctors and they see their is a fissure and give me ointment to use. 

    The fissure will not heal and im not convinced that is not the only problem. My anxiety is through the roof as i cannot get a referral for a sigmoidoscopy as they believe this where the blood is coming from.

    I have had no weight loss, i am not tired (ive been training for half marathons), i go twice a day roughly the same time. I have occasional gas and abdominal pain but again im not sure if this is anxiety build up. 

    Too much information but i have had rectal discharge too. The doctor did a swab and came back all clear. Its asif the fissure is leaking mucus (if that is possible). I really really need a sigmoidoscopy for my mental well-being. I just need some clarification. If the cream they are prescribing me is not working, surely its something else??

    My stools have not changed in terms of consistency, however there is mucus and a small amount of blood when i wipe.

  • Thank you for asking, but it is not until Wednesday.

    I believe my consultant did say that one of the things that can potentially cause mucus is a fissure, however I am not a doctor myself of course so please do not take what I say as gospel. I had a fissure once myself, it was quite painful, if I remember I fixed things eventually with exercise, Salt baths, and suppositories. Sitting down for way too long has always been my worst enemy.

    I suppose there's always the private option if you feel you absolutely need it and are not getting past your GP. You sound as anxious as I feel, so I do hope that it works out for you soon :)

  • It was fine in the end, the prep was the worst part, the actually investigation was almost entirely pain free. The better you bowel prep the faster and easier it have a lot of funky looking mucosa in the lower sigmoid so my initial diagnosis is proctitis, waiting for biopsy results. Nothing obviously "bad" although having an ibd isn't great. It has spurred me to start looking after myself better.

    very best of luck with yours js57 and others :)

  • Hiya,

    So I woke up after being fairly constipated yesterday with a burning sensation under my breast bone and asssumed it was just heartburn, however I've been to the loo and have slightly pink mucus in my stool? I'm only 20 but this week my stomach has been all over the place between constipation and diarrhoea. My poor boyfriend has had to comfort me but I'm still very anxious now. Thought I was going to faint but think it was from shock. Reading this chat has reassured me a little bit, but can anyone ease my mind a little more?

  • How was the biopsy results? 

    Ive booked in to see the doctor again. I have been fine for almost a week, and here we go again the blood has come back. I cant get a break. It affects my mental health so much. I physically feel fine. No real abdominal pain, not tired, no change in bowel habit. Something is obviously not right. 

  • Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in here and joining you but I've had some blood in my stool, a positive fit test and been referred for a coloniscopy.

    I'm so scared. I've had stomach problems for years and years but never passed any blood until last week. I was also diagnosed with anaemia back in March but my Gp put this down to heavy periods.

    Will read back through this thread but just wanted to say hi

  • Hi Everyone

    I have been reading these threads and wanted to offer some reassurance.

    So blood in your stool and or mucus can be worrying and it sets off your threat system which in return brings on anxiety.

    When I was 22 I had two hospitilations.  I was diagnosed with Crohns and put on medication.  I am 44 now and have managed to live a perfectly normal life and have a lovely 5 year old Daughter.

    Its a scary experiance, but it definately doesnt mean the worse.  :) 

  • Back in 2014, My wife had a colonoscopy, she was having problems with constipation, It  was found she had a large polyp, The specailist showed a photo on his screen, and said if the wife had not had the colonoscopy when she did, the conversation would have been totally different nature.. the photo he had was of the polyp the head of the polyp was black in colour and rough, she was told it had cancer cells in the polyp.  In 2019 it was discovered she had cancer in her lungs, but they were to small to take biopies. So while they were keeping an eye on this, in May 2020 she was told she had colon cancer, and it was terminal. she died 6 weeks after it was diagnosed.  Because I was the wifes full time carer I did notice she was passing blood in her stools. I begged her to have it checked.  But she refused.. I did mention it to our GP, But he said because of patient privacy, he could not talk about the wife, and unless she went to him and asked about getting checked there was nothing he could do.

    I was diagnosed with liver cancer begining of January 2020. and have recently had a colonoscopy. I had five polyps and scrapes taken, that was over a month ago, and still haven't had the results back.

    All I can do is just wait. this has had a knock on effect. any thoughts abouts being assessed for a liver transplant has been put on hold.