Thyroid nodule...inconclusive biopsy and possible surgery

Hi Everyone, 

I went to the doctors with a pulled neck muscle around 3 months ago and whilst she was examining me she found 2 swollen lymph nodes which she wanted checking out so I was referred for an ultra sound scan. Whilst having my scan they found a small nodule on my thyroid but was reassured that it looked fine but he would be mentioning it on my report. I was then referred to ent by my gp and the consultant there had a good look at my throat etc and seemed unconcerned but wanted the thyroid consultant to look at it. When I got to the thyroid consultant he seemed very concerned  and told me the nodule looked “abnormal” and was sent straight for a biopsy! After a a scary 2 weeks my results have come back as inconclusive and I have been given the option of another biopsy or to have it removed. Forgot to mention that my thyroid is also slightly over active and I have an appt with endricology in Nov. 

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? My anxiety is through the roof 



  • Hi Emma,

    I am in a very similar position at the moment however I am waiting for my biopsy results to come back. I had the biopsy done last Monday along with a CT scan. Having spoken to my consultants secretary, she’s advised that my CT results are back however the biopsy results are still with the lab (even though my radiologist at the time told me they’d be back within 4 days). They won’t tell me my CT results until I get my biopsy back so the consultant can paint a full picture which is understandable. 

    I have lumps on both sides of my thyroid, the right coming in at 4mm. My consultant has told me he’s pretty certain I’ll need surgery in the near future but I’m not sure if they’ll remove the whole thyroid or not yet.

    I have been told that it could be thyroid cancer from one doctor and the next isn’t so sure - so I’m really unsure what I am supposed to think - just trying to stay positive and block it out but I still haven’t got a results appointment booked which is frustrating!! I was told I must cancel a two week holiday for these tests and it’s been 8 weeks since my initial two week urgent referral. 

    I feel frustrated for you that after a long two week wait your results have come back as inconclusive and you’re now having to weigh up the pros and cons of having surgery or opting for another biopsy. Hopefully you’ll figure it out and stay positive (easier said than done - I know!) 





  • Hi, i had a large nodule last year and my results came back as negative however due to the size I had half of my thyroid removed (it was approx 5cm but the operation was optional). Once removed over a year later they sent it to histology and today I was officially told that I have cancer. However it’s the best of bad news as the one I have is the most common which is easily and quickly curable and it is contained. Looks like I’ll need the remainder of my thyroid removed and possible radiaiodine treatment but this is being confirmed tomorrow when I go back. 

    Im always available if you want to message me with any questions. It appears the waiting for results is the worst! I had to wait a month! X

  • Ah sorry to hear the news but it sounds like you are looking at it from a positive aspect which is good! Might sound like a weird question but do you feel a sense of relief now they’ve got to the bottom of it? That’s why I’m so desperate to hear my results as I just want to know the next steps whether it be surgery or whatever else as at the minute I feel like I’ve got no control over the situation whilst waiting for results!! 

    Thank you so much and same to you! Sometimes it’s easier to talk to strangers than it is family as I worry more about worrying them than I do about this whole thing! 

    Hope you get on ok today with finding out next steps! Xxx 

  • Yes I was extremely relieved when I found out the news, and if you do have to have the operation as a precaution (even if it comes back non cancerous) then it’s really not bad at all x

  • Thank you for your replies...

    I’m so anxious about the whole thing. I’m now waiting to hear back from the nurse so she can explain what the inconclusive result actually means as I have no idea. 

    RLJ0304 I hope you get your results soon 



  • Hey Emma ! I called ENT today and they’ve told me my appointment has been requested but I still don’t have a date. Apparently it’s a “6 week follow up” from the date of my scan and biopsy so I may have to wait a month as well... the consultants secretary is back in on Monday so I’ll chase up then, wish they could say something over the phone! My biopsy could well be with the lab still...! 


    Have you heard from the nurse yet? I can’t imagine how you must be feeling now but I’m always hear to chat to if you want too! Xxx

  • Hi Emmalou,

    I've had a lobectomy for papillary thyroid cancer two and a half weeks ago. I'm back at work, no problems.

    It really isn't anything to be concerned about and in fact for small, contained papillary carcinomas they are actually thinking of stopping calling it 'cancer'. My nodule was 1.8cm.

    What I'm saying is that even if cancerous, in the majority of cases, thyroid cancer is easily treated and almost always curable.

    If you do have only the one nodule and below 4cm in size the current guidelines are that only that lobe of the thyroid is removed, not the full gland. From research the majority of ongoing issues relate to the full removal of the gland when uneccessary leaving the patient dependent upon hormone replacement for life. If your surgeon ever did recommend full removal please raiswe this point.

    I had Hodgkins lymphoma 11 years ago and this was a breeze compared to that! :-) (Hopefully).

    All the best.

  • Hi! 

    6 weeks is a long time to worrying about your results! Hopefully if you speak to them on Monday they might be able to push it forward! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! 

    My nurse called on Friday and explained my inconclusive results in plain English and I’ve decided to go ahead and have surgery. Just waiting for an appt now to see my consultant. 

    Again thanks for the reply 

    Take care

    Emma xx

  • Hey Emma! How are things? I have my results appointment at the beginning of next week! 3 weeks after my initial biopsy and CT scan so thankfully I’m not waiting much longer; will keep you updated! Xx 

  • Hi Emma,

    Oddly enough I have just logged on looking for support with a very similar situation.  I am still in the waiting zone unfortunately and its driving me nuts today, I cant concentrate.

    I had an accidental thyroid discovery after they did an ultrasound to inspect a lump in my neck gland on one side.  It was graded as looking suspicious via ultrasound and they did an FNA now nearly three weeks ago.  I have called them a couple of times and today I have been given an appointment to discuss with a consultant.  This worries me because in my head if it was clear perhaps they would just send a letter?

    Today I am very frustrated because of knowing I have to wait another 2 weeks (I found the original lumps in January) and that the consultant wants to discuss the findings with me.  I got quite upset at work but managed to escape for a walk before anyone noticed.  My logical brain is trying to say - dont read into the appointment and realistically if it was serious surely I would have had a quicker appointment.  But I know this is not neccessarily an indicator.

    Any tips for the waiting?  I seem to have a flare up of being angry/ anxious/ stressed each time I get a new appointment through but then I seem to within a couple of weeks only have it at the back of my mind.  So right now I am in that stressed/ anxious cant sit still mode!

    I am finding it quite hard to find support in the sense that I dont want to tell my family as to not worry them and friends my age dont really seem to understand or want to talk about it.  So I have kept it only to myself and a couple of people.  People get a bit awkward talking about these things, which is understandable I guess.

    I hope your surgery goes well.