Raised ca125 and symptoms

Hi Eveyone.

i am new to the forum. Just looking for some other stories similar to mine really. I went to the doctor after noticing pain in my lower tummy for quite some time along with regular bloating. I had blood tests done and results came back same day with a raised ca125 of 38 and elevated ESR levels. I am aware the cut off is 35 so 38 doesn’t strike me as drastic but along with other symptoms I am quite worried. The past few days my tummy pains have since carried over to my lower back and I feel constantly nauseous (near enough on the verge of throwing up but never do) however I’m not sure if this is a symptom or from nerves. I have an appointment with gynaecologist for scan 20/08/18. 


  • Hi All,

    I know this is quite an old post from when it began but I am just wondering if anybody has any updates to how they have got on?

    Three weeks ago I had a CA125 test and it came back at 41 and I was referred for an US. I told the Doctor it was the last day of my period when I had the test and so a week later I retested and it had come down to 36 which, although it’s not under 35 I thought it was reassuring it had come down a bit rather than going up. I had an US a few days ago and it was clear, apart from a small fibroid which is 1.2cm that I’ve had for a couple of years.

    The sonographer told me she couldn’t see anything to be worried about and that my womb and ovaries looked fine and confirmed the small fibroid was there still. I left feeling so relieved.

    The next morning, I had a review booked at my GO surgery and assumed she would say there was nothing to worry about because the scan was clear. Instead she has referred me back to gynaecology on the 2 week pathway for suspected cancer and I am now absolutely terrified.

    Apart from a bit of spotting between periods, which I honestly thought was ovulation bleed, my only other symptoms are bowel related. I’ve had a clear FIT and am on a standard waiting list already for Gastroenterology.

    I have since read the CA125 can be raised for other cancers in addition to just ovarian cancer and I’m so worried now. I’m paranoid of every little ache or pain I feel and I now have to wait another 12 days before my gynaecology appointment.

    I am in my early 40’s and still having regular periods with no signs of menopause.

    Just wondering if anybody who’s been in a similar situation has had any, hopefully positive results?

    I am sorry for the long post and thank you to anybody who takes the time to read it.