Thyroid nodule...inconclusive biopsy and possible surgery

Hi Everyone, 

I went to the doctors with a pulled neck muscle around 3 months ago and whilst she was examining me she found 2 swollen lymph nodes which she wanted checking out so I was referred for an ultra sound scan. Whilst having my scan they found a small nodule on my thyroid but was reassured that it looked fine but he would be mentioning it on my report. I was then referred to ent by my gp and the consultant there had a good look at my throat etc and seemed unconcerned but wanted the thyroid consultant to look at it. When I got to the thyroid consultant he seemed very concerned  and told me the nodule looked “abnormal” and was sent straight for a biopsy! After a a scary 2 weeks my results have come back as inconclusive and I have been given the option of another biopsy or to have it removed. Forgot to mention that my thyroid is also slightly over active and I have an appt with endricology in Nov. 

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? My anxiety is through the roof 



  • Hi Lola, 

    I had my result appointment today after waiting 3 weeks since my FNA and CT scan so I can fully understand how nervous you must be feeling right now. I was the exact same as you, I was able to block it out right up until I had a new appointment come through.

    My results confirm that I have multiple nodules around/on thyroid gland and although the FNA came back as “normal” they still can’t 100% tell me that it’s not cancer as there is one nodule in particular which has shown an increase in blood flow on every scan they’ve done which is causing concern and it’s luck of the draw as to which nodule the radiologist chose to take the cell from.  I’ve basically been told that I need surgery so they can determine once and for all whether I have a cancer or not and if so, the rest of my thyroid is getting removed. The consultant has reassured me that it’s unlikely to be cancer but the risk is still there. I feel relieved that there is a plan in place to get this sorted however it’s also a bit annoying that I don’t have a definite answer of what it is yet!

    Always here to talk if you need to - sometimes it’s easier venting to a stranger and somebody that’s going through the same xxxx 



  • Hi RLJ0304,

    I hope you are well.  Have they given you a waiting time or date for you operation?  This not knowing seems to be very difficult.


    Hi Emma,

    How are you doing?  Have you been given an appointment for your surgery?  I hope all is well.


    I have my appointment today with the consultant to discuss the results.  I am nervous but also relieved that the date has now come where I might get some answers, seems like such a long time since I was told that I might have cancer.  I have a busy week so trying to concentrate on that rather than the appointment.  Its hard to maintain focus today.


  • Hey! I had my pre operation assessment last Friday - I am on the urgent list so I imagine I’ll receive a date for surgery anytime now. I’m kind of hoping it’ll be in January so I can enjoy Christmas as they’ve said the recovery can take up to 3 weeks, but they can’t promise me anything! How did your results go? Xxxx

  • Hi , I’m looking for advice . I had a double biopsy on my thyroid 27 th August . Nodules on both sides . I went back for my results 17 th September  and was told the nodule on right was benign ( relief) but the ones on left were inconclusive . Now I’ve waited for the last 6 and a 1/2 weeks to see what they propose doing . They were having a meeting to decide , which I wasn’t asked to attend . My doctor says I should have operation as something def wrong with nodules on left , also my sister had her thyroid removed 6 months ago for cancer . What should I do 

  • Hi, do you have a consultant you can contact? 6 weeks seems a long time for results! I’d be chasing every day. Don’t be shy or embarrassed to do so. I think if it came back as cancerous then you should have had it removed by now and at least a plan of action in place. 

  • Hi,

    I have just had a lobectomy on the left of my thyroid over a week ago for papillary carcinoma. Size estimated to be around 3.4cm, which will be confirmed by pathology.

    The nodule was found by chance during a routine  visit (was having  my bloods checked by my gp the end of March). Reason I went to gp was I had been told I got thin in the face and pale looking. The nodule felt solid and could be seen when I swallowed by my gp. I had no symptoms and was healthy up until this. Bloods were all ok (including thyroid function).

    Gp referred me for an ultrasound which was conducted in early/mid April which showed one nodule on the left lobe. Early may I got a cancellation spot for a consult with endocrinologist who examines nodule, reflexes and listed symptoms to see if I had any (which I didn't). He took a blood sample and ecg (all were ok), said it could be benign but will do a biopsy to make sure.

    Longest wait ever to get my biopsy. In mid August I had my FNA biopsy which was not as bad as I thought i'td be. Results from it took around 6 days -papillary carcinoma was the diagnosis. I then got referred to the endocrinologist in mid September (same one I saw in May) who referred me to an endocrine surgeon for a consult. Surgeon told me plan to remove left lobe as nodule was <4cm. Said I shouldn't need treatment. Consult with surgeon was end of September who gave me surgery date for Oct 24th.

    Had pre op assessment which involved having bloods, bp, health questionnaire/medical history, ecg and vocal cord check which was ok. 9 days over op and doing quite good. Voice slightly hoarse but that should pass, can eat ok, have to be careful with neck movements (was hard to get comfy in bed first few days after), didn't need much pain relief at all (some after op through canula and 2 panadol night after op). They measure BP after it and had me on iv. Took bloods next am which were ok for calcium (that was my ticket home the next day). Wound healing good so far. Have apt with surgeon nov 22nd to check progress. Hope this helps someone who is in similar situation.

  • Hi everyone 

    Sorry I’ve not been on here much but I’ve been having a much needed break from worrying! 

    This is my update... I went to discuss surgery with my consultant... but I ended up seeing one of his colleagues who wasn’t convinced I needed surgery so it was put to me that I have a second biopsy (though if I really wanted surgery I could still have it) this was the most awful experience, it was far worse than my 1st and they hit a blood vessel. Anyway less than a week later I got the result of benign! Yay! 

    However because I’ve had 2 different sets of results they are scanning and biopsying my nodule every 3 months for a year... any changes to size or biopsy results and it will be removed.please keep your fingers crossed for me! 

    I hope you are all well! 

    Emma xxx

  • Further update

    Latest FNA was inconclusive with cells showing a 5-50% of it being cancerous. I'm now booked in for a hemithyroidectomy in 2 weeks! I'm feeling so anxious! 

    Has anyone else had this surgery? How can I expect to feel afterwards? 

    Emma x


  • Hi Emma, 

    I had this surgery 5 weeks ago. I stayed in for one night and was loving the morphine. I was able to drive a week after and am feeling ok. My scar is still swollen and tender- not sure if that’s normal. Feel free to message me with any questions you may have. 


    With best wishes, sophie xxx 

  • Hi Emma, I first had a scan in december then the Dr could not access the results, they asked for scan and biopsy.In Jan Ultrasound decided to just do scan not biopsy. I then got an appointment for biopsy ( scan number 3) I saw surgeon 2 weeks ago and the surgeon wanted left side done as lump is 3cm, original biopsy done on right as synographer decided right side looked more sinister although was smaller. Saw consultant 10 days ago and he said right side is t3 in conclusive but still wants left side done. Had that done last wednesday. had appointment to see consultant on 1st April, synographer said try get a cancellation after he did left side. I have now got one for 11th April but going out of my mind with worry. I just want it out. I feel your pain xx