Just been to the Breast Clinic...

So a couple of weeks ago I was having a shower the night before going for a cervical smear and as I ran my hands down my breasts I felt a lump in the left one a few centimetres above the nipple. Obviously it worried me immediately so the next day I booked an emergency appointment and saw a doctor that same morning after the cervical smear. She put in for an urgent referral and this morning I went with my husband and 10-month old baby to the Breast Clinic.

The doctor felt my breast and remarked that the lump was quite big then sent me off for an ultrasound. The sonographer did the ultrasound and then said that she would like to do a biopsy and also aspirate the lymph node (not sure if that’s the correct terminology?) on that side. I was then sent back to the first doctor, who showed us the ultrasound and in her exact words said “we’re not exactly sure what it is”, however the lump had jagged edges and she said she thought it was a 3 but the sonographer has graded it a 4. I now have an appointment for next Wednesday to find out the results.

I just don’t know what to do with myself. Two hours later and I’ve only just stopped crying. How do I get through 8 days of this agonising wait to find out if I have cancer, which right now seems more than likely? I’m only 27 years old, I married my incredible husband 3 years ago, we have the most beautiful baby girl in the world and were just talking last week about starting to try for number 2 soon. My life is just getting started!!

  • Thank you so much for your sweet and kind words of support. So sorry that you’re having to go through this. How is it all going?

    May I ask how you knew it was cancer from the moment you found your lump?

  • Hope you OK hun. 


    I'm going through the same thing worrying but I haven't had any tests yet but they found a lump in my right breast. 


  • Hard to say.

    I worked out I had endometriosis when I was in my late teens.  I'd never heard of it, then heard the word mentioned and something just hit my brain that that word meant something to me.  Went to my GP, asked if it could be the cause of all the problems I was having, she agreed it was highly likely.  Got exploratory surgery and sure enough.

    I just seem to know my body very well, which is good cause with the fibroadenoma and the number of lumps I've had with that I'd have been at the GP all the time.  I also have always had a gut that my mum's cancer was genetic (even though we had no other women in the family to go on) and always had a feeling I'd get it 'young'.  I have been asking for early screening for years and this time I wasn't leaving the surgery without a referral.  Thank goodness given it was already stage 3 as the actual lump wasn't palpable due to all my glandular tissue.

    Weird I know, I'm a scientist too not someone that gets caught up in hype or anything, but I always seem to have known my body for some reason.

  • Too right...same for me...good luck and keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

  • I’m glad you had a nice day with your family :) it’s so hard with loved ones, I almost feel guilty for not telling them as if it was the other way round I’d want to know. I just hope it’s not cancer for the 2 of us, I’m sure you’re the same I’m worried about how my family would cope rather then myself.

    your appointment will be tomorrow is it? Good luck if so and please let me know how it goes, fingers crossed for you! I’ll be thinking of you x

  • Yes it’s tomorrow afternoon at 3:30pm. Thanks for your wishes and I hope more than anything that I’ll be able to come back here with good news! x

  • Unfortunately it was bad news. They found cancer cells in the lump and in the lymph nodes so chemotherapy starts in 3 weeks time and in the meantime they want to do a bone scan and CT scan, as well as genetic testing and fertility consultation. It truly feels like a nightmare come true but strangely at the same time I feel calmer than I did over the past 8 days while I was waiting for the results. I guess I’m here to stay on this board for a while and am one of that very small percentage of women who got breast cancer before even hitting 30.

  • I'm so sorry to hear this. I went to the breast clinic on the same day you did, so I've been following your post and I can totally relate to the agony of waiting for the results. I hope things look up once you know exactly what you're dealing with xx

  • Thanks. I’m still trying to process it all but also determined to stay positive.

    Did you get your results back yet? Fingers crossed for good news for you x

  • So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Ive just read this thread and really feel for you! I had my biopsy yesterday and have been spending a very unproductive day trawling the internet and going over and over things in my mind. I need to just wait 8 days until I see the consultant on Friday.

    I can relate to your reluctance to tell family other than those you live with. I feel the same, I don't want to worry them possibly unnecessarily, but it would be good to be able to talk. I guess that is what these forums really help with. Good luck with your treatment.